
Classism In Today's Society

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As a white male in today’s society, I never put much thought into how privileged I am already without even having to work for it necessarily. One of the reasons why I have never felt this way was due to being in a lower middle class family. As I have grown up, I have started to notice all the disparities in today’s societies between people of a different race, gender, and class. However, noticing the magnitude of the problems regarding race, gender, and class did not catch my attention until I was in high school, partly due to the fact that I became more mature in my metacognitive and observational skills. I started to notice what people were going through by the stories they told and sometimes by the clothes they wore, although I was never …show more content…

Everybody of every nationality who is living in poverty need to come together and unite to fight a battle everyone struggles with; cost of living. In the grand scheme of our world and society, color of one's skin does not matter in any circumstance. We are all the same, but yet we still manage to let our status and the money we make dictate how we act and live. The prejudices and attitudes that stem off of classism cause havoc amongst our population. In order to become part of the solution, the majority and minority must take a stand and advocate for equality. The wealthy cannot control the direction of where this country we'll go because they have a great influence in our society. The rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer. While it may not be evident by the clothes people wear, the outcry of wealth distribution speaks for itself when people are being degraded causing our society to be divided in terms of class, race, gender, etc. Through personal experiences, friends, family members, and the readings, classism is an issue that needs to be tackled. If we as people are not fighting for a wider distribution of wealth and more security in everyone’s lives, then we are not fighting for equality. Classism enables other issues such as racism and sexism. Perhaps if we can get rid of classism and truly become a “classless” society, then maybe we can defeat prejudices, stereotypes, and most importantly

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