
Class And Community The Industrial Revolution In Lynn Chapter Summary

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In “Class and Community the Industrial Revolution in Lynn”, Alan Dawley discusses the changes the town goes through and how the Industrial Revolution changed the life of the town from pre-industry to factory systems. During the novel, the community becomes very materialized and Dawley explains how this creates tension between the elites and working class. Dawley pointed out that because of the corrupt factories and workers, there were hardships and extremes that the community had to overcome to achieve better working conditions. An agricultural town, Lynn, quickly grew to be an industrialized city where manufacturers were producing quicker than households could even imagine. The industry grew so quickly and became so relied on that working …show more content…

Their efforts to gain equal rights were displayed all over America, and let the poor conditions of the factory and labor system and what the effects it had on the community be known to the public. Until the factory workers began to strike back against their employers, the conditions of labor in factories weren’t seen as an issue. Although their efforts quickly failed, Ebenezer Breed, Micajah Pratt and Benjamin Newhall’s careers reflected the capital transformation of shoe manufacturing. They worked to increase their social status early on, by switching from a household system to the factory systems, but workers realized that the revolution was a loss of freedom, rather than a way gain power and control. Factories introduced a sense of community into the workers lives, because before no one worked in the same shops, so until factories started to become more relevant, no one faced the same hardships and experiences. The workers all shared feelings of inequality, therefore gaining the urge to revolt against the system and obtain the rights they felt they deserved. This newly established relationship, made it easier for the community to work as a team and go on strike against their

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