
Class Participation Swot Analysis

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h. Class Participation: The student is very shy as far as class participation goes. She is always trying to keep to herself. She hates to be called in during any subject especially in math. When asked questions during math time, she is not confident in her answers and is sometimes unable to correctly answer the questions. She is very friendly and welcoming to all other students and is willing to help either the teacher or classmates when needed.
2. Overall Strengths: The students overall strengths are consistent in literacy. The student is currently on a level M in guided reading and is preforming well in the area. She will most likely be placed at an L reading level by the end of the year due to her progress now. Which is would be at grade …show more content…

Specific Problems Currently: Currently, the student is struggling with identifying place value: expanded form and standard form of 2 and 3 digit numbers. She is unable to take the standard form of a number and stretch it out to give the expanded form. However, if the student it given the expanded form of a number, she is able to put the number in standard form. She also has issues of identifying the place of each digit along with the value of each digit. Along with needed additional scaffolding and support with place value, she also needs support with adding and subtracting with re-grouping. When given a problem with regrouping, the student it able to identify the regroup the numbers she need to do in order to get the correct answer. Through re-teaching, I was able to find that the student needs additional manipulates and hands-on materials to better understand the …show more content…

Accommodations: The student currently has an IEP and EIP and received additional support last year while in 2nd grade. Through the Response to Intervention process, the student is scheduled to meet with the support teacher to review previously learned concepts in order to promote the students learning in math. Throughout the year, the student has received additional support with the site teacher, support teachers and me. Through the help support with the individual, I have seen a growth within the student. Although she still struggles, she has become more comfortable in answering questions that she is familiar with. For example, during math stations she tries to take the leadership with her group and showing them how she does it. She is more talkative during math.
6. Current misunderstandings/errors in Math: Currently the student is unable to use place value to expand numbers and add or subtract with regrouping. For example, the student can take something like 255-26 the student will answer with 241. She does not understand that you must break apart the number using certain mathematical symbols to represent the

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