The Clearview Township is a suburban community of 25,000 individuals. Bill Harper, the newly appointed manager of the Clearview Township. Mr. Harper had made some very fruitful recommendations: The financing of all future capital improvements in cash during the fiscal year in which the work would be done, would be considered a great idea considering the state of the community’s finances. One thing that may hinder this plan would depend on the form in which the community accepts the increase in taxes. This would and could also result negatively with the community during the next upcoming election. Individuals in a community would not vote for an individual that has raised their taxes and not increases services offered in the community. The idea of relying on short-term and long-term debt, is ideally an amazing ideal, but this would lead to the Clearview Township could implement a new stornwater fee. The system that should be used to incorporate short- or long-term debt into overall funding for the capital improvement program is a new Stormwater fee. A new …show more content…
An example of this would be to finance the overlay of some current despaired streets with short-term debt loans. The average street overlay will last thirty (30) years, if a street is financed with short-term loans this would mean that the loan is paid off long before the street will need to be repaired again. Another option that would generate funds would be to implement a new Environmental Fee. This fee would generate as much as $18,500 per year at its lowest charge and as much as $74,000 per year at its highest rate. These funds could be used to sponsor projects that would replace the cash and Short-term debt loans. The advantages and disadvantages of this option that was overlooked was that Mr. Harper could have had additional fund to fund the general budget and other projects that he had cut funding
There are somewhat restrictions on the kinds of advice be given? On that note, should the mayor on the political consequences be personal if he assumes leadership of the income tax campaign? Additionally, it may be the time they were starting to arrive a decision to raise probably taxes or cut services more drastically.
Soderbery’s public works department oversee all the roads, parks, water lines, and anything else that the community needs. However, Soderbery constantly found himself struggling to maintain the cost of his
After reading the case study Welcome to the new town manager, by Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt, I established three major problems the community of Opportunity needed to correct. These problems involved the water & sewer system, the balancing budget, & the pay-as-you-go method. The city manager, Jennifer Holbrook, must implement strategies that would correct these problems quickly.
The first article is titled “Wealthy Farmer, 3 of Family Slain.” It was posted by the “New York Times” and the author is not specified. The article was published on November 16, 1959. This was the article that inspired Truman Capote to investigate the murders.
Dr. Seymour expressed that the situation will greatly affect the upcoming elections, specifically the budget. On the other hand, Mr. Griffin worries more about the board than the budget. As stated, “Dr. Seymour: Exactly.
The City of Whittier has two city meetings a month were the people of the community are welcome to attend. One of their city council meetings was held on April 26 at 6:30pm. The council members are Owner Newcomer, Cathy Warner and Bob Henderson. The Mayor Pro tem is Joe Vinatieri and the Mayor of Whittier is Fernando Dutra. There was a good amount of public attendance, but the attendance died out after recess. Public participation was not effective or really used throughout the meeting. The public comments part of the meeting was where the public’s voice was most heard.
For the example in this memo, I will be focusing on the funding of educational programs. As you are aware, 38% of the property taxes fund school programs such as athletics, arts, and all day kindergarten. Due to the great recession, property values here in the Knoxtown area were greatly affected and a majority of properties lost nearly 50% of their assessed value. A significant portion of our constituents also lost their homes. Due in some part to these two factors, our projected revenue was not met. The overall revenue for the city was down 42% resulting in a serious budget shortfall. The loss of these property taxes resulted in the cutting of many school programs. The children of our constituents not have fewer athletic and arts programs to choose from as well as eliminating full day kindergarten for the next term. If corrections to the budget are not made, some bus services and reduced lunch programs will also be eliminated.
Council members are reduced to puppets free from public engagement and the Mayor, a celebrity hosting the City Manager/CEO/Ringmaster of a horse and pony circus. The fault lies within the public who is lazy and leave responsibility to a few whom they elect., In sum, the reader astute and informed to acknowledge the scheme of avoiding a vote to secure a fire tax. Now, why would the city be so kind to offer us a Sacred Canaopy to police knowing after the show? The plan to exit police is at hand and deceitful language hides that pertinent fact. Our current charter protected fire, and we know what happened? What difference would a reform embrace? The city spat on the charter and history has a tendency to repeat. The polished silvery tongue wants you to believe our cops are safe. The Charter Reform is the final solution to be led by a Fuhrer imposed by political will who kicks the citizens and cops to the curb. I don't look forward to a police tax, a Futhrer, and shivering my hard-earned dollar to line silk suits and Rollex watches. ( I
Higher priority motions than the military need funding. A first example of a motion that has a higher priority need for funding than the military is the economic stability of the Canadian government. As shown in the previous paragraph, Canadian economy is struggling and extremely vulnerable. To ensure a stable life for Canadian citizens, the government should take the responsibility to take care of its citizens, hence, funding the Canadian military less. A second motion that would use military funds more efficiently is the funding of environmental preservation. Due to the large quantities of CO2 being released into the atmosphere at an exponential, and thus, alarming rate, the average global temperature is rising. Scientists say that if the current release of carbon keeps up, dramatic effects such as more droughts and heat waves, a massive rise in sea levels and more intense hurricanes are impossible to avoid. The Canadian government cannot ignore the fact that the country’s current path is headed for disaster, and money needs to be directed towards this motion before it’s too late. A final example of a motion that is far more urgent than the funding of the Canadian military is funding the poor. Regardless of efforts Canada has tried to minimize poverty rates, huge amounts of people are still stuck with low income. 4.9 million people are categorized as poor in Canada, 3 million of which are children. It is irresponsible of the Canadian government to use money ineffectively when so many people are barely hanging onto their prosperity. In summary, motions such as ensuring economic stability, ensuring environmental preservation and funding the poor, which are far more urgent than that the military, need
An example of this may be that a new programme area is not financially viable must be given an opportunity to grow with any surplus costs being covered by another programme that is financially more successful.
Commendatory public opinion on important issues can persuade other high ranking officials to support the Governor. The Governor in our
Depending on how much additional investment needed and what will be the payback period. Another cash flow statement will be needed for further reviewing to decide whether additional funding will be a good
Might not raise enough money for the project since the majority of the debt would probably require
What would happen if Z CORP executives took David's suggestion and presented their problem to the city (if it is a problem)? Would city bureaucrats spot Z CORP's financial difficulties and attempt to work out a reasonable agreement with Z CORP? If Z CORP executives knew the city would be willing to do an agreement - perhaps by providing Z CORP added tax relief - they would not hesitate with David's suggestion. It is unknown to how the city of Gilbane would respond to this situation, but assumptions as to how the city would react can have a great influence on an executive's position on what should be done.
A reoccurring conflict throughout this case assessment is the mayor’s ignorance to the policies that he is