The general populous in the developed world and 97% of scientists can agree that there have been changes in our overall global climate that indicate climate change. There are those who still refuse to acknowledge the existence of such change or that the shifts in climate are caused by humans. The major question is: Is there actual statistical evidence to prove that climate change is more than a short term observed trend in global climate?
Skeptics of climate change refer to surface temperature changes and the only .5 change as proof that global warming and climate change are not real and happening. However, they forget their training a difference of .5 in any statistical or practical data is significant. That is not addressing the larger issue though that many
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Those against or denying climate change often take a strong position that CO2 only makes up 0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere and cannot be causing the mass change in climate. These scientist, politicians, and general citizens don’t understand the science behind how CO2 absorbs infrared radiation and causes an incredible amount of greenhouse gas at such a low concentration. Scientists such as John Tyndall and Svante Arrhenius knew better. They each demonstrated a vast amount of understanding as to how CO2 so severely affects our atmosphere and how even a doubling in its concentration could cause a 6oC uptake in atmospheric temperature. Each scientists did his own calculations and presented them in the mid to late 1800’s. Such surety at a time when instruments and knowledge were not as sophisticated and climate change had not become so imminent and important can show us several flaws in some of the skeptics other arguments. Climate change has been observable for hundreds of years and was even predicted. Also at a time when many people were concerned with things other than the conservation of the environment and liberals had not yet added
Through looking at recorded snow fall totals, Lake Freeze overs, and agriculture impacts one is able to start seeing trends in environmental changes. By looking at record snow fall records we can get a sense of historical air temperature and see how a specific location has been warming. Lake Freeze over data also gives good indications of an average air temperature increase. But there are still many people in this world that doubt that climate change is real. Yes earth goes through different periods of time where the climate has changed drastically. Look at the Ice Age, there was a time where a huge glacier stretched all the way across Vermont and in some places that glacier was 2 miles thick. Take for example, former Texas governor Rick Perry, who is in charge of the Department of Energy stated in 2011 that, “Global warming was an unproven scientific theory.”(Sidahmed, M. (2016, December 15). To the new presidential administration the topic of climate change has been looked at as a joke or even as a false idea. What we now know with the amounts of glaciers residing and the rise in temperatures and sea levels I believe that this subject is a bigger topic than what they believe. This subject needs to be taken seriously and we as humans need to take responsibility for some of our actions that have impacted climate change. I strongly disagree with many different actions that our president has taken regarding the issue
For those individuals who doubt climate change is real, I would strongly recommend they watch this documentary; it just might change their perspective on climate change and how it has led to extreme weather changes. Research shows that "Eighty-eight percent of natural resource professionals in this study agree or strongly agree that the science indicates that our climate is changing" (Allred et al. 10). The problem is most people do not truly believe the facts that are discovered by scientist. President Donald Trump is one example, you hear it over news reports saying that us as people do
As a lover of meteorology, I have always paid attention to the weather and natural world around me. I have noticed and taken record of the change of temperature, major weather events, and the changes in my backyard. When people mention climate change, I automatically think of a phenomenon that is true, and because of my personal experience with observation. I also have believed this to be true because those around me have never presented me with evidence to the contrary. The way that I know climate change is real is because of my perception. While others may perceive no significant change in the environment or the weather patterns that surround them, I recognize a change. I would therefore present the argument of climate change as one that is not just obvious, but supported by many scientists as well. Because of the way I would present this, my statements would not be left open to interpretation, as the way that scientists often present factual
These last two election cycles have demonstrated the importance of climate change in relation to politics and the american people. What is unfortunate is that what seems to be a very crucial and real problem in our human survival, according to scientists, is being debated by people who do not have the scientific credentials to even discuss the science behind the reality of climate change. Those behind the skeptics, have funded a successful campaign against the reality of the facts and have introduce doubt into the sciences.
First, an overwhelming scientific consensus agrees that human activity is primarily responsible for Global Climate Change. A study in 2010 showed that 97-98% of researchers agree that human activity is the primary cause for climate change around the world. This study also found that the expertise of researchers unconvinced was “substantially below” the researchers that were. The 2013 Cook review showed that out of the 11.944 studies, less than 1% completely rejected the possibility of humans causing this. A different review of 13, 950 studies of climate change found only 24 that rejected humans causing climate change. Let’s just go with majority rules. A different study held by Bray and Von Storch, two German scientists, showed that 83.5% of scientists studying climate believe that humans are causing the recent amounts of climate change. Also, a study in 2011 showed that 84% of scientists studying earth, space, the atmosphere, oceans and hydrology believe that human caused climate change is
On one side of the argument we have we have scientists, who recognise that climate change is present in our society today and realise the importance of direct action. They provide us with important and relevant data and statistics that are evidence that climate change is real.
Many people believe that climate change is in effect, but many scientists have proved that wrong because I have information about the ice caps that support this.. In 2012
Beginning with Mark Hendrickson’s argument, he recognizes that the climate is changing. He wrote in his article “Climate Change-Hoax or Crime of the Century” that the Earth has emerged from a Little Ice Age not that long ago, and it would be worrisome if the climate around the globe was not warming
A second study states “Although some records are available from the 1600s and 1700s , systematic measurements of climate began in the mid-1800s. The data include measurements of surface temperature over land and the oceans, precipitation amounts, sea-ice extents, and global sea levels. Since the 1970s, satellite studies have provided additional data on temperature trends at Earth’s surface and through the layers of the atmosphere” (“Global Warming- Britannica”). The second source backs up the first source with exact quantitative data about changes in the first. (See pictures on page 6-7 ). The first topic of the United Nation’s Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report is “Observed Changes and their Cause” which states “Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850” (“United Nations” pg 7). These three sources prove, through scientific observational facts, that the climate of the Earth’s surface is changing very rapidly, therefore, proving that through conclusive science the topic of climate changer is accurate.
last century and how despite the clear evidence, some people still deny climate change. This
Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence; however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and make
Everyone talks about climate change and how the Earth is slowly deteriorating, but no one seems to have specific examples. In Linnea Saukko’s “How to Poison the Earth,” she does use specific examples of what is causing climate change. She uses satire with a hint of sarcasm in her essay. She gives the reader specific examples of how to poison the Earth, but not really wanting to poison the Earth. Gretel Ehrlich writes her essay, “Chronicles of Ice,” a little differently. She uses personal experiences of visiting a glacier and the way that it is falling apart to explain climate change. She uses detailed, sensory description to explain
Climate is inherently variable. Climate changes from place to place and it varies with time. The world now faces one of the complex and important issue it has ever had to deal with: climate change. Climate change today is one of the biggest concerns of human beings on the planet and the effects of climate change are undeniable and it may cause environmental, social, and economic threats to the planet. We already know and easily can highlight several signs of climate change. They are: rising global sea level, widespread melting of snow and ice, rapidly changing ocean and global temperatures, and other signs. So, what are the causes of climate change? Is it natural or do human beings cause it? Well, in both cases we would be right. The climate change can be affected by natural factors, such as solar output, volcanic eruptions, and the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Also, climate change can be affected by human activities such as, deforestation, burning fossil fuels, causing ozone hole, and building mass destructive weapons and using them on earth that causes a huge radioactivity on earth. Currently, the threat of global climate change does not threaten some nations to the extent of others. Compare the United States with the rest of African countries. We live in prosperity and in much easier time than the rest African countries. Most African countries cannot grow anything on their lands because of climate change. At the end, climate change might affect everyone on
Climate change could be described as any process that causes adjustment to climate system be it a volcanic eruption to a change in the solar activity. Today, however, the phrase is most often used as climate change caused by humans. Climate change is also used commonly with another phrase – "global warming" – reflecting scientific observations of strong warming trends over the past century or so. Indicators like rising sea levels, retreating snow cover and glaciers, longer growing seasons and shifting wildlife has alarmed scientific community unanimously agreeing that the earth has warmed in the last century. Experts however are of the opinion that climate change is a more accurate phrase than global warming as the latter is just one component affecting the larger climate systems of the earth.
“When taking the heating of the entire climate system into account, our planet has warmed at a rate equivalent to 4 Hiroshima atomic bomb detonations per second over the past 15 years” (Cook). Our planet is becoming warmer. When scientists add up all the heat warming the land, oceans, atmosphere, ice melting, earth is accumulating heat equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second. Global warming is a serious issue faced by our world as there has been a significant increase in temperature over the years. But the article published by Dr. Mark Sircus on “Global Warming -largest science scandal in the history” refutes the theory of global warming. Dr. Sircus states that there is no linkage between carbon dioxide and temperature leading to global warming, the sea level is not rising, arctic sea ice extent is now higher and climate change is due to solar activity. Dr. Sircus also points out that that the recent weather changes are not in line with global warming and “we are in the beginning of a deep freeze” (Global Warming - Largest Science Scandal in US History). NASA and the scientific community states that global warming is not a hoax and there is a rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases released as people burn fossils. NASA states that the “key indicators of global warming are based on surface, satellite, and ocean temperature measurements, satellite measurements of energy imbalance and of receding glaciers, sea ice, and