For the last forty-two years, Dr. Robert Woods has been a fixture in Elkhart Community Schools (ECS). Starting out as a classroom teacher he slowly made his trek away from the classroom into school administration, and finally into his current position as ECS’s Director of Business. Dr. Wood’ authenticity and his commitment to serve ECS and the city of Elkhart is what stood out in my interview with him. Dr. Wood’s alma mater was originally built to boost the development of the city of Muncie, but the original college failed to thrive and was a gift to the state of Indiana by the Ball brothers. The state in turn reopened it as a normal school for teachers, and the General Assembly changed the schools name to Ball Teacher’s College to …show more content…
Woods proudly belongs to the Indiana Association of School Business Officials (IASBO). The Indiana Association of School Business Officials is a professional organization founded in 1946 that promotes the school business management profession. Individuals involved in the Association are responsible for the following activities in Indiana’s public schools: finance, accounting, budgeting, auditing, purchasing, maintenance and operations, human resources, facility planning, risk management, cash management, food nutrition, technology, and transportation (“The Indiana Association of School Business Officials”, 2016). Dr. Woods stressed the importance of belonging to professional organizations because it helps not only him, but his co-workers as well. An example of how belonging to this particular professional organization has helped him was learning what qualities and/or characteristics are important to his position. Be that as it may, Dr. Woods held that “Having the ability to stay calm within the storm” as one the most important traits of someone in his position, and I totally agree. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (James 1:19 King James Version). This bible verse along with Dr. Woods answer to my question is very important for school administrators in their dealings with staff, students, parents, and community organizations. Knowing to remain calm within the storm can sometimes determine whether you …show more content…
Woods is absolutely convinced that the state funding formula is NOT adequate for Elkhart Community Schools. Taking funds away from public education to support private schools is the major cause for inadequate funding according to Dr. Woods. He is convinced that our former and current governors are not for public education, and Pence is currently throwing bones at our Indiana educators. Dr. Woods also stated that when Governor Daniels was in office he used his contacts from his days of being a radio announcer to help get the word out about the vouchers. However, if I understood what him correctly, he feels like local dollars should be local and state dollars should be state. Dr. Woods would like to see a better calculation of the funding formula so that we can move in a different direction. Elkhart Community Schools is led under the direction of the Board of School Trustees, commonly referred to as the “school board.” The ECS school board is comprised of seven members from four districts, elected by registered voters living within the boundaries of Elkhart Community Schools. The Board’s main function is to oversee the operation of the school corporation and to promote continuous student improvement (“Elkhart Community Schools”, 2016). Dr. Woods explained the process of the school board adopting local policies like
An accomplished professional educator and academic administrator, Eric Becoats has served as the chief administrative officer of Greensboro, North Carolina’s Guilford County Schools and as an adjunct professor with the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University’s School of Education. He has also worked as a consultant, providing executive-level support to the president and chief executive officer of Chicago, Illinois’ Atlantic Research Partners. Since July of 2015, Eric Becoats has served as an assistant superintendent with the School District of Philadelphia.
and Garfield Schools , a teacher of mathematics at Armstrong High School, an English teacher
Outline: Informational Speech General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Muncie Indiana. Central Purpose: To provide my audience with information on Muncie Indiana so that they will hopefully develop a deeper appreciation for the city that brought them their college. Introduction: I. According to Ball States enrolment fact book, in 2015 10% of ball state students come from Muncie Indiana, this is a huge percentage when it comes to 21000 students.
SSCM Gilmore made an unannounced visit to Martinez Elementary School to conduct an interview with Madison Williams. The interview included school counselor Tamara Mathis, Madison Williams, and SSCM Gilmore. Madison is a 4th grader at the elementary school, with no known behavioral issues in class. She is known to be on time for school every day. Ms. Mathis reported that last year she was in her office a lot discussing the illness of her mother. Madison reported that she is aware what inappropriate touching is, and who she can talk to if someone touches her in bad areas. Madison reported that no one has touched her in a bad area. She reported that she would tell her mother or the Ms. Mathis of who touched her in the bad areas. She reported
The parent interview process for this study began at the completion of the administrative and teacher interviews. Thirty-five parents of students in grades 6-12 were purposively selected based on their marginal parent involvement level in the district. The parent interviews were conducted in the board meeting room on dates and times that were convenient for the parent participants. The board meeting room was selected to conduct the parent interviews due to limited accessibility, comfort of the room, and limited possibilities for interruption, therefore protecting the confidentiality of the parent participants. Signs were placed outside the meeting room doors to prevent any disruptions and minimal interruptions. Each parent interview session
Mrs. Lawrence: When planning a lesson, I start with the objective. What is it I am supposed to be cover. Once I know, I start with a hook. I access their prior knowledge then I move on with either an example or model. All along I ask questions to make sure the students
The meeting began when the school board members entered the large group instruction room and took their seats at a panel table angled to the side of the audience. The school board consists of nine elected members from the community. The members are as follows: Paul Ridley (President), Pat Vigliotta (Vice President), Helen Cumminskey
After eleven years of teaching at GCDS, Mrs. Deborah Peart Griffin is leaving Country Day after this school year. Throughout her years at GCDS, Mrs. Griffin continuously displayed humor and enthusiasm while teaching. “Because of my passion for teaching and learning, I deliver lessons with genuine excitement. It's my goal to transfer that love of learning to every student I teach. My reward is smiles and laughter amidst learning, which brings me pure joy.” Mrs. Griffin’s favorite part of GCDS has been “watching fourth graders transform into ninth graders.” Seeing her former students at graduation has always brought tears to her eyes because she “could see the growth that had taken place.” The thought of her shaping a student into a young adult
When interviewing Mrs. F, she explained that a behavior concern for Richard is his inability to stay focus on a task for a long period of time. She mentioned, “He loves to walk around the class, especially when he sees a group of students talking. Richard will get up and try to join their conversation”. She expressed that his peers have difficulty understanding what he is saying because of his lack of speech. When asking her what she does when he becomes to wonder around the classroom, she mentioned that he just tells him to return to his seat. Richard is response positive to commands when they are given to him. He has not shown aggressive behavior when he does not get his way with Mrs. F. Mrs. F
She is my housemate’s friend and she works as a volunteer in the hospital in Thousand Oaks. Before I started interviewing her, most female elder volunteers said to me that they want Lila’s beauty secret because she looks younger and I thought she was about 50 years old when I met her for the first time.
I interviewed a childcare teacher engaged in the Early Childhood Development. She graduated from East Tennessee State University. She has been intrigued by children her entire life, she has volunteered with children with disabilities and worked with children since age 16. You can say that teaching has been a dream job of hers. Going through the interview I went through a series of questions as follows. What are positive and negative parts about being a teacher? What disciplinary styles work the best? And how can teaching in America be improved?
My person that I interviewed is very unique besides being a very good teacher. She had received the honor of being selected ‘Teacher of the Year” a few years back here at Perkins County Schools (Grant, NE), so I knew her methods and strategies were tried and true. She has several different hats in our school system with English Language Learner (ELL) being just one part. She was asked to work with/for me in this program with our high school ELL students while I concentrated on Elementary and Middle School. She is in charge of the district’s Speech department which has also had great success. Finally, she is the school’s Spanish teacher, and a very good one. I have
When I work with teachers, I hear that planning activities for the Teacher station of station-rotation blended learning, is actually the easiest station to plan. This station provides opportunities to conduct the small group direct instruction that can be almost impossible to squeeze into whole-group instruction.
My interest in pursuing a position as a school administrator for an elementary school system is to provide leadership for staff members and quality education for all students, and to become part of the world of education. The Benjamin Franklin School located in the Dallas School District serves as a growing population of approximately 1,070 students. The school offers a well-defined educational system for the students, and it has an overall student-to-teacher ratio of 17:1. In addition to the statewide curriculum standards, the school offers special education programs and classes for the gifted and talented. As a result of the school district rankings in the student’s performance, Benjamin Franklin School has become the worst in the
Walking into the first two weeks of the EDU program I desired to experience what it would be like to be a future educator and have a grasp of how to help the molding of our youth and giving them the possibility to become future leaders. Doctor dresser was able to bring in a Concordia alumni who had just begun to experience his professional education, career and is teaching multiple different grade levels as a young teacher. When he first walked into the classroom my first impressions were that unfortunately he looked very inexperienced and unsure of what was to be expected of the lecture I thought to myself in the position of a younger student in his classroom this is a person I would not take seriously. He then proceeded to communicate