I really like your respond to this week discussion. I really agree with your everything you stated within your first paragraph. As clincians we have to believe our clients will succeed. I believe most of the time we are the only support system our clients have in their corner. When we as clinicians show and express our believe him/her it can provide motiviation to succeed. Another good point you made was having the client express what a positive outcome looks like. I like this strategy because we as clinicians are not telling them what they should be working towards which could hurt the process. They are explaining to us what they are willing to work towards.
The JonBenet Case Several analyses have been conducted when it comes to the JonBenet case, in which it is assumed that the parents of JonBenet murder the six-year-old beauty queen. Due to the investigation that was conducted the case is still unresolved. A different outcome could have arisen if the initial police officers and investigators would have focused on looking for other suspects other than JonBenet 's parents, secured the scene, and separated and interrogated the people inside the scene. The forensic evidence that was discovered that day was unreliable due to the standard procedures that were not followed. The first step in maintaining a crime scene integrity is to properly secure the scene and the immediate vicinity around it. If a crime scene is properly secured unnecessary disturbance and contamination of the evidence is reduced. Immediately after the scene is secured an entry log is kept to account for any person who is inside or is wanting to go inside. Shoe impressions may be asked for comparison if any latent shoeprints are found. However, this protocol was not observed in the murder of JonBenet. The scene was left unsecured, and individuals were entering as they pleased. Secondly, investigators did not follow the standard operation procedures compromising the crime
Self- esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of self- worth or personal value.
Elder and Paul (2011) posit, “There are predictable stages through which every person who develops as a critical thinker passes” (p. 1). I agree with this assertion. If we assume that the premise learning is a process holds true, then that process offers great insights of Elder and Paul’s argument. The later premise for learning as a process shows that a thinker must moves from regions of familiarity to unfamiliar one. Critical thinking requires that the person understand the basic concept of a theory if s/he is to think critically about that theory. The converse ideation where critical thinking precedes basic understanding is fallacious. This makes critical thinking process to be predictable.
2. In the 21st century exposure to media is an everyday event for most of us. Even at the grocery store, we see magazines and newspapers with eye-catching headings that may not be true. Also, the news is everywhere, and with technology on the rise, we even get news alerts on our phones. The media has taken over society. Most of the stories we read about seem to be true but in reality, are they giving a true insight of what is actually happening? Some of the stories cause people to become blindfolded from reality. This is because the stories that people read or see have a profound impact on shaping our reality rather they are true or not. We see the news about events that are going on in the world; rather they are catastrophic events or devastating events that were done by humans.
Independent thinking is one of the many key words the author uses. By Independent thinking the author means that each person forms his or her own ideas. That however does not mean that they cannot agree with someone else but that they have the ability to choose whether or not they do.
A father and son bond is a unbreakable bond, it may be sour at times but it will always be there. Like in the novel Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Henry has a father who is trying to give Henry the best that he can. Even though Henry doesn't think it is. I know if my father stopped me from seeing the girl I love, I would be very angry. Although I would be angry, I also would under stand why he would do that. While Henry knows why but doesn't respect his father enough to do what his father wishes. I believe that I would listen to him and respect his authority. Because I was raised in a loyal and understanding family. While Henry could not even talk to his dad. Witch makes both answers correct with the points of view they have. If and
Clarity - To avoid confusion and provide the best information, it is essential to clearly identify what is we are trying to accomplish. We should be able to break down topics and ideas to their most specific forms.
When the Judge admonished the Jury, he told them they must reach a unanimous decision beyond a reasonable doubt. The "hero" of this movie appears to be Henry Fonda, the first juror to vote "not guilty". He kept challenging the evidence by saying "isn 't it possible?"...that the evidence was wrong. Do some critical thinking on this...using a good paragraph answer if "isn 't it possible?" is the same thing as "beyond a reasonable doubt." Start with a “yes” or “no” and then eleaborate.
Voltaire once said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking” (“Voltaire Quotes”) What Voltaire intended to convey was that extensive and critical thinking can allow people to arrive at rational solutions to problems. This is one of the reasons why the significance of thinking critically has become a popular issue that is discussed about in educational systems nowadays. It is imperative that students develop critical thinking skills and not just blindly be taught what to think, but rather how to think. Pure memorization will not lead to authentic learning; instead, encouraging critical thinking is what will help students evaluate problems and make reasonable decisions. As humans are susceptible to emotions, critical
Poldma dissects the Interior Design one element at a time. Her book will assist with the research
The future of the human race is terrifying to ponder about; not only does it raise many questions as to how the constant population growth will be handled, but it also causes natural resources to become more limited by the day. As human beings progress towards the future they will undoubtedly accomplish a myriad of feats. It is essential that one of such feats can solve the issues brought forth by the ever growing population of the human race. Furthermore, engineers must either generate new ways to sustain the increasing population, or they must develop systems to restrict the growth of population in general. It may even be possible for engineers to apply their work towards developing certain systems or technologies which can do such things as producing more clean drinking water, disposing of waste more efficiently, being more efficient with energy (such as oil and fossil fuels), etc. If present day engineers do not work quickly toward solving these problems, it could be catastrophic. The human race is running out of the required resources to sustain the current population, let alone the future population of the Earth at this rate. The population of people on the Earth is expected to reach 8 billion by 2024 and is projected to be 10 billion by 2056. (Worldometers, 2016). As the population will increase by billions in the next few decades, the human race will not be able to sustain such essential resources as oil, coal, and many other essential resources for human survival.
A good way to answer the question. Is critical thinking good for anything? It is with the statement Stephen Jay Gould (1997,x, xii) mention one of his books, “Skepticism is the agent of reason against organized irrationalism- and is therefore one of the keys to human social and civic decency”(12). This statement means that without using our critical thinking, humans are not mostly capable to make the right decisions, and this can bring consequences in their life as well other people’s live. If society excludes critical thinking in their life, it is a way our world will not have a good function in the community such as more death, wars and inequality. Critical thinking helps everyone to make the right decision.
Had been told of what to do exactly all the time, I was not used to thinking independently before I came to America. The first thing my American teachers warned me about was plagiarizing the thoughts of other people, but this was difficult. I learned from my old teachers that I could memorize good sentences from other people in order to use them for my own essays, which contradicted my new teachers. I therefore struggled at first in classes like English and History that required critical thinking and an awareness of different perspectives. When they assigned me a major writing assignment, it felt like I had to spend twice the time to finish them. I was frustrated by the complexity of my thinking and often received comments such as “dig deeper”,
From others' responses I have learned that everyone has a different opinion. Each of us live different lives and have undergone different life experiences. It was quite interesting to read about those understanding and for some, their personal involvements. I read about creating unique goal setting tools. I heard different treatment plans that I think would be beneficial to the clients overall well-being, as well as the clients short-term and long-term health. Such as, evaluating the needs of the patients. Making sure that the patience receive the proper examination and the correct provision. I also read about how important it is to be intentional about checking the patient general progress. And, how vital it is to support the patients. After reflecting on the responses, I could take my personal background, and views out of the equation and understand the situation from others beliefs and concepts.
When defining the term “critical thinking” it can seem overwhelming and daunting, especially for young learners. In laments terms, you are teaching your student how to think for him or herself when it comes to problem solving. Instead of giving the student the answer, you give them the tools to discover the answer him/herself. Critical thinking is an important component of any classroom. No matter the age group, these skills stay with a child for the rest of his or her life. As a teacher, it is important to understand what critical thinking pertains to and how to structure part of your lesson plan around developing critical thinking skills.