
Cleopatra Informative Speech

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Intro - Cleopatra was the last pharaoh before the Romans took over. She was a powerful leader and called herself the new Isis, a god that protected the Egyptians.

Background - Cleopatra did not have much, or any, Egyptian blood in her. Yet, unlike most pharaohs, she learned Egyptian. Her father, Ptolemy XII Auletes, had ruled before her, so she was next in line for the throne along with her brother, Ptolemy XIII. Scientist aren't sure, but they believe, according to tradition, Cleopatra married her brother and they ruled together.

Reign - Cleopatra called herself the new Isis for political reasons. The earlier pharaoh, Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra the III also called herself the living Isis. Coins that were made in Egypt, featured a picture

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