A classic paradox: is Human Nature Originally Good or Bad?
Zhi Ye
April 2015
Student ID: 43791255
When it comes to human nature, many Chinese philosophers have different ideas.
On the one hand, some people, represented by Mencius, the “second sage” in China, who inherited and developed Confucius’ thoughts about human nature, believed that human nature is originally good, because human will do many good things without any hesitation and selfishness, and it is only out of instinctive response. (Chan, 1963) Take an example that we discussed on the lecture before, if there is a little baby fell into the river, human who find this emergency will jump into the river to save the baby, and the reason why they do like this is not for any rewards,
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(Yu 2005) However, there are some differences between human activity and human nature. If people do everything out of instinct, it may make things worse and also cause a disorder. As everyone knows, it is normal that a person is eager to eat when he or she is hungry, and he or she is eager for water under the torture of thirsty and there is no doubt that this is out of instinct indeed and will be accepted we all. Nevertheless, if there is an elder who suffering from hungry and thirsty likewise, the person is supposed to let the elder eat and drink first, based on the principle of politeness and etiquette, but it is totally against human’s instinct. Technically, it is only a virtues that people acquire by learning, not be born with it. Therefore, we can say that a man can acquire knowledge of etiquette and righteous, which are accepted that were produced by sage, through learning and practising. (Chan 1963) And we can conjecture that if human act very much on instinct, maybe the impressive traditional Chinese story, which talks about Kongrong share the pears with his elder brother, would not happen. As a result, the idea of “human nature is originally good” is not a perfect
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For centuries many philosophers, as well as most individuals, have pondered on the question what is good and what is evil. More-so philosophers of all ages have also stumbled upon a more in depth question which is if the intuitive knowledge of man's nature is good, or if it is evil. Many have claimed to have an answer to these puzzling questions yet most of their answers were found to be incomplete and inadequate at a later date. Religion also tried to provide a solution but to my understanding only caused more of an entanglement if anything.
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Human nature is what tells us apart from each other and makes us distinctly human. Our nature and understanding is what makes us different from animals and other creations due to our ability to think and reason. No other creature on this earth has that given ability. Our reason gives us the upper hand and allows us to reflect on our nature and behaviors that allows us to make changes and transform. For example, when facing adversity, we have the choice to continue with our struggles or terminate the situation; if we witness someone else’s misfortune, we have the option to follow in their footsteps or avoid making the same mistake. Human nature, gives us the capability to express our emotions, love and connect. It also allows us to display emotions and actions that are not always appropriate like hate, rape, murder and war. Despite our positive sides, as humans we are capable of destruction, competiveness and greed. Although, I strongly feel that a person’s environment and upbringing will shape their life choices, it does not automatically define who they are or