
Cleopatra And The Ptolemaic Dynasty

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Cleopatra was an influential part of ancient civilizations because she changed the history of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she reigned beside Julius Caesar, and restored power in Egypt with Mark Antony.
The Ptolemaic Dynasty bred some of the most memorable people in ancient history. Including the Egyptian Queen who is above all else remembered the most for her extravagant beauty and way of ruling, even though it is not certainly known what she looked like given that there was never an actual accurate depiction of what she looked like. Cleopatra VII, the daughter of the Egyptian King Ptolemy Auletes was Egypt’s last ruling Queen ("Cleopatra: The woman…”). To further understand who Cleopatra VII was you would have to understand from whom she inherited …show more content…

Ptolemy then resided his dynasty in ancient Alexandria (now under water 20 ft.). Cleopatra VII was born in Egypt but also had Greek roots. The lineage of which Cleopatra VII descended from was the most wealthy, extravagant, and respected, but also known for the way that the kings were put into reign. Incest was common during the Ptolemaic dynasty (i.e. a brother marrying his sister). The throne was passed down to Cleopatra and her brother, Ptolemy XIII, while she was 18 (51 B.C.). By this time the entire empire was falling apart, therefore bringing her to be one of the final ruling pharaohs for Egypt (Brown, Chip). Cleopatra VII was one of the most loyal to Egypt and very patriotic as well. Calling herself once Philopatris, which had the meaning “she who loved her country” (Crawford, …show more content…

Egypt was economically at its lowest when Mark Antony invited Cleopatra to Tarsus in 41 B.C. Keeping this in mind imagine how crazy it would have been for Cleopatra to flaunt money around on her one trip to see Mark Antony. Crazy right? Right. Yet Cleopatra having a plan already laid out portrayed herself as the Greek goddess Aphrodite to impress Mark Antony enough to want her. Although many people felt she was being too promiscuous towards a man who was already married; Cleopatra knew she would have to think with his mindset in order to attract his upmost attention. Mark Antony impressed by her beauty and her “riches” decided to make her his former mistress and spent the winter of 41 B.C. with her in Alexandria. Not being intentional Cleopatra fell in love with Mark Antony and gave him control over Cyprus. After Mark Antony left for four years Cleopatra bore him twins, girl and boy. During the four years Mark Antony had been a widower and newly remarried to Octavian’s sister Octavia ("Cleopatra: The

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