
Climate Change Persuasive Speech Essay

Decent Essays

I am Amy Michel, and I'm a climate change activist. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports, the earth’s temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century.
I have faith that we, the people of this country, our generation, can change the way of our future. Over the past few years the globe has been progressively getting hotter and hotter, but we can stop the planet from going down this dreadful road of destruction. Quote from Obama, We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.

Did you know that Australia is the leading cause of pollution per person? It's disgraceful that our renowned, beautiful, almost sacred country, has to be put under such scrutiny because of our problems. If we don't rise to the problem that is occurring right now, our children, and their children!, will be suffering because of our present past doings. Australia is 15th on the list of highest carbon polluters, and guess what! Our emissions are still increasing every day. And it's in our growing power to do something about it. And now is the time to do something about it. …show more content…

Now whats the big deal over that happening? Well let me tell you, it keeps the oceans cool and the acidic leaves steady so fish and the multiple ecosystems don't die. Land space will be decreased, submerging meters of cities, islands and continents with water in a time when the worlds population is ever increasing and we need all the space we can get. But it's kind of comic, how we are causing all of this. Maybe you might not be realizing it, but doing something as minor as spraying your deodorant in the morning is increasing the greenhouse gasses which contributes to the temperature increases, when you can use liquid pump or a roll on instead. Just doing this, will help. Everything you do to change for the better, will

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