
Clark Faucet Company Essay

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Benedictine University MBA 683 Project Management 2013 Case analysis Clark Faucet Company Yilei Zhu Clark Faucet Company From the case point out that ‘the competition was fierce’. The quality and artistic design which are the standard evaluate for customer to choose which brand they purchase. Commercial customer is the major customer for their company. (Kerzner, H. 2006) in additional, the company is now in a competition situation but they did not have very well promotions either on radio or television. They have some adv. in two …show more content…

By the other side ,marketing they point out that, they have to wait for customer's review and suggestion for what they have to improve about the new product, usually it 4-6 mouths so they sometimes just give briefly description about the new product, but in reality they still working on the product and they have to keep change/improve. The whole organization should be organizing as a group not the individuals’ parts. The efficiency of one department would not only affect their own but also the others. Each department should understand their own job at first then also should learn to understand others, because as a group, they all working for the company and has the same goal. The better performance of the company should have hard work of all departments not which individual part. Teamwork is not only about in one department but also the teamwork of all departments. Every organization has the similar problem about relationship with each department, depend how well they handing it, they has different result. Overlap of one project between two or three department happens frequently, but if they have good communication with each other and they doing well on when they take over the project the result would be better. If in this case, marketing explain their situation to engineering and give some back up plans to engineering when they may have to change something. Then,

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