Clean Hands are Happy Hands Hands are a marvelous tool on the human body. As a high school (or college) student, our hands are always doing something; writing an essay, typing up a research paper, or flipping the page in a book. If you think about it, our hands work a job that lasts all day, seven days a week. As a part of the work force, I know that there is nothing better than feeling clean all day long and coming home to take a nice, hot shower. Shouldn't the same go for our hands? Most people don't even think to wash their hand unless they are visibly dirty or there is something there to remind them. There’s a problem, though; there isn't hand-sanitizer bottles to be found anywhere unless you provide one for yourself! Hand hygiene should be more enforced in high schools by providing hand-sanitizer in every classroom. General cleanliness is a very important aspect of life. Having clean hands contributes greatly to this. Our hands touch many a variety of different things throughout the school day such as water fountains, computers, book, calculators, etc. Most, if not all, of these things have all been either touched or used by other students. Take a water fountain for example. Just think of how many times that water fountain has been used. A lot, right? If you touch something that many other people have touched not only creates germ spread, but it makes your hands extremely dirty. Along with water fountains, there are many other dirty things that we touch throughout
CDCs clean hands count campaign aim to improve healthcare provide adherence to hand hygiene recommendations, address, myths and misperceptions about hand hygiene and empower patients to play a role in their care by asking or reminding healthcare providers to clean their hands and the most germs that cause serious infections in healthcare are spread by people’s action, every patient is at risk of getting an infection while they are being treated for something else, hand hygiene is a great way to prevent infections and healthcare providers clean their hands less than half of the time they should, good hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of many illness.
Keeping a good standard of personal hygiene is important for the prevention of the development and spreading of infection, illnesses and bad odours. Children are taught from an early age about personal hygiene and its importance at giving across a positive body image and to reduce the risk of being bullied. People don’t like to be talked about in
- Discussions and teaching sessions of children washing their hand prior to meals, and after the toilet.
By having unclean surfaces in the classroom and dinner tables in the school, it could lead to the staff, visitors and children picking up infections which would affect their health and well being. The probability of this happening is between likely and unlikely. However, the consequences can be severe it can be anyone being ill, or can lead to further problems. To minimise the risk of this occurring make sure the
God is whispering over the earth, awake and rise children the time has come to stand up in my glory and proclaim the gospel.
Although they understand wiping and cleaning after using the bathroom, hand hygiene may need to still be reinforced.
Healthcare associated infections have an impact on patients - how? Can be prevented greatly with compliance to hand hygiene protocols (REF).
The solution to increasing hand-washing compliance does not have a simple, one fix-all answer. Instead, there are a few small ways that can contribute to increasing our hand-washing compliance. Some LHSC locations have made significant progress in compliance rates however, there is still room to improve towards the goal of 100 per cent compliance. Figure 1 provides a graphical representation of the average hand-washing compliance rates for moments 1 and 4 in relation to LHSC’s goal. The compliance rates displayed are shown as an average for the University Hospital and Victoria Hospital.
Dirty hands is the common source of spreading infection. It is very important to keep hands clean to avoid getting infected and spreading infection in the community. It is important to wash hands to keep hands clean. There are two ways to keep hand clean, one way is wash hands with soap and warm water while rubbing hands together for minimum 15 to 30 seconds. Indication of washing hands with soap and water is when hands are visibly dirty, before and after eating, feeding, using the toilet, after coughing or sneezing, after using gloves, taking care of patients. There is also second way to clean hands, but it is advisable to wash hands with soap and water all the time, but it can ignore when soap and water is not available so it is okay to use hand gel or foam in the form of sanitizer. This helps to clean hands or kill germs when hands are not visibly dirty.
Hand hygiene practices are important thing to infection prevention and control practice. As health provider especially ED staff or front liner, to follow hand washing protocols is necessary in any situation. According Practice Standard (2009) four major elements to preventing practice; hand washing, protective barriers, care of equipment and health practice of nurse. Cite from Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland, scientists has found around 45% of infections can be prevented by washing hands regularly. MOH (2010) increasing in hand-washing compliance by
This experiment illustrates the importance of handwashing and proves that hand washing is worth it. Since our hands are constantly coming into contact with ourselves and others, touching surfaces, grabbing objects, being sneezed into, etc., keeping our hands clean is one of the most effective, yet simple way we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running warm water. “The human skin is a host to anywhere between 10,000-10,000,000 bacteria per square centimeter and since health care providers come into contact with pathogenic bacteria by being engaged in patient care, hand washing can reduce the risk of spreading diseases (page 3).” The objective of the experiment is to test the effectiveness of hand washing and demonstrate normal flora. This report presents the procedures and materials for the experiment, the experiment's results, and an analysis of those results.
Statement of Purpose Growing up I never saw myself pursuing a career in social work, yet with age comes the discovery of true passions, mine being social work. I’ve always thought that social work consisted of people in an office taking kids from their home. Doing research, recommended by Mrs. Wall, I found this to be untrue. Mrs. Wall, a school counselor, and my mentor, occasionally visited my mother’s job and spoke with me about my schooling and career options. I shared with her that I ultimately wanted to help children through counseling and she told me that a social work degree would allow me to do more than just help one child.
Make sure you teach your children correctly how to wash their hands using hot water and soap. After that, they can do it individually. Hands need always washing after using the restroom, before eating, and after going out in public. Children should also be educated not to let their hands or other objects in or close to their
There are grave consequences when people do not wash their hands or wash them improperly. It is known that hands are the main media for contaminants getting to people, whether the infections are airborne, oral or tactile.
Many policies have come to the governments attention within the past decade concerning drug use and prison reform. One policy that correlates to crime and drug use that has brought attention across the nation is the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana has been consumed in the United States for numerous years and has grown in popularity culminating in multiple states legalizing the drug. There is large debate concerning whether nationwide legalization is worth the cost. Of course, with any controversial decision, there are always going to be pros and cons. Those who oppose legalization make claims that marijuana is a gateway drug, impairs judgment, and is addictive. Although those points are true to an extent there are also many benefits. Of the many benefits, the most noteworthy ones are that marijuana can bring a lot of money to the government and economy, it helps treat sickness and diseases, and it can be a safer alternative than opioid-based medications. The legalization of marijuana would also highly impact the criminal justice system by making law enforcement more accessible to other areas where they are needed which can save the government a lot of money. In this instance, legalizing marijuana would bring many benefits to society such as stimulating the economy, treating sicknesses, providing government relief, and lowering opioid use.