
Climate Change In Australia

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A) One of the most obvious impacts of climate change would be the changes in weather factors. (1.web PDF: .State of Climate 2016 p 6). This can be visible in changing temperature, accordingly, occurance of heat events and rainfall changes.

According to 2016 ,the State Climate Report 2016 , Bureau of Meteorology and CISRO, there can be seen 1 centrigrade increase in temperature of Australia has warmed since 1910(1.P3). As scientists points out , even a slight difference in the average temperature can be lead to double the frequency of risky events mainly,bushfires (2. Australia’s changing climate p4). Further, It has recorded the past 15 years as the warmest years among the 16 on records in the history and the number of days per year, over 35 Centigrade, have increased in recent decades, excluding some parts of northern Australia.( 1.pdfclimate p4). And also, Year …show more content…


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