Without hesitation, I would choose Mr. Buck Samuels, contractor, as the community outreach liaison for the Choral Department at Blythewood High School. Ironically, this circumstance is not hypothetical in any way because I actually do serve at the director of this program, & I am constantly tasked with placing people in roles that are in place to support & boost the organization. Currently, we already have a parent similar to Letisha who has their doctorate in biological sciences, serves as a professor at a local university, & is so wrapped up in their job that they don’t often contribute much other than encouraging words (appreciated as well). We also have a number of mothers who are stay-at-home moms with multiple children & who blog & make …show more content…
Quite early on in his interview, it was clear that Buck appreciated a good sense of humor. I was reminded on a snippet about the effects of humor in one of the experiments in The Man Who Lied to His Laptop (2012). Throughout the entire experiment, the participants were never distracted from actually completing their tasks. No time was lost, & productivity still resulted. It is my educated assumption that Buck could bring that same vibe into the atmosphere for this program. People are often turned off by someone who takes themselves too seriously, regardless of who would actually benefit from the partnership (here, the students). Buck is all about getting the job done, all while capitalizing his strengths by offering his help. According to Hallowell (2011), “peak performance occurs in a state of flow … when a person is engaged in a task that he is skilled at, that is challenging, and that is important to him” (pg. 69). Because Buck took it upon himself to initiate the potential partnership, he has proven that this initiative is important to him, & he has a keen appeal that other candidates might not quite have. Buck coins himself to be good at promoting, something that might be necessary in getting people who are unfamiliar with our program’s quality of work. He specifically stated that he wants to be more involved in his community & that he figured he would be able to help “develop more resources.” Being that Buck has a hand in building throughout the community, his existing relationships with prominent people in the community proves that he is already well connected with people who might be willing to help by investing in the
The patient lives in Maple Grove, Minnesota with her father and mother. However, she also spends much of her time at the University of Minnesota where she attends school. Patient identified her preferred teaching method as listening to online videos and demonstrations. In addition, she like online activities in which she can pause, stop, and rewind because then she can listen to it again so that she can fully understand the concepts. A.B. strongly discussed her nervousness around large groups of people and wants to try to avoid any sort of gathering with groups if possible. Although the patient stated that she did not have any friends, she did also want to be able to have close friends. One resource that A.B. could benefit from is the website
First off this was a very different interview based on technology because the administrator is usually the one that oversees the way technology is integrated into the school and usually isn't the one using the technology in learning aspects. Mrs. Lisa Cizmas is Fong's assistant principal she is originally from Southern California but moved to Las Vegas 32 years ago. She attended and graduated from the University of Nevada of Las Vegas with a degree in education. She has taught 14 years as an educator and the Clark County School District and this is her second year at Fong Elementary. Mrs. Cizmas believes the school's best features related to technology and learning are some of the ones and that are you deleted in the classroom for example my
I have had many opportunities to be successful in the interviews that I conducted over this semester. Many factors were able to play a guiding role in the success. From talking to students, professionals and learning who I am myself I now feel confident in receiving and conducting an interview.
There is an important factor in grouping students together with or without disabilities. You must know how a student will work out in some different groupings, for example a student that will act out or misbehave in or around certain other students or vice versa how the student will act out if someone else acts good or bad will they follow along. Some placements will work in the favor of the class and help students come positively out as helpful or willing to work well with others. It is a great task to make some good decisions in helping group some students that may not be able to have had the experience of someone very different from themselves and it can bring out the best from each other. Mrs. Robinson has a rotational grouping so that most students get to work with each other at some point and time, it really seems to work out great in her classroom or resource room as they call it.
For this math assignment I chose to study a first grade classroom. Mrs. Cooper a first grade teacher told me that she would be honored to have me observe her instruction for as many days as I needed to complete my assignment. When I first stepped into her classroom, Mrs. Cooper told me that I could look around and one of the first things that I saw was a series of posters to help children in mathematics. The posters had the following message:
Ms. Collin’s class had lots of books placed throughout the classroom. There were also many comfortable places for the students to read. She has a word wall and alphabet center both easily seen by all students. I observed Ms. Collin’s class during an interactive read aloud. The students sat on a big rug in front of the teacher and listened as she read the book, How Rocket Learned to Read. Before she started reading she asked the students a few questions about the cover of the book. She choose a student to point out and read the title of the book, She asked the students to tell her where the author’s name was on the cover, she also asked the students what word to look for while searching for the author’s name. She called on several students to predict what they thought was going to happen in the book based on the cover photo and the title too. Throughout the book the teacher would allow students to finish sentences, predict what was going to happen next, and take notes on a chart divided into two sections; what we think and evidence. She discussed with the students what certain words mean throughout the book as well. After Ms. Collins was done reading, they had a whole group conversation about the notes they wrote on the chart.
The following data was gathered while fulfilling duties as a principal intern at Theresa Bunker Elementary School. The data was observed during five to seven minutes of classroom observation as part of a walk-through in the spring of the current school year. My cooperating supervisor for my internship was able to go on these walk-throughs with me in order to have a productive reflection meeting afterwards. This elementary school has two of each grade level from Kindergarten to sixth grade. Since it was more feasible in this small school setting, I actually was able to do a walkthrough in eight classes. Here I will report my observations from five of those walk-throughs. As I went in to each room I was looking for four
The first class I taught on April 13th, 2018 was Mr.Nantz 4th grade class. Ellie and I taught this class together, however, Ellie was the lead and I was the assistant. We taught this class about brushing and flossing. I felt that Ellie and I were both prepared for this class. We had all the materials we needed. We also had enough planned and had enough time to do all the activities. We first educated the class about brushing and flossing and then did a demonstration. After the demonstration, we divided the class into groups and let them practice brushing on Spot and flossing on the models we made. The final activity we had planned was “tick tac tooth” which the students really enjoyed. I felt that “tic tac tooth” was especially effective and
Whenever I walk into the cafeteria I perceive all the tables and chairs set up around the room. I move to the back of the gym and put my backpack on the stage and save my spot at the lunch table. Most of the time I sit at the lunch table watching seventh and sixth grade received their lunch until at last eighth grade. I depart towards the back of the line whenever eighth grade is getting their lunch and the lunch lady hands me my lunch. Then I walk back to my spot at the lunch table and talk to my friends for the fifteen to twenty minutes I have left of lunch, then put my lunch tray back in the kitchen for it to be cleaned. After that I walk back to the table and grab my chair and put it in the chair cabinet. The teachers usually call us to
Conducting classroom observations are very important to the prospective teacher. Observing helps show how experienced teachers manage their classroom. For this observation it was important to notice how the classroom was arranged, how the teacher interacted with the students, the teacher’s management style, and interview the teacher.
Memphis Intermediate School is located in the city of Memphis, TN. It is comprised of grades 3-5 with a total enrollment of 464 students and a student/teacher ratio of 20. Memphis has been in operation for only seven years and is a public school. The ethnicity of the student body is largely White at 86%, followed by Hispanic 6%, Multi-racial 2%, Asian 2%, Native American 2%, and Black 1%, “not provided” and Pacific Islander are both less than 1%. There is prevalence of students who require free or reduced lunch, about 27%. Additionally, the students who require special
It was a beautiful day that I decide to come inside and get something to munch. As I enter the room it feels like a magical kingdom inside the four walls protecting this world. It just feels like there is no other place to be around campus than here where lives seem to be alive and enjoying the company of other classmates. While walking in you just feel the positive energy everyone has around this cafeteria. In your mind you’re just thinking of what you’re going to eat and to make your stomach happy. Then the smell of the food just makes you crave more just like the snickers commercial where you are someone else because of hungry. Then I ask the chef that I wanted a cheesesteak with lettuces, tomatoes, onions and some jalapeno with an order of fries. After, few minutes I got my food and head to the cashier to pay, then I was looking for a seat to admired the lives in the cafeteria. After I found a seat in the best spot of the cafeteria I was just catching my eye on what was going on in this magical
Adolescents on a day to day bases are around an environment where they take in information. The environment is important because adolescents are exposed to seeing and experiencing many things with their peers and teacher. While conducting observations of a classroom structure and how a teacher manages their class, theorist Albert Bandura (1925) explains the process of the importance those two categories are to an adolescent development (Dolgin,2011,pp41). With the participation of lead teacher Donna Dempsey the observations made reside on the importance of structure and management in the classroom.
After analyzing my sleep for the past week, I’ve learned that on the average weekday I’m getting around 9 hours of sleep. While on the weekend I get an average of 8 ¼ hours of sleep. Even though I am getting the recommended amount of sleep of around 8 to 9 hours, I notice that I get more sleep during the summer compared to the school year. I conclude this is due to the different environment between the summer months and the school year.
Displayed a paragraph on the SMARTboard introducing the students to the date and the activities for the day.