Sydney van Lienden
Advancements in Criminal Intelligence Technology
National University
CJA 401 Criminal Intelligence
“The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”- Henry Ford
Intelligence is the knowledge that provides security for our country; experience comes from our analysts and ability is derived from our freedoms. Over many decades all of this has been accomplished without the use of advanced technology, mainly through highly trained operatives who have infiltrated and obtained information from both foreign and homeland enemies. The current advancements have provided options that ensure the safety and efficiency of intelligence operations, surveillance being a
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However, the most promising technologic development is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that maintain the safety of our human sources while obtaining remote insights imperative to the overall safety of our nation.
If you shut off all the lights in your house at night and attempt to navigate yourself from one end to the other you will notice the number of items you trip over or crashed into are far greater then when are aware of your surroundings. This is what life would be like without the knowledge of where criminal organizations are located, blindly navigating and grasping at thin air. Gathering intelligence on the whereabouts of these organizations, whether within our borders or inside foreign ones can be found through human surveillance, however, an alternative option is through geo-tracking. “Cellular data in the form of “pings”, which is real time geo-location tracking …use(s) either a network based or handset based method for locating the
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“License plate recognition (LPR) technology is a vehicle-scanning device deployed by law enforcement to detect wanted vehicles… LPR automates this manual approach and also reduces the use of officers’ discretion in deciding which tags to run since all tags within view are scanned. Some LPR systems can scan up to four lanes of traffic and read 8,000-10,000 plates in just one shift.”
LPR is beneficial in many instances of tracking suspicious vehicles that cross borders or ones that frequent known areas of crime. The LPR system works by capturing images of a vehicles license plate number and an image of the vehicle itself that is then transferred to a database that identifies any law enforcement that may be set out to find that specific vehicle. In an example from the article, License Plate Recognition Technology: Innovation in Law Enforcement Use by Arthur Gordon and Ross Wolfe illustrates LPR in action. An unmarked vehicle that was equipped with a mobile version of the LPR system caught “sight” of a vehicle that had been involved in an armed carjacking. After the system alerted the officer that the vehicle was within the database for wanted vehicles, the officer was able to initiate a traffic stop and recover both the suspect and weapon used during
The vehicle number plate is a numeric or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the owner of vehicle within the issuing country database. License plate number provides information such as Country, state, District. It is a metal or plastic plate attached to the front and rear of a vehicle. Being unique for every vehicle, the number plate is an important resource for recognizing owner of vehicle from the country information database.
Radar detectors work by notifying the driver after picking up radar waves coming from a speed detection device. Police use two methods to determine the speed of a vehicle, laser, and radar. Most police speed detectors
The applications they used in LoJack system can even penetrate buildings to locate stolen assets. The unit can also be installed on the vehicle with no visibility of it, so the presence of the device is unknown to outsiders.
Key to success in this market segment is its success measurement in locating the vehicle, while sustaining the privacy of public data. The technological systems offer a virtual process for identifying and locating the assigned vehicles. PlateTrax.Com’s extended outreach beyond the local area is
In addition, in this source, the author has a strong angry tone that has a negative correlation. In similarity, the author also uses words that give the feeling of negativity, making it all seem opposed to this liscense plate tracking. All of this comes together to show that the authors purpose is to make readers oppose liscence plate tracking.
Improvements in technology has allowed many individuals to thrive and connect with the world. In some cases, it is utilized as a tool to track and map events, occurrences, and even individuals. One type of technology that is commonly used today among law enforcement is the global positioning system also known as GPS. Using GPS monitoring is an important tool that correction officers use for individuals that are either on parole or house arrest. The tracking device is essential to not only maintaining the location of the certain people in question, but it also assists in monitoring the behavior and social interactions of the offender(s) on a daily basis. Electronic monitoring is an alternative form of punishment instead of going to jail.
It is a custom license plate, often installed in cars usually parked where burglars attack the most. The plate basically performs two actions, first, it flips and second, it goes inside a secure vault so that anyone cannot undo it. With the help of a push button on the remote control for the plates, both front and rear license plates can perform the same action from a distance far away. The stealth license plate is designed so that it can be installed onto every car, irrespective of the type.
Many times, police are unable to determine where an emergency call is coming from. “It's estimated more than one-third of all the emergency calls to 911 are now made on cellular telephones, but it's impossible to accurately tell where a wireless call is coming from” (“Analysis”). A major concern for police is time. They spend hours searching for the person using search dogs and helicopters because they can not detect the caller’s location. If police use cell phone tracking, they would be able to reach the caller hours in advance because cell phone tracking is extremely precise. The technology is ninety-five percent accurate and can locate the person within a few hundred feet (Hutchins). With a general proximity of where the person is located, it would save the police a lot of time in finding them. Time is critical, and cell phone tracking could resolve this problem. If emergency response times decreased by at least one minute, approximately ten thousand more people would be saved annually (Vanderveen). Accurate locations are vital for saving lives and cell phone tracking could play a major role in helping police rescue people in emergencies. While the traditional methods of locating a person can be helpful, cell phone tracking is much more efficient and accurate in
RFID technology has a number of applications in the domain of transportation including "electronic toll collection (ETC), electronic vehicle registration (EVR), automatic
Law enforcement agencies across the country typically have limited resources and manpower. They traditionally rely on dispatch centers to communicate and request information. On a busy night with limited personnel, this is a recipe for public safety disasters. Consequently, many police officers must perform many administrative tasks by themselves at their desk, but they are needed on patrol. However, having live mobile computers in patrol cars allows police officers to access driving and criminal records from the convenience of their vehicle. This is absolutely essential for law enforcement officers who are trailing suspects
The tracking device will help to make sure that the trucks are not misused or abused by the drivers.
The GPS device used by law enforcement was designed to catch Jones in trafficking cocaine and large amounts of money. The
Given that the Electronic Control System is the brain in automated and connected vehicles, security of the system is a necessity. But an additional concern is securely locating where the car is in relation to the roadway and other vehicles. While GPS is widely used, there is work to utilize a more accurate technology. Some consider RFID to be the answer. Accuracy is critical in connected vehicles and critical V2V technologies like Crash avoidance, which is already being used by manufacturers like Mercedes Benz. These include advanced radar sensors that can detect other vehicles or variations in driver behavior that could be related to drowsiness (Safety). The origins of RFID come from the British during WW2 who developed a system to identify whether approaching planes were the enemy or allies. The frequency is sent to a transponder through which the frequency is identified with the location of the car (RFID Journal). The data being sent must use the latest encryption technologies and remain updated in order
According to Hughbank and Githens (2010), today’s society is suspicious of intrusions on civil liberties. Random TSA searches, mandatory identity cards, etc. are not generally well received but are important. Thus, it is especially important to intercept terrorist and their resources before they have the opportunity to attack. Combining law enforcement and intelligence is the principal method of accomplishing this (Hughbank & Githens, 2010). Intelligence is vital to homeland defense and security. The U.S. intelligence community (IC) has the responsibility of conducting intelligence activities that are necessary for conducting foreign relations and for the national security of the United States (“Intelligence Community”, n.d.). The
Unmanned Aircraft Systems are constantly evolving. The latest developments in UAS include features that can be abused by operators, such as anti-drone technologies, or that can increase the risk of accidents and unsafe incidents. This area of UAS use is expected to evolve for the foreseeable future.