Strengths: - Shai executes on the strong intro. - She then finds out the reasons for the client's call so that she can formulate an action plan. - Shai verifies the client and foreshadows how we can help the client. - She foreshadows the transfer and the wait time as well. - Good ownership in this call! - After the CR Servicing Advocate sets the client up on paperless, Shai executes on the strong close before transferring to a banker. Great! Opportunities: -
After holding, she explains there is a specialist that is assigned to the account and she gains a better understanding, she empathizes with the client and offers to reach out to the TL of the disbursement analysis. She then politely requests to place the client back on hold to reach out.
- Conclude the call properly. Nancy misses the opportunity to ask if the client had any other questions before concluding the call. It's important that we do this in order to help promote a one call
This written assessment is deliberation of legal advice for the client, James, based on his dispute with his neighbour Lisa; this shall be achieved by means of critical analysis and full reference of pertinent authority to complement the scope of case facts.
Helen Stonewall is a married 32-year-old African American female. Helen was brought into see me because she had to be removed from the middle of the street by the police where she was dancing in the middle of the city street half naked at 2am without having any sense of danger. Just before that she removed from a bar where she was dancing on the table and ignoring the bartenders request to get down. Helen had consumed only two drinks before these acts were committed her medical evaluation concludes that there was no excessive use of drugs. She said, “that she was high on life”.
- Missy gains agreement with the client after her strong intro. This is good to ensure they are both on the same page prior to moving on.
Money, health and control of assets are difficult topics at any age. There are logical ways to maneuver through the triggered feelings. It starts with planning to make sure there are enough funds with accessible controls. The supporting documents, like wills, trusts or estate plans need to be in place. Adult children need to share your feelings with loved ones. Sit down and ask questions before moving to a senior community.
Provide direction for client and goals, allows for client to have something to work for and complete
The client has had a strong support system in the past and is open to creating another one. This is strength because it demonstrates that the client is open reaching out to others in times of need and is a resiliency factor.
“With liberty and justice for all.” Now this all too familiar clause is often forgotten like the toils of soldiers on the battlefield, repeated ad nauseum throughout the echoing literature left by our founding fathers and throughout the annals of history. America has been shown to persevere through the greatest of trials truly reflecting the American patriot’s desire to not only uphold freedom, equality, justice and humanity, but also to remember the faint yearning whispers of the oppressed crying out “Let freedom ring!” According to Michmerhuizen the Attorney-Client Privilege means “The concepts of lawyer confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege both concern information that the lawyer must keep private and are protective of the
She does a good job explaining the payoff request process, how we obtain the figures and what was determined regarding a refund of the HOI check back to the client because the previous lender's payment was accepted first.
Advocate, “a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy”(Merriam-Webster's, 2016). Having a voice, an advocate in your plan of care is essential to a holistic approach to care. But so often we run into situations where a client who is too ill or injured to speak on their behalf or lacks any advance directives, what kind of risk do these clients face. These clients are at a risk for an increased rate of mortality. Are Clients without advocates receiving a different quality of care than those who have one. Yes, dying clients without advocates are receiving different quality of care due to delays in transportation and the lack of an advocate.
Clear gump and concise- (4:04-5:12) At this time, Traci seemed either distracted or unconfident about the information she provided to the client. There was a lot of word fillers ( Uhh) (Umms) used that wouldn't make a clear and confident delivery. Moving forward consider using a quick hold to gather all the info needed and set clear, confident expectations to the client.
Strong Intro- In Noel's Strong Intro, she dos do not address the client by name. We address the client by name to personalize our calls and begin to build rapport.
It is a late summer morning and without air conditioning the environment at the not-for-profit law center, Northern County Legal Services (NCLS), is reminiscent of an overcrowded Department of Motor Vehicle office. The center does not have a variety of comfortable places to sit as chairs were donated or purchased. The aesthetics of the center, the lack of efficiency, and the frustration of the volunteers surely sets a negative tone for the customers who are already frustrated due to their legal woes. Customers are there to receive assistance with domestic violence, employment, family or housing law. Tempers flare among surly but needy customers who often are forced to wait past their
Paralegals and Legal Assistants do various tasks to support a lawyer or attorney including organizing files, conducting legal research, and drafting numerous types of documentation in preparation for legal action to take place. Legal actions that take place are court hearings, trials, and corporate meetings.