
Claws And Paws: Business Analysis

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Review the federal agencies list (it's in the module after this assignment) and find an agency or department applicable to your new business. How could this agency impact your business? Find out as much about the agency as you can. Tell the group about it. I am in a group with Brenda, Courtney, and Maddy and our business that we chose is the pet grooming/ daycare business called Claws & Paws. While looking through the federal agencies list, I had a hard time trying to decide and agency or department that is applicable to the Claws & Paws business. However, the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating most animal health products. A grooming aid is commonly used to refer to animal cosmetic. According to the website, the …show more content…

The agency could impact the business if we were stating facts about our company that are not true. Or if we were telling a customer all the things we did to groom the animal but we only did a couple of the things listed. Our products and services require us to provide realistic and factual data, but the we can’t guarantee variables impacting the results because they are uncontrollable. The company needs to abide by the guidelines and requirements of the Federal Trade Commission. I hope I understood the assignment right. The group and I already discussed some of the possibilities of what agencies/departments could impact our business. I was trying to find something regarding animal welfare; however, the only thing I came up with was Animal and Plant Inspection Services. This agency is concerned with breeding (importing or exporting) of animals. Though, we don’t sell any animals we just take care of them. I found it interesting that I couldn’t find any animal welfare agencies that are interested of the well-being of the animals because there are animal abuse laws and PETA. Thank you for letting me make this

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