
Classroom Observation Interviews

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Without hesitation, I would choose Mr. Buck Samuels, contractor, as the community outreach liaison for the Choral Department at Blythewood High School. Ironically, this circumstance is not hypothetical in any way because I actually do serve at the director of this program, & I am constantly tasked with placing people in roles that are in place to support & boost the organization. Currently, we already have a parent similar to Letisha who has their doctorate in biological sciences, serves as a professor at a local university, & is so wrapped up in their job that they don’t often contribute much other than encouraging words (appreciated as well). We also have a number of mothers who are stay-at-home moms with multiple children & who blog & make …show more content…

Quite early on in his interview, it was clear that Buck appreciated a good sense of humor. I was reminded on a snippet about the effects of humor in one of the experiments in The Man Who Lied to His Laptop (2012). Throughout the entire experiment, the participants were never distracted from actually completing their tasks. No time was lost, & productivity still resulted. It is my educated assumption that Buck could bring that same vibe into the atmosphere for this program. People are often turned off by someone who takes themselves too seriously, regardless of who would actually benefit from the partnership (here, the students). Buck is all about getting the job done, all while capitalizing his strengths by offering his help. According to Hallowell (2011), “peak performance occurs in a state of flow … when a person is engaged in a task that he is skilled at, that is challenging, and that is important to him” (pg. 69). Because Buck took it upon himself to initiate the potential partnership, he has proven that this initiative is important to him, & he has a keen appeal that other candidates might not quite have. Buck coins himself to be good at promoting, something that might be necessary in getting people who are unfamiliar with our program’s quality of work. He specifically stated that he wants to be more involved in his community & that he figured he would be able to help “develop more resources.” Being that Buck has a hand in building throughout the community, his existing relationships with prominent people in the community proves that he is already well connected with people who might be willing to help by investing in the

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