During classroom observation, Darien’s attention to tasks was limited. His attention to toys is fleeting and he moves from one activity to another. He was unable to make appropriate eye contact even when gestured to look in a direction. He had limited auditory regard as he was responding to his name inconsistently even with verbal and physical cues. He was unable to participate in play activities with a peer as he was self-focused and not interested in interacting. He showed very little frustration tolerance; throwing tantrums when he was told not to climb the tables or that an activity is ending. Frustration also arose when he couldn’t fix his shoe or backpack. His tantrums consisted of crying, yelling, and throwing things on the floor. Darien
The children I have observed were adolescents and were going through the beginning stages of puberty. I used my knowledge about concrete operations to observe the students rational thinking and logical thought. For example a student was given a task to do their assign class work without any socializing with his peers. The student who I was observing, noticed his peers were talking during the assignment. He took the decision upon himself to look around the classroom and began to socialize with his peers. This particular student made his decision by using his rational/ logical which was influenced by his peers. He knew the assignment involved not socialize with his peers but he saw the others were talking around him, he then began to do the same.
Interactions between groups of people at sports events, especially on college campuses, have a large presence and seem to bring groups of people together. A group in sociology can be defined as people who interact with one another and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called a social group. The audience ranged from children to seniors, from diverse race and age, but all seemed to share multiple norms and behaviors throughout the game that were fascinating to observe. The subjects, though very diverse subgroups in the audience are being studied, held similar norms and behaviors that created a sense of community among the audience, especially when specific obvious behaviors were reciprocated
This officer was traveling north in the 700 block of N Broad St and smelled a
Participants were juniors enrolled in the AP Capstone Academy at a local high school in Guilford County. The participants of the study were randomly sampled from an index of all juniors enrolled in the AP Capstone Academy at the school. All juniors were listed in alphabetical order by last name and numbered 01-59, and using a random number table, thirty students were randomly selected, with a result of __ males and __ females. The selected individuals were then numbered 01-30 and randomly assigned to their treatment group through the use of a different random number table. The first ten selected individuals were assigned to the control group, the second set of ten were assigned to the plush dog treatment group, and the remaining ten were assigned
For one week, I observed my roommate doing his regular activities. In respect for my roommate, I will not use his real name, I will call him Tom in this essay. Tom is a Hispanic video gamer, he works part time helping his friends run a doggy day care. If he is not at work, he is at home playing video games all day long. He did attend community college in Portland, Oregon has very little education. Tom wants to obtain a degree, but he feels he is old and disable with back injuries. He is the age of 37. Tom is single and never married. As I talk a little more of my roommate, he loves his video games. It seems like gaming is his happiness.
After observing my subject over the past four days, I've made some interesting observations of someone that I have failed to notice for the past four years of high school. Knowing them by only by their name, I was curious to see what I could unveil about them from only their observable behaviors.
My observation was done in a Kindergarten classroom for 3 hour when the children were eating lunch and playing. What I observed a child sit down at the lunch table and, points across at some of the children at the table, loudly saying, “You are not my friend, you are not my friend, to another child. I also saw this child then direct particular children where they are a post to sit according to who is a “friend and who is not a friend”. I watched the children change seats as told by this child. The children that were not aloud to sit with this child went and told the teacher (Atlas, & Pepler,1998).After lunch the teacher talked to the child about what happened in the lunch room and the child said not happened. So the teacher sat all the children down to talk to them about what she saw in the lunch. Teacher said that we all friends. That when we say words to other children it hurts their feelings and they are also bullying them.
In Warsaw, there is an Alternative Learning Center where individuals of all ages are able to go and take classes that will help them toward receiving a GED or help them in learning the English language. There are classes nightly for individuals who are in the English language class as well as different levels for individuals who are further along in the education program. The first level is for those who have just begun to learn the language. They go over vocabulary and past tense vs. future tense. Once they are able to write coherent sentences and understand individuals who are speaking English, they are moved to the upper level class. In this one, the students are fixing sentence mistakes, speaking in English about random facts or interests,
Unlike my last visit to the writing center, I was able to commit all of my attention this session to seeing how things unfold in most sessions without also needing to focus on my own paper. I observed a session with Meredith, who seemed to have a different approach as a grad student than the undergrad tutors I had interacted with before. Another new element of the session was the client herself; from the panel we had in class, I had come to believe that repeat clients were rare, but the tutor knew the client and the client’s work well from past sessions. In fact, the client did not come in that day to get help on a specific assignment, but had seen that Meredith had an opening during the week and chose to book it for any general help that might come up. The client seemed to be both comfortable with and grateful for the opportunity to work with a tutor who had been seeing her through an entire admittance process.
For observation log number one, I observed Mrs. Henry’s sixth grade classes on Monday, August 31, 2015, at LC Middle School. I arrived before 8’ o clock that gave me plenty of time to have a pep talk with Mrs. Henry and get all settled before class started. First, I observed Mrs. Henry’s Homeroom Reading class for an hour, after that I observed her Social Studies Class that had several Special Ed children in it, I also observed her students during a seminar and then the rest of the day on I observed Mrs. Henry’s Social Studies classes. Mrs. Henry is primarily a Social Studies teacher who has taught for twenty-two years. I observed for a total of _______ hours this day.
This report will contain the observations and discoveries I made during the four hours I spent observing Mr. Hall’s 12th grade class, Mrs. McBride’s 9th grade class, and Mrs. Casper’s 11th and 12th grade classes of Corrigan-Camden High School. It should cover classroom management, teaching style, classroom organization, interventions, and any other notable findings. I will start off by describing what happened during my observation and then conclude with reflections about my time spent in the class.
The instructional setting is in an 8th grade class at Wasatch Jr. High. Wasatch Jr. High is located in Salt Lake City, Utah in an affluent neighborhood on east side of the city. Wasatch Jr. High is a part of the Granite School District. Wasatch Jr. High attracts students from all over the valley and is a very high achieving school. The student population is 85% Caucasian, 8% Asian, and 5% Hispanic (Granite School District, 2015). The 8th grade class is made up of 51 students. There are seven special education students in this class and no English language learner students in this class. The seven special education students will require more time on assignments and some individual attention from me to help them complete their tasks.
Observing Mr. Bradbury class showed me the foundation tools of what is needed to be a successful teacher. The sport that I observed in Mr. Bradbury’s class was Badminton. Mr. Bradbury connected student’s prior knowledge by relating the paddle they use in badminton to the paddle they used in pickle ball when they used it freshman year. This correlation would help students get a better understanding how to hit with a badminton paddle. Mr. Bradbury emphasized on having a high success rate in his class. So, the first task he assigned was to stand in general space and connect the birdie(ball) with the racquet without hitting it. this introduces the motion students will use to hit the birdie. He asked the students to practice doing this five times. Once the students finished
Therapist diverted from plan to discuss with mom individual negative behavior in the classroom. Mom states individual teacher informed her that individual was throwing books, knock over his desk, and left the room without permission. Therapist and mom discussed things that trigger individual anger. Therapist showed and discussed with mom anger management and calming techniques to assist individual with anger. Mom states she will continue to use the techniques and work with individual at home.
For years I passed up a billboard on a busy highway in my town that read “Want to teach?.... When can you start?” I never thought anything of it, and it didn’t really register that the billboard was speaking to me until one day it did. I had what I have come to know as a “come to the carpet” moment with myself. I realized that in my current job I could help a few, but in becoming an educator I could pour kindness into others that I would like to see more of in our current trying times. Of course there is a lot to be done, and it is my deepest desire that I join the forces of dedicated individuals who become masters of education such as the teacher I will write to you about today.