The past two decades has see the largest push for the creation renewable energy technologies in order to reduce the anthropogenic carbon emissions, that have risen so quickly since the industrial revolution began in the early 19th century. The common use of cars, the expansion of commercial farming and the large use of everyday use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas have all contributed to the rising levels of green house gasses. Carbon dioxide levels have increased by around 38% and methane levels have increased by 148% (, n.d.) both carbon dioxide and methane are considered to be green house gasses. The warming of the earth’s climate has gone hand in hand with the rising green house gas
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In renewable technologies such as wind turbines the most prominent REEs are neodymium (Nd), Praseodymium (Pr) and dysprosium (Dy). Most studies done so far have shown that the primary supply of on land mining of these REEs is unable to keep up with the demand that has been projected for renewables by 2015.
This essay looks at whether the detrimental effect of mining these Rare Earth Elements is worth the detrimental effect that it is going cause to the environment especially that of the deep oceans, and whether it is a cost effective way to generate an alternative to fossil fuel energy.
Climate change has started the effort to create high-powered technologies that the population is now so used to, but using sources that produce zero carbon emissions. These renewable energy sources include wind turbines, solar panels and wave energy technologies all of which provide households and industries electricity that is so important to modern day life. It has also pushed for electric, hybrid and hydrogen powered vehicles, all in a bid to reduce the pollution that is being so abundantly produced.
Scotland is abundant in the natural resources need to create efficient renewable energies. These are mainly in the form of on land wind farms closely followed by off shore wind farms, but it is also very involved in designing efficient wave and tidal energy forms. The majority of Scotland is rural in its landscape meaning that in a lot of areas the only
The rarest resources are the metals that the use for the electrical
It has recently come to light that Glasgow and the West of Scotland have been using a great deal of our earth’s precious finite resources. To combat this we must take advantage of our valuable surroundings and look for long term replacements such as solar, wind and tidal power as well as geothermal and hydroelectric sources. In the interest of our planets wellbeing and our country’s economy, the engineers at SECC have created the following report. Our aim is to help you realise the potential of these alternative sources and push for them to replace the power plants burning through our finite resources.
Uranium is a common naturally occurring radioactive element in the earth's crust. It was initially used to coloring glass or ceramic glaze (M. Eisenbud & T. Gesell 1963: 319), whereas it became the nuclear fuel used in nuclear reactors and atomic bomb until 1939 when O. Hahn and F. Strassmann discovered the nuclear fission of uranium, and its released tremendous energy can be used for generate electricity or as a weapon. Even there occurred such a speech, 'who owns the uranium could be the world' (T. Zoellner 2009). Therefore, the world has entered a uranium mining boom. Meantime, it also has given rise to people's discussions whether the uranium mining should be on a large scale without restrictions. Some people believe that uranium
The effects of climate crises are felt all over the globe, leaving harsh impacts on society and the environment. From typhoons to hurricanes to rising sea levels to rising atmospheric temperatures, cities around the world cannot escape the effects of climate change, but they are able to combat it. They are able to help the earth instead of continuing to harm it, and the way to do this is through implementing climate change programs. Even if one city chooses not to carry out such a program, it does not mean another city should not, and many cities around the globe have already taken the steps to carry out long-term programs with lasting effects. Cities that have implemented climate-change programs with lasting effects include Copenhagen, Mexico City, and San Francisco, and they serve as prime examples for the world when it comes to combatting climate crises.
Today, much of the world’s energy comes from the processing of fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and coal. These fossil fuels, however, will not last forever. Fossil fuel supplies are slowly but surely dwindling in numbers and one day we will run out. We need to find different ways to generate energy. Another reason to find different ways to generate energy is that the burning and processing of fossil fuels emit NOx, SOx, CO2, and other particulate matter that is harmful to our environment and our health. Some may argue that nuclear energy power plants is the way that our society should generate energy, however, the nuclear waste it produces and the extreme dangers that exist if a
Global warming has been a hot topic worldwide for over a decade. While many believe it is a problem that needs to be tended to immediately, others believe or claim for political reasons that it is just propaganda. Global warming is described by Bodnar as “The increase in temperature around the world caused by gases in the atmosphere.” (Bodnar 7) Many scientists believe that carbon dioxide gases are the main cause of Global Warming. Things such as old factories and cars emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere when they are put to use. This generally comes from old cars and old factories made before the nineteen nineties, because in recent years technology has been manufacturing more eco-friendly cars and factories that produce less waste. Since the discovery of global warming there have been many technological advances made in an attempt to try put a stop to global warming such as the use of wind power, solar power, and hybrids.
Climate change is an inevitable and evident problem that has been debated on for quite a few decades. The role of energy usage towards increasing or decreasing the rate of change in climate and causing global warming is a very controversial topic in this world which exponential growth of population and economy. The amount of energy used and the type of energy used is also one of the key factors that contribute to this debate. Fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oils have been dominating the energy usage in the world and without doubt they create these unavoidable externalities such as pollution. The purpose of this paper is to
Until the 70’s, renewable energy systems were widely considered minor and declining power sources (Maugh, 1972). Since then, palpable advances in technologies, to produce an array of renewable energy-products (see Pandey, 2009), together with the promise of jobs and higher aggregated value to rural activities (see Domac, Richards, & Risovic, 2005), “greatly contributed to revise this setting” (Cowan, 2002; Petroleum, 2009; Sims, Hastings, Schlamadinger, A. Taylor, & Smith, 2006).
Alternatively, some scientists are researching another fuel source altogether: thorium. According to the Encyclopedia of Global Resources, thorium, an element with similar properties to uranium, “has been considered as fuel for some [...] reactors, in part because it is far more common than uranium,” being approximately “3-4 times more abundant than uranium” (Wiggins 833; Rhodes). Christopher J. Rhodes, author of over 180 scientific publications on numerous topics, indicates that thorium has the benefits of
Over the past few decades, the world has rapidly deteriorated in terms of the environment. There are numerous factors that contribute to the deterioration of the earth and one significant factor is due to the issues of climate change. Majority of environmental as well as social scientist that cares about the world defines climate change as the primary source of global risk since it could have severe impacts on the future generations. In addition, the general meaning of the term ‘climate change’ is defined as the change in regional or global climate patterns and it is mainly caused by human activities such as deforestation and emission of harmful gases that pollutes the environment. The future generations are affected in a way that survivability in the world would be tougher and lifestyle would be different compared to the present. In the following essay, climate change will be discussed by relating it to the issue of sustainable development as well as identifying several implications of a continued “Business as Usual” approach and concluding by providing several objectives and alternatives to improve sustainability of the world.
Finally uranium stocks are not reported to be dwindling as oil and natural gas to this must be added that much less raw material is needed to produce energy, about 28 gram of uranium releases as much energy as produced from 100 metric tons of coal thus reducing the pollution created by its transportation in comparison with other sources of energy.
Getting resources to build our technology is growing heftier leading a lot of precious metals are used to generate our precious short term technology, worst thing yet, we don’t know how to reuse or recycle it.
“If international climate policy is to prove effective, government policy-makers will unavoidably need to take all business actors on board, not the least of them the multinational oil corporations. The oil industry is one of the most powerful and global business sectors today and its activities and products are directly linked with rising greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding its climate change strategies and actions is of utmost importance to those policy-makers aiming at constructive participation of the oil industry in the shift to a climate-friendly world.” (Van den Hove, Le Menestrel and De Bettignies, 2002)
If too much CO2 has escaped into our atmosphere can’t we just find ways to remove it? If it was that easy we would, but unfortunately it isn’t, nor is it cheap. Over the last century the human induced burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, increased the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, causing human induced climate change. Climate change is an issue that has kit a peak on our planet and needs to be stopped. It is defined as a change in global or regional climate patterns, or a long term climate change in Earth’s climate. I propose that in order to avoid the 6th mass
“Ever since civilization began, each generation has left the next planet similar to the one it inherited. Our generation may be the first to abandon that tradition” (Brown, 2009). It is clear the amount of damage that has been done to the environment is due to this current generation and the problem I will be focusing on is climate change.