Devynn Carroll
Latin I
02 May 2018
The Life of Cleopatra VII
Cleopatra VII was one of the most popular and famous queens ever to rule Egypt. However, modern civilization remembers her so much differently than the clear depiction of reality. Shakespeare reimagined her romance with Mark Antony as a dramatic tragedy. Indeed it was, although that is all Cleopatra VII’s memory has come down to: an old play and several false films and novels. Society does not even remember her as the seventh Cleopatra in her family, just Cleopatra. But, if one dug under the surface, they would find her life was much more interesting than just some romantic yarn.
Cleopatra VII Philopator lived in the Hellenistic Age, the first century BC. She was born circa
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When Cleopatra was young, she would watch her father’s political struggles and his attempts to become allies with the Romans. Ptolemy XII took several trips to Rome to gain such an alliance. On one trip, one of his three daughters, Berenice IV, took control of the throne rebelliously, hungry for power(as I said, corruption). Sadly for Berenice, rebellious teenagers get more than just a grounding in Egypt. When her father returned from Rome, he had her executed. It was then that Cleopatra learned the violent ways of the court and her …show more content…
The two also had a strong romantic connection after Julius Caesar was killed by the Roman Senate. Cleopatra assisted Antony in the battle against Cassius and Brutus, afterwards having a power-hungry love affair similar to hers with Caesar. Later, after Caesar Augustus discovered that Mark Antony’s fortune was willed to Cleopatra and the children that came out of her love affair, he chased after them. After the death of Mark Antony, Cleopatra committed suicide by tempting an asp snake(a highly venomous snake with quick-acting venom) into biting her.
No one is really sure if Cleopatra actually loved Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Some fantasizers, like William Shakespeare, believe it was a tragic star-crossed lover scenario, much like his own Romeo and Juliet. Others, like Stacy Schiff, the author of Cleopatra: A Life, believe that Cleopatra used the two leaders to rise to the top, to be one of the most powerful women of her time along the Mediterranean
"For Rome, who had never condescended to fear any nation or people, did in her time fear two human beings; one was Hannibal, and the other was a woman" (Lefkowitz and Fant 126). During a time dominated by male rulers, Cleopatra VII Philopator (69 BCE – 31 BCE), the Last Pharaoh of Egypt, stood out among them all. With Egypt’s wealth at her disposal, she was “incomparably richer than anyone else” (Schiff 2). The amount of power a ruler had at the time of Cleopatra’s existence depended highly on the level of financial stability. However, wealth was not all Cleopatra was known for. She exhibited high militant leadership skills equal to that of her male counterparts to keep Egypt a prosperous country.
Cleopatra’s reign over Egypt started from the deaths of her two elder sisters and the death of her father. Her
Cleopatra is one of the most significant historical figures when it comes to beauty. Known as the prototype of the femme fatale, her image has prevailed throughout history. “The story of Cleopatra has influenced many historians, painters, writers and filmmakers... She is often described as an evil and sexy beauty who liked to take control of men.” During ancient times recounts of Cleopatra were told by Romans who may have seen her as a threat and wanted to ruin her image.
The purpose of this paper is to look at the history of Cleopatra VII, as well as how and why she wanted to be portrayed in a certain manner with respect to visual art. As the last noble of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, her images communicate her political abilities, her religious feeling, her caring duties and determination in preserving royal lineage, and her direct connection to ancient Egyptian gods. In addition, having relationships with two of the most powerful men in ancient Roman history, Julius Caesar, and Mark Antony. Cleopatra was also able to improve her skills as a powerful pharaoh and set her status as pharaoh.
Almost every pharaoh-queen was named Cleopatra, yet only one is ever thought of, Cleopatra Thea Philopator VII, “The Goddess and Beloved of her Father”. Every moment of her life from 69 BCE until August 12, 30 BCE was a story larger than life, epic in scale, and over the top in its grandeur. As the last reigning pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in Ancient Egypt, she is remembered for her ability to rule as a political genius and a strong female leader living in a male-dominated world despite all odds being against her. Firstly, Cleopatra grew up in the Ptolemaic palace living a life of luxury, yet her subjects worshipped and even felt connected to her as more than just their queen. Secondly, after Cleopatra was exiled by her incompetent brother, Ptolemy XII, she came back with an army of mercenaries and took back Egypt to be its sole and more qualified ruler. Lastly, Cleopatra went to any means to secure her power and to ensure her nation’s financial and political strength; therefore what started off as a strategic alliance with Rome slowly became her dominance over most of the ancient world.
Cleopatra, Greek queen of Egypt, was born at the beginning of 69 B.C and one of the few women rulers in ancient Egypt. Her father was Ptolemy XII And Cleopatra was the last pharaoh in Egypt. She is known as clever, covetous, skilled, beguiling and manipulative. Cleopatra’s physical features are not certain and there is not enough information about her profile. “The colour of her eyes and of her hair is not known; nor can it be said whether her skin was white as alabaster, like that of many of her Macedonian fellow countrywomen, or whether it had that olive tone so often observed amongst the Greeks. Even her beauty, or rather the degree of her beauty, is not clearly defined.” Cleopatra was born at the finish of the Ptolemaic dynasty, because,
In the world of popular culture, Cleopatra VII is regarded as a woman with heavy eye makeup, a thing of beauty, someone with power sourced from her looks. However, the Cleopatra that history recalls is one of deadly determination and dedication, a teenager with a thirst for power, then a woman with a goal to keep Egypt out of the Roman Empire’s reach. Throughout her life as a leader, Cleopatra VII faced many difficulties, each one of which she met with an intricate strategy that showcase her deep knowledge of the politics and governance of the world around her. As she faced misogyny, bias and turmoil in both her civil and personal life, Cleopatra remained a capable and resilient leader of an imminently crumbling Egypt, and she defied all stereotypes
Cleopatra was an important figure in a pivotal age of Rome, when the empire’s entire political sphere was unstable; several men were vying for the ultimate control of Rome and ultimately the world at that time. Cleopatra VII became the queen of Egypt when she was only a teenager. She was different from past Egyptian rulers, because she was committed to seeing all sides of a situation and then calculating what to do. For example, Cleopatra’s family was actually of Greek descent, but Cleopatra tried to immerse herself in the Egyptian customs by
Queen Cleopatra VII was a powerful, intelligent, and passionate woman born from royal blood of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. As a successor of Hellenistic people and Alexander the Great she was not of an Egyptian blood but born in Alexandria and speaking Egyptian language. When her father Ptolemy Auletes died, Cleopatra was in the age of eighteen. She had three sisters Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV, Arsinoe IV two of them were older than her and one younger, and two younger brothers named Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV too. Cleopatra VII and her brother Ptolemy XIII inherited the kingdom of their father as it was written his will. Because of the law in Egypt of that time Cleopatra was unable to rule by her own without the presence of a male coruler, a brother or son. As a result she ruled together with her brother who she get married to although he was only twelve years old.
(“Cleopatra: The Woman…”) In 49 B.C., Cleopatra was forced to flee to Syria after Pothinus, Achillas, and Theodotus, who were Ptolemy XIII’s advisors, sought to overthrow her. They convinced the Egyptian people that Cleopatra was the cause of the famine that they were experiencing. (“Cleopatra.”)(“Cleopatra VII’s Childhood…”) She smuggled herself into the royal palace in a rug to plead her case with Julius Caesar. Cleopatra and Caesar became lovers. Ptolemy XIII discovered this and declared war on Caesar. Caesar overpowered Ptolemy XIII’s army and Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile River while trying to escape. (Cleopatra: The Woman…”)
I have recently read an amazing biography called, Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff. The book, written by a well-known author of biographies, tells the story of Cleopatra, the most powerful woman in history, who ruled Egypt in 70 BC. She is also the beauty, with whom Caesar and Mark Anthony fell hopelessly in love. Written in a unique way, trying to abolish stereotypes about Cleopatra, it is a fascinating novel, about power and love. It shows how these two mix and matched, while creating history.
When Pompey sought refuge in Egypt, Julius Caesar followed him, where he eventually met and fell in love with me.” In Caesar, I now had access to enough military strength to overthrow my brother and rule Egypt for myself. Caesar went to battle and eventually defeated my brother at the battle of the Nile. My power was restored and I was able to rule Egypt again. “Caesar and I bore a son, which we named Caesarion.” I followed Caesar to Rome in 46 BCE with my baby. But unfortunately, Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE. Many people believed one of the contributing reasons why the conspirators went against Caesar was because he asked the “...Roman Republic to pass a special law enabling him to divorce his wife so that he could marry me.” In 41 BCE, Mark Antony wanted to meet me in Tartus, Syria to ask me questions about Rome’s fallen leader. Instead, we had a love affair and we eventually had three children. “Mark Anthony was also involved in a battle over Rome’s control. His opposing rival was Gaius Octavius, also know as Octavian.” Anthony used me for financial and military support to secure his rule of Rome. “In exchange for my help, I sought the return of Egypt’s eastern empire, including Lebanon and Syria. Anthony returned to Alexandria with a triumphant flair.” In the year 31 BCE Antony and I combined our armies to defeat Octavian. “However, it was a costly defeat for the Egyptians, forcing Anthony and I to flee back to Egypt. After Anthony returned to the battlefield, he was falsely informed that I killed myself, so he committed suicide by stabbing himself.” When Mark Antony killed himself I was distraught and couldn’t bear living without my loved one. On August 12, 30 BCE I ended my life by getting bit by an Egyptian
Her dynasty was over, and she proved to be the last pharaoh. With her death Cleopatra has achieved immortality through the personal story of love and tragedy. When we think of Cleopatra we automatically think of this story. But upon the research I learned that there were others and she was actually Cleopatra 7. Many books, plays, movies and stories have been made about the great queen of the Nile. Some tell us different sides of the story. Each have a little bit of difference in them so who really knows which one to believe. One thing is certain; Cleopatra was a great female ruler for her 22 years as the Egyptian queen. Ironically enough she wasn’t even Egyptian or roman for that matter. She and her family were Greek. There are also many works that suggest that she was not a very pretty woman. Cleopatra’s happiness didn’t last, which seems that just like in all love stories her life doesn’t have a happy ending. Another side of the story is that Marc killed himself after being surrounded by Octavia’s troops, and then Cleopatra being held prisoner which is why she killed herself. I was very intrigued by each story that I read of Cleopatra’s life and death and her rule, and I feel like I learned a lot. I think I will go on to watch some of the movies to see them played
Cleopatra was a noteworthy Egyptian Pharaoh whose legacy and role was shaped by her experiences and achievements in ancient Egypt. It can be argued Cleopatra was a significant figure and her role and legacy was formed by her experiences, achievements because she stood for a symbol of power and strength in a time where society was male dominated. Cleopatra’s personality and early life impacted the beginning of her rise to power and in 51 BC she became sole leader of the Egypt. The key events in Cleopatra’s reign and the role she played during the alliance between herself and Caesar impacted on her reign. External factors informed her motives, which pushed her to make decisions during her rule, as it significantly impacted her relationship with Mark Antony. Cleopatra’s legacy had short and long-term effects; the consequences of her decisions pushed her to commit suicide, the events and choices she made during her life portrayed her significance.
Following Caesar's assassination, which Cleopatra's presence in Rome may have provoked, Cleopatra had an affair with another Roman leader. Marc Antony was planning a campaign in Parthia and was in desperate need of money when he called upon Cleopatra to question why she had allied herself with some of Rome’s enemies. Antony’s need for money proved to be a lucky break for her. Plutarch claimed that Cleopatra went to this meeting deliberately scheming to seduce Antony and some even claim that she purposefully broke up the alliance between Antony and Octavian. Cleopatra's belief that Caesarion would be accepted as Caesar's heir if she was successful in eradicating Octavin may support this claim. At this meeting Cleopatra requested for Antony to take control of her troubled territory in Cyprus. She also