Depression can happen among anyone, however, is very common in adolescent. According to the Mayo Clinic depression “is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems” (Staff, 2014). Conflicting consequences of depression in pregnant adolescents include threats to a mother’s well-being, such as suicidal behavior.
One study showed that Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) during pregnancy in adolescent mothers and to determine its affiliation with socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric history and psychosocial variables in Brazil.
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One study found that to determine pregnancy planning and emotional readiness, participants only needed to respond to four questions ‘‘When did you want to get pregnant?’’, ‘‘I have been trying to get pregnant’’, ‘‘How did you feel emotionally?’’, and ‘‘I am ready to have a baby’’. These four questions are very important to find if adolescents is emotionally ready. (Phipps, 2012)
The study also looked into risk factors “we examined the following potential risk factors: inadequate prenatal care, delayed first prenatal care visit, no prenatal vitamin use prior to first prenatal care visit, recent smoking, drinking since pregnant, recent drug use, and self-reported depression” (Phipps, 2012, p. 1822). A majority of these adolescents missed their first prenatal care appointment and went between thirteen and twenty weeks, and a majority smoked, and used alcohol and/or drug use. However, a majority of adolescent’s according to the study are ready to be parents. (Phipps,
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Research can always use more research, seeing as how the world is changing every day. I do not think that adolescents realize what they are doing to their bodies when they become pregnant and the stress on the fetus as well. Depression and stress both set in from not only themselves for becoming pregnant, the people around them such as family, friend, the father and his family and so on. Being an adolescent is hard enough, more research needs to be done on not only how adolescents stress during pregnancy, but depression especially, and stress leads in to
Depression is a common problem during and after pregnancy; about thirteen percent of pregnant women and new mothers have depression (Women’s Health, par. 2). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, postpartum depression is defined as a mood disorder that can affect women after childbirth (National Institute of Mental Health, par. 2). Even though the mothers that suffer from postpartum depression often think it is their fault, postpartum depression can happen to any mother. This is because it is a disorder that is out of their control, it is common among many mothers and it is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance.
Estimates of the prevalence of postpartum depression range from 13% to 19% (O 'Hara & McCabe, 2013). However, major depressive episodes may go undiagnosed in 65% of pregnant women ( (Ko, Farr, Dietz, & Robbins, 2012). It is important for pregnant women and new mothers to undergo depression screening to be diagnosed and treated early if they are experiencing any symptoms of depression. Depression during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of inadequate nutrition, poor weight gain, inadequate prenatal care, preterm birth, surgical birth and low birth weight babies (Wirz-Justice, et al., 2011). The newborns have a higher rate of neonatal intensive care admissions and increased risk of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disorders (Wirz-Justice, et al., 2011).
Almost all women experience some type of depression during pregnancy. Depression is more than just feeling "blue" or "down in the dumps" for a few days. It's a serious illness that involves the brain. Depression makes you feel sad and lonely for a number of days, and could become a serious problem.These feelings can be mild to severe. Depression is the most common problem during pregnancy. Due to the potential birth defects, developmental issues, and negative effects on the health of both mother and child. Hormonal changes cause the depression women experience during pregnancy. The use of antidepressants by pregnant women should be highly restricted in the United States. It can really hurt the child more than
The study used The Avon Longitudes Study of Parents and children, which evaluated a cohort of 14, 541 pregnancies and 13,988 live children. Women ranged between the ages of 16 to 40 years of age, with the mean age at 29.1(SD 4.4). The participants consisted of mostly (98.9%) married (83.55), white (98.9%) women, with an average gestation of 39.5 weeks (SD=1.7) and the mean birth weight of offspring at 7.6 lb. (SD 1.1).
There are times that one feels hopeless during a situational event, but usually this feeling passes. Depression can be situational or clinical. The severity of the depression can cause one to be suicidal, especially if one is diagnosed with clinical depression, or a bipolar disorder. In the research report, Epidemiology of Women and Depression, it states that it is more common for women than men to have depression, and hormonal changes can contribute to depression. Pregnancy can cause depression, but what about mothers who also have a depressive disorder? (Kessler). This paper will look at these concerns, and will look at the risks to the mother and child, as well as the pros and cons of taking antidepressants (ADs) during pregnancy.
To begin, Depression has been recognized as a disease that affects fetal health. Depressed mothers are more likely to have children with adjustment problems such as mood disorders. They tend to be more difficult, do not have
Younger mothers are at greater risk of suffering depression, both when they are pregnant and after they give birth. There are many things that cause this condition. Taking care of a baby its not easy. Waking up every four hours to feed the baby makes the mothers feel tired and that causes the mother to get depressed. If you are a single mother and you have to work to provide for your child care being and if your trying to
Traditionally it has been thought that the mother’s hormones during pregnancy were sufficient to “protect women from becoming depressed” and that the expectant mother “is happy because she is forming a new life” (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2012). Recent studies have shown that a significant percentage of pregnant women are the exception to this rule. Some signs to look for in expectant mothers are: depressed mood, crying for no apparent reason, restlessness, changes in sleep or appetite, withdrawing from their partner or other family members, and thoughts of self-harm. Risk factors for antenatal depression include socioeconomic factors such as low or no social supports, maternal age (the younger the mother, the more likely she is to experience depression while
Often times, teenagers who already have one child are not very careful about their contraception habits because they are overly confident about their parenting skills and the financial assistance they receive from government programs or their parents. These factors affect their decision making skills when it comes to sex and contraception because since their experience with raising their first child was bearable,
The dire fact is that many moms-to-be suffer from depression and this can be very detrimental to both their health as well as the health of their baby. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (2016), 1 in 10 women between the ages of 18-44 suffered from a major bout of depression in the past year and 1 in 8 women suffer from postpartum depression once their baby is delivered. Furthermore, researchers (Marcus, Heringhausena, 2009) published a study in the Primary Care journal noting that one in five women will experience at least one depressive disorder during their lifetime and sadly, 10-16% of all pregnant women fulfill the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. This problem is more widespread than you may have initially believed.
Description: Description: Many pregnant women experience depression during or after pregnancy. This depression can be harmful for the mother as well as the child and thus needs instant treatment for the same.
It is highly important to diagnose depression within pregnant women, as it can affect the weight of the infant at birth. Rahman et al. (2009) found that in a developing country (South Asia) an average birth weight of 2910g in infants with depressed mothers but found a much higher 3022g birth weight in infants with non-depressed mothers. This highlights an importance to diagnose depression in pregnant women as soon as
When females are pregnant they start to get different feelings. Almost about one in ten females Experience depression when they are pregnant or better yet after they there their baby. it helps take stress of the teen mothers and helps them focus in a safe environment. This supports my argument because Females tend to grow bonds with the child
When a woman is pregnant it is extremely important that she is physically and emotionally healthy. Depression is a common psychiatric disorder among many people. Depression tends to have a social stigma attached to it, so many people tend to ignore the symptoms. It is important to get help if one is suffering from it. It affects about 1 in 8 women during their pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant and is suffering from depression it is extremely important that she gets help, because it can affect her baby. Therefore it is important to know what medications are available to help with depression. It is also important to know the side effects of the medications, because they could affect the fetus in the womb. There are a handful of
According to researchers Patel & Sen (2012), teen pregnancy can result in severe physical health issues. Researchers conducted a study that examined the physical and mental health outcomes associated with teen pregnancy. Teen mothers were reported to have the poorest health of all women examined in the study. Teen mothers’ poor health may be linked to lack of education in prenatal and postnatal care. Teen mothers may neglect their own physical health in efforts to care for their child. Teen mothers’ physical health problems may be linked to lack of financial resources for adequate food, nutrition, and medication (Patel & Sen, 2012). There has been little research that has examined teen pregnancy and the