
Classroom Observation

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Note the name of the program, the age level of the children in the room where you are observing, the number of adults and their roles. Then note you responses to the following: After you have met the teacher, get down to children’s eye levels: What do you see when you go through the door? Mrs. Speers Kindergarten class from Farmerville Elementary School. 4 and 5 year olds, one teacher, Mrs. Speers. Upon entering Mrs. Speer’s classroom, you go through a breezeway, the poles are made like Crayola crayons, and then you see pumpkins on the wall and then her door. In what ways are the entryways designed to support: • Classroom community The pumpkin pictures are colored by each student and have a picture of them inside the pumpkin. • Family/child/staff interactions • Transitioning Morning chant: Kindergarten Give me a clap “clap” Give me a clap “clap” I want everyone who is quiet to come on in And bring your friend (person standing next to child). Way to transition from outside to inside the classroom. Yay! In what ways does the indoor environment offer children • Comfort and softness Children have pillow chairs that they pull out when time is given. This allows them to have their own sense of time and comfort as well. Mrs. Speers has a big rug in the middle it is a plush rug, but it has alphabet on it and children are allowed to sit in any space in the free time that may be given. • Privacy and semi-seclusion Mrs. Speers has an area behind the cubbies that is a private corner

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