
Clarification In Nursing Essay

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When developing the process of clarification of values should take into account not only the aforementioned aspects. Material, spiritual and moral values are also of great importance. The materials obviously have to do with our basic needs as human beings and are important as far as they are needed. They are inevitably the result of the relationship between personal, family and socio-cultural values so when they are given too much importance they contradict the spiritual. The latter refer to the importance we give to the non-material aspects of our lives and are equally part of our human needs. Finally, moral values are defined as the behavior that a given society considers indispensable for coexistence, order and the general good. Taking into account the above, we could define the main objectives of the model when applying it with individuals or family groups. Firstly, they try to resolve personal or family conflicts regarding values, as well as facilitating the clarification of the content of the same. In the same way, the model contributes to the creation of criteria for determining their values, thus helping people to build their moral identity. For this, the interviewer must ask questions that guide clarification, specify questions that tend to show the consequences and …show more content…

The application of this model unquestionably elevates self-concept and self-esteem, gives more tenacity, emphasizes good behaviors and increases participation. On the other hand, it is an effective instrument in the fight against certain behaviors censored by the society that beforehand establishes as antivalores, whatever they are, for example, it decreases the consumption of drugs and the exposure to other risk behaviors and favors the attitude of learning, increasing school performance in children and incorporation into adult

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