CM traveled to consumer home for the purpose of providing consumer with transportation to her clinic appointment at AOP. CM arrived at consumer home and consumer said, “I am not going to clinic.” Consumer stated she had been in the custody of the Mobile Police Department overnight. CM encouraged consumer to come to her clinic appointment. Consumer said, “I will go because I know you trying to send me to East Pointe.” Consumer said,” You don’t understand that Poo (her son) is my dead husband. Consumer is delusional as evidenced by thinking her son is her husband. CM asked consumer was she ready for her appointment. Consumer said “I told you I don’t have on panties.” Consumer pulled up her dress and showed CM her naked body. Consumer has a pattern
The complainant was flatulating throughout the night which caused Lynn to kick her out of the bedroom because of the smell. The complainant went into the living room and was unable to go back to sleep and became bored. The complainant decided to put Christmas decorations up throughout the house and on the Christmas tree. The complainant was in the bathroom when Lynn approached her and stated “Why you put decorations on that girl tree” referring to Kiyanna. The complainant told the Lynn that if Kiyanna didn’t like the decorations Kiyanna could take them down. The complainant and Lynn continued to argue and Lynn told the complainant to leave. Lynn then called the Michelle and advised her to bring her shit referring to a gun. A few minutes later Michelle arrived at the home. The complainant who was gathering her belonging to leave advised that Lynn and Kiyanna started putting stuff back in the apartment and taking items out the complainant’s hands. Michelle who was
On this date worker visited the residence of Mr. John and Claudia Peterson, for the purpose of making first victim contact. When worker arrived, Mr. Peterson was standing outside. He greeted worker and stated, "Something is wrong with her." According to Mr. Peterson, Mrs. Peterson does not do anything around the house except watch TV. She has a history of being verbally abusive, throwing the remote and dishes at him, and she has threatened to kill him before. The last time she threatened to kill him she was placed in Senior Care. However, Mr. Peterson checked her out AMA because the doctor would not talk to him. When asked about her behavior prior he stated, "She has always been like this just not this bad." Mrs. Peterson has no family or friends
The chants grow louder, "Dayne, Dayne, Dayne", its 4'Th and goal, the Badgers trail Michigan by 5 with six seconds left. The winner takes home the title as the 1999 National champions. The ball is snapped, Bollinger drops back, fakes the pass, and pitches it to Dayne. He dodges a tackle, bounces off 2 blue jerseys, and stumbles in the end-zone for the game winning TD. Dayne's hard work and perseverance "paid off" and led Wisconsin to a victory.
A Marketing strategy is necessary to develop and implement for all health care organizations. Rush University Medical Center in Chicago learned this lesson in the most difficult circumstances. The leadership assumed the reputation of the facility would be enough to stand up against all other health care facilities in the surrounding area; supplementary publicity or lobbying was necessary. As time passed on, it was very obvious by the drastic decrease in patient census and revenue that something had to change. The implementation of an environmental scan in that particular instance would greatly influence the facility in a positive manner. It is an approach that assists in the process of identifying and recognizing all the marketing elements involved. The first step of the environmental scan is an assessment of the five major environmental forces and trends. Next, evaluate the potential impact on the organization’s target market and adjust the organizations marketing mix strategy as appropriate (Berkowitz, 2011).
I- CM inquired about client’s meeting with LA Family Housing (3/7). CM updated client’s medical and housing appointment list to assist him with remembering his schedule. CM informed client that he has scheduled transportation to and from the VA hospital for his upcoming colonoscopy appointment (3/11). CM informed client that he would be provided a sandwich from the kitchen when he returns from his colonoscopy appointment. CM informed client that his transportation is only going to “transport” him to and from the hospital, and not stop to buy him dinner, because a sandwich is being provided when client returns. CM continued to assess client’s mental health and medication compliance.
My background includes 10 years of working in a hospital setting. I started out as a unit clerk at Midwest Regional Medical Center and was promoted to Charge Auditor Supervisor during my employment. I was responsible for correcting any mistakes on patient’s charts before the account was sent to the billing department. I gained experience as a clinic representative for St. Anthony Oncology Clinic. I was responsible for scheduling patients for appointments, treatments, and tests; and served as a liaison between patient and all medical staff.
R/s Audra has a mental disability, she suffers from bipolar and anxiety (GAD). R/s Audra is being physically abused by her boyfriend, Peter. R/s Audra is in denial of the danger she is in. R/s the physical abuse could cause internal bleeding due to her factor 5 Leiden disorder. R/s Peter is the payee of Audra’s social security disability check. R/s Peter takes the money to buy crack. R/s Audra lost her car because Peter was spending the money. R/s Peter stopped Audra from going to therapy. R/s Peter attends the methadone clinic and he is giving Audra the methadone. R/s LE was called on Tuesday due to a domestic dispute, but they were unable to do anything because Audra stated she hurt herself. R/s Audra was all bruised up with two black eyes.
Writer called pt. to see if he needed any case management resources. He asked the writer about the results of his drug screen. Due to the sound and tone of his voice pt. did not sound like his normal self. Writer asked pt. if he needed food or housing. He informed the writer he was fine, he is a survivor. Writer was not able to ask if he needed a shelter to stay. Pt. rushed phone conversation.
Mental health is a substantial problem in our society and our government is. In the past, many of the severely addicted and mentally ill patients of Greater Vancouver were sent to Riverview Hospital, a mental health facility in Coquitlam that was shut down in July 2012. The aftermath of the deinstitutionalization of these patients caused unneeded problems. Riverview Hospital must be reopened to provide the beds and housing that community facilities lack for those with mental illnesses. When Riverview reopens, patients will have access to the treatment they urgently need. Intensive care in secure wards at Riverview for patients that are chronically mentally ill is absolutely necessary. Additionally, the BC government must reopen Riverview Hospital
On 7/18/2015, client came to the social service office complaining that she being harasses by residents in the Kitchen. Client mentioned while she was having lunch. One resident tap her on her back with the cane. She continues to mention residents W. Wright got involved and told client that she have “Her son is her custody”. Client was upset. CM went to the Kitchen to investigate the allegation. CM was informed by residents W. Wright that the client had her cane in the way and she was asked to move the cane. Ms. Wright continues to relate that the client got angry and start calling people “ payasa and estupida”. {translate in English “Stupid and Clown”} Ms. Wright also mentioned the client walk around covering her nose and mouth
The stuff you see in crime shows. “That’s a lot of cops.” Alice states. “Yea, there are.” “Let’s go ask if they will let you in. Did you bring any proof of who you are?” “I brought my student Id. That should work.” I answer “Yea, I hope that’s enough.” We walk up to the cop that looks like he’s in charge, because he’s just standing there bossing everybody around. “Sir, would I be allowed to enter my room.” “Who are you.” The officer asks me with annoyance. “I’m Anna Ackerman, the daughter of deceased Miranda Ackerman, and sister of deceased Devin Ackerman.” “You are only allowed in your room, go around the back. I’ll have one of my officers bring you.” “Whatever.” I say exhausted. Officer Rogers brought us around to the back. We are going inside the house, the house that my mother will never walk in the halls, or cook in the kitchen, or read in the office. The house that my brother will never play in the game room, or talk with his friends on the phone in his room, or play hoops with me in the driveway. “Anna are you gonna go inside?” I didn’t realize I was just standing in the doorway. “Yea, I’m just tired.” Alice still staring at me with worry in her eyes. I ignore her look, and steady myself. I walk in, and turn to the hall that leads to my room. “Alice you coming?” “Yea.” “Officer you can stay here.” I tell him. “Fine.” He
Officers responded to Wal-Mart in reference to a domestic dispute. On scene officers made contact with the victim Sara Adams. She stated that her ex-boyfriend was staying with her and now will not leave the residents. She stated that he damaged her cell phone and trashed her house. Officers observed the damage phone and when to 171 Keen dr to make contact with the suspect. Upon officers arrival the suspect had fled the scene. Adams stated that the argument stated when she came home at 00:00. She stated that Corey Newman, her ex-boyfriend was mad about her not coming home when she got off work. She stated that when she pulled into the driveway he met her at her vehicle and wanted to go through her phone to see if she was seeing another
William Shakespeare is renowned for his tragedies that explore the ideas of the human psyche, exhibiting how actions and decisions can affect emotional stability and sanity. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, the main character Macbeth makes morally questionable decisions that lead to his tragic downfall. Macbeth’s downfall is conveyed through his inner turmoil and unstable state of mind. The deceitful nature and actions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth indicate an idea of false appearances as they try to hide their true selves from those around them, flooding the atmosphere with a wave of guilt and paranoia. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ultimately fall into despair due to the consequences of their actions.
With the current shift to value-based care, the Kaiser Family Foundation has highlighted an increase in the number of outpatient visits, which have gone up 24%. Current advances in technology (minimally invasive joint replacement) and health informatics have allowed many procedures to be shifted out of the hospital and into outpatient settings. Fueled by robotics, more specialized surgeons, improved surgical techniques and instruments, and large EHR systems, the shift to ambulatory surgery centers are becoming more feasible. Many recent studies and data have shown that procedures performed in ambulatory surgery centers have decreased inpatient costs and decreased hospital stays. Some of the cost savings come from reduced hospital overhead that
In conclusion, Willy is the main character of the play Death of a Salesman, and cannot be classified as a tragic hero according to the aforementioned definition. He is not a man of great nobility and honor. He is not highly ranked, but is 'somewhat' loved by his dysfunctional family. Yet, he makes his own mistakes that cause his downfall, but not because of an outside force. In addition, he does not face his destiny with courage and dignity rather self-pitying whimpers because he committed suicide, as he realized the truth about his life and all the miseries and failures that his life has resulted in. He made a few fatal decisions and was condemned to profound suffering because of them. This play was a great story of the aging, failing salesman