
Classical Hollywood Narrative

Decent Essays

Essay Option 1 In the early to mid 1900s, Hollywood films had an unwritten set of style rules widely accepted by directors. When applied to a film, these rules of style are known as a Classical Hollywood Narrative. Even though films are scripted and usually shot in an artificial environment, the movie and it’s ambiances still have to be believable and appear realistic to the audience. The four key features of classical Hollywood narrative include: centering on goal-oriented characters, being highly motivated, emphasizing the chain of cause and effect, and ending with resolution and closure. Centering on goal-oriented characters means that the characters in the film have a desire or goal that they are focused on. The characters are not necessarily …show more content…

Cause and effect is seen in every classical Hollywood film. In Casablanca, Rick risked his own life and safety to assist Laszlo and Ilsa in leaving Casablanca because Rick was in love with Ilsa and wanted what was best for her. He at first refused to give Laszlo the letters of transit because he did not want to get involved politically and because he was in love with Ilsa who was married to Laszlo. But, because of the chain of events that happened, Rick did the one thing that he originally refused to do and gave the transit letters to Victor Laszlo. The last key feature of classical Hollywood films is ending with resolution and closure. The classical movie answers all the questions in the story by the end of the film. It is not the same thing as a happy ending. It just means that it ties up all the loose ends so the audience does not go home with an empty feeling inside. An example of closure is seen in Notorious when Delvin rescues Alicia from being poisoned and held captive in Sabastian’s house. Even more closure is presented when Sabastian’s Nazi leaders discover that he had married an Amerian spy so they kill him for his

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