
Classification Essay On Inhalants

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The classification I am writing about is Inhalants. Some examples of Inhalants are hairspray, paint thinner, markers, gasoline, lighter fluid, helium, glue perfume, etc. The age group is 12–15 most people at this age commonly abuse glue, shoe polish, spray paints, gasoline, and lighter fluid. It’s around those ages because that’s the age where kids start exploring more and experimenting. The ways some Inhalants are used is bagging which is inhaling the substance after it has been sprayed or put into a paper or plastic bag. Huffing which is inhaling from a rag soaked with the substance and then held to the face or stuffed in the mouth. Sniffing which is self-explanatory but it’s when you Inhale a substance directly through the nose How are Inhalants abused? Abusers of Inhalants will sniff or snort fumes from a …show more content…

The short term effect it has on the body, life, and brain are dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, slurred speech and light headedness. It’s kind of like the effect on your body when you drink alcohol. This can not only effect your health but it can affect your friends and family. So think twice before you do something because it might have an impact on your life. The withdrawal symptoms occur when a person who is inhaling a substance stops using it. The effects of it would be sweating, insomnia (problems sleeping), rapid pulse, vomiting, agitation, and seizures. These may appear between 6-36 hours after usage. The Inhalants damage several organs including the lungs, heart, kidneys, and brain. You can overdose on inhalants. A person can overdose when they take in more toxins than their system can process. Overdose is common and can lead to brain and tissue damage as well as seizures, coma, and death. Symptoms of inhalant overdose are extreme confusion, blackouts, seizures (Which might lead to death), loss of consciousness, and a

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