
Clinical Decision Support System

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Doctors, whether generalists or specialists, can no longer control the entire medical knowledge to recognize disease or determine the best therapeutic management. Thus, they often use external sources of information, traditionally colleagues, books, and Clinical Practice Guidelines, to find the information they lack. Nevertheless, despite the on-line diffusion of large volumes of easily accessible documentary resources, finding a solution to the problem posed by a given patient remains a difficult task. Early on, clinical decision support systems have been developed as potential solutions to this difficulty (Berner, 2007). The development of such systems appears even more crucial that many studies are published each year and who report frequent mistakes in the management of patients. Since the publication of "To Err is Human" (Kohn et al., 2000), CDSS are gaining an increased pop-ularity in various domains of health care. …show more content…

According to Shortliffe (1987) a clinical DSS is “any computer program designed to help health professionals make clinical decisions". And as stated by Conejar and Kim (2014), CDSSs are expected to improve the quality of care by providing more accurate, effective, and reliable diagnoses and treatments, and by avoiding errors due to physicians' insufficient knowledge. Moreover, they allow the doctors especially the novice ones to learn more from existing experiences, evaluate their capabilities, and enhance their performance of diagnoses. In addition, CDSS can decrease healthcare costs by providing a more specific and faster diagnosis and by processing drug prescriptions more efficiently (Garg et al, 2005, Kawamoto et al, 2005, Roshanov et al,

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