
Clinical Psychology Principle

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Another principle that can be applied to clinical psychology is the friendship/liking principle. This principle should be understood and utilized by all psychologists, not as a manipulation strategy, but as a means to establish rapport. The friendship/liking principle states that individuals are more likely to agree with requests from someone they view as similar to them (Cialdini & Griskevicius, 2010). Therefore, if psychologists are skilled in relating to their patients and finding common ground between them, then the patients may be more likely to buy in to the treatment. Although brief, my clinical experience has validated this theory because I have successfully and consistently established rapport with patients when I point out things …show more content…

While this principle may be applied in many different ways, it can be especially useful when working with children. Specifically, when children are diagnosed with mental disorders it can be distressful to them and negatively affect their personal, social, and school life. As a diagnosis may cause a child to seek therapy, the therapist may have the goal of de-stigmatizing the diagnostic label. One specific strategy, utilizing the social validation principle, is to find athletes, celebrities, movie characters, book characters, etc., with the same diagnosis that the child has, and then use that person to help de-stigmatize the diagnosis. It is important for the therapist to find someone that the child looks up to, so it will have a greater impact. For example, if the child has social anxiety disorder and loves baseball, then the therapist should show the child that even professional baseball players (i.e., Zach Greinke) can suffer from the same illness and still be very successful and popular. Learning that one of the best pitchers in baseball suffers from the same diagnosis as him, may make the child feel better about his

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