
Classroom Management For Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders

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One of the most important aspects of teachers is managing their classroom effectively with both management and structure. Creating Classroom Rules for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Decision-Making Guide ( Kostewicz, Ruhl, & Kubina, 2008) described classroom management strategies as well as provided six step-by-step clear rule decision making questions. Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EDB) students have a reputation when entering a classroom creating a significant challenge for classroom teachers. Throughout the day students with EBD are in different classroom settings with multiple teachers and staff members, which can cause a variety of rules and boundaries. These students often will be classified as aggressive, disruptive, and unfocused. Teachers are often re-teaching, re-telling, or re-focusing EBD students in the classroom to deal with negative behavior. Effective classroom rules are used to promote student accountability in the classroom. Since EBD students have deficits in language, social interactions and communicative skills, these skills need to be first and foremost addressed in a well-designed classroom management guide. By having the guide in place in each of the student’s classrooms provides a routine and structured day which is beneficial. Additionally classroom rules have always felt more negative versus positive. However, the teacher attempts to set up these rules to maximize the classroom environment in order to achieve learning.

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