
Cliff-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

The time I tried something was when I was eight. My dad, Mommy Tami, my sisters, my brothers and me went to greece fairy. Where there are cliff I want to do a backflip off the cliff but I was too scared to jump. So I just kept doing frontflips off the cliff. I stopped jumping after about five frontflips and started watching my brothers do backflips. My brothers saw I was just sitting so they asked me “Whats wrong”. I said “Nothings wrong” but they asked me again “Whats wrong”. I said ¨I´m too scared to do a backflip¨. They both said ¨They will help me overcome my fear and do a backflip off the cliff. I jumped up with excitement and said ¨YES¨. So they started helping me by grabbing my feet and flipping me backwords off the cliff.

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