In the novel Lord of The Flies, Golding creates an emphasis on the importance of human advancement not regression through a political societal allegory. The group came to the island as civilized children and have now started to regress to savage like behavior. “Then Jack grabbed maurice and rubbed the stuff [blood] over his cheeks” (194). From this quote we can see that the group has become less civilized. The act of smearing blood on the your face is not an act a normal person would do more so an act that someone who has become less civilized would do. Becoming less civilized is the opposite of what the group came from they came to the island civilized and have now became less civilized. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” (186). In …show more content…
It’s a gift.” (120). When the group decided to give a offering to the beast they were believing in something spiritual to change a future negative outcome. This can be seen as an uncivilized act because, an offering to an animal or figure isn't commonly used in modern civilized societies, offerings like this are most commonly found in ancient civilizations like the Mayans that did blood sacrifices as offerings to a higher power. This can be seen as a society step back within the civilization because, the group in a situation where they don't have the basic securities most civilized societies have so they resorted to an archaic means of protection through hope. This can be related to what was going on after the war because, people didn't always have the basic securities so they depended on religion for protection. This can be related to the Early Medieval Ages when they didn't have as much security that modern civilizations do, and that caused an increase in religion because, they relied on religion for protection. Lastly, because of the lack of security within the society turned to uncivilized acts in order to gain that essential
In the book Lord of the flies by William Golding, around 15 boys between the ages of 9 to 12 were left stranded on a deserted island. As they navigate through the ways of survival, many of the boys find their cause to fall into savagery. Throughout Lord of the flies, Golding draws a fine line between savagery and civilization as the novel progresses. The author suggests that human nature has an inborn sense of savagery, and evil that lies within that is only controlled by the pull of civilization.
Edgar Allen Poe is most often recognized, and certainly most famous, for his poem “The Raven” as well as other decidedly dark and often gothic poems and stories, stories such as “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Telltale Heart” “The Cask of Amontillado.” He also wrote many others mostly involving rather macabre, dark topics and characters as well as heavy themes such as insanity, madness, incest, murder and revenge. While this reputation is certainly well earned there is another side of Poe that is not quite so obvious. Poe was also a master of humor, especially in the use of parody and satire. One might ask how is it that a writer with such an inclination towards the darker side of humanity can
Jamaica, a small island, in the Caribbean, known for its music and rich culture. The people are vibrant and live by the motto “we don’t have problems, we have situations.” One will most likely never hear the word “depression’ thrown around in Jamaica. But, does it exists? Sure it does! Only not as much as the United States, and there is minimal need for prescription medications. Many people, living in Jamaica, utilize music, and the land (therapeutic streams, walks in the valleys, and the beaches) to heal their sorrows. Many people within the United States do not have the luxury of these things or the time to take a dip or walk in Nature. Instead, they are encouraged to take medications to heal their sadness, whether it is depression episodes
Macbeth is introduced as a good man a brave soldier and a powerful man in the beginning of the play, Macbeth was someone who was good friends with King Duncan and knew right from wrong but somehow had a hard time knowing it with what happened. One day three witches showed up and told Macbeth a prophecy that he should be King and not Duncan but in order for Macbeth to become King he would have to kill Duncan. Macbeth did not want to kill the King but then his wife Lady Macbeth comes up and tells him to kill the King, so he does.