Another principle that can be applied to clinical psychology is the friendship/liking principle. This principle should be understood and utilized by all psychologists, not as a manipulation strategy, but as a means to establish rapport. The friendship/liking principle states that individuals are more likely to agree with requests from someone they view as similar to them (Cialdini & Griskevicius, 2010). Therefore, if psychologists are skilled in relating to their patients and finding common ground between them, then the patients may be more likely to buy in to the treatment. Although brief, my clinical experience has validated this theory because I have successfully and consistently established rapport with patients when I point out things …show more content…
While this principle may be applied in many different ways, it can be especially useful when working with children. Specifically, when children are diagnosed with mental disorders it can be distressful to them and negatively affect their personal, social, and school life. As a diagnosis may cause a child to seek therapy, the therapist may have the goal of de-stigmatizing the diagnostic label. One specific strategy, utilizing the social validation principle, is to find athletes, celebrities, movie characters, book characters, etc., with the same diagnosis that the child has, and then use that person to help de-stigmatize the diagnosis. It is important for the therapist to find someone that the child looks up to, so it will have a greater impact. For example, if the child has social anxiety disorder and loves baseball, then the therapist should show the child that even professional baseball players (i.e., Zach Greinke) can suffer from the same illness and still be very successful and popular. Learning that one of the best pitchers in baseball suffers from the same diagnosis as him, may make the child feel better about his
* Predict: Offering predictions (or hypotheses) about how a given condition or set of conditions will affect
1) I want to take AP Psychology because the subject is very intriguing. For the past few summers, my parents force to learn something over the vacation of my own choosing, every Summer I would learn something psychology related and I would genuinely enjoy learning about the topic. I started off with the gripping Stanford prison experiment. Even though I was at a young age, learning this would peak my interest, next summer I would learn about B.F. skinner and his rats, then to pavlov and his dogs, and then lastly during the 8th grade summer about to become a Freshman, I learned about “Baby Albert” positive reinforcement, and negative punishment, how the “flight or flight” reaction occurred and if a paper bag really helps. I was upset that I
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It just may happen to be true that the greatest threats to the safety of young adolescents is young adolescents themselves or perhaps even society’s way of dealing with adolescents. At any age throughout the psychological development of the brain, the thought process is bound to be affected by environmental factors which later appear in manifestations attributed singularly to young adolescents such as binge drinking and higher mobile vehicle fatalities. In teenagers an important environmental factor often dictating their behavior is one simple somewhat expected part of life that modifies their behavior when compared to other age groups: peers. An individual at any age shows the same level of irrationality despite preconceived notions that teenagers and young adults have a higher propensity for such risky behavior. This
Lorraine Hansberry once said “It’s simple. You read books--to learn facts--to get good grades--to pass the course--to get a degree. It has nothing to do with thoughts.” Of course it as to do with thoughts, but there’s more meaning behind this quote that may seem a little off to others who don’t study in the depths of psychology. Psychology is the study of the overall human brain and mind. There are many types of Psychology, but this quote relates to Behavioral Psychology which is studying observable behaviors rather than mental processes. Furthermore, the father of behaviorism, or B.F. Skinner, looked into operant conditioning. That is, operant conditioning is the process by which people make responses because they have
The mind is a terrible thing to waste, but it’s also a terrible thing to misunderstand. Understanding how people interact and handle situations throughout life can make relationships and jobs easier; respectively, having a deeper understanding of actions and behaviors can especially help with students, to understand what changes occur during the time of schooling. These changes can be minor or completely change the way a teenage student acts and thinks. Psychology should be introduced at an earlier age so adolescents can understand teen attention span, social cognition, and stress patterns.
It is my strong desire to attend Fielding Graduate University APA (American Psychological Association) accredited doctoral program in clinical psychology. I have always been intrigued by the human mind for as long as I can remember, specifically the psychopathology of it. I truly enjoy conducting psychological research, learning about psychopathology and how to treat it. While conducting research and learning, it is important to remember that the purpose of psychology isn’t to predict a person’s thoughts, actions, and behaviors, but to understand them. There are dozens of events that occurred in my twenty-five years of life that led me to this meaningful choice of pursuing a doctorate. The two most significant events were when I was in the
“Make America Great Again,” started Trump’s campaign to become the next President of the United States.Yes, Donald Trump has some flaws, but he can win the Presidential Election. Even with all the hate and rumors, Donald Trump is the only candidate fit to be the President.
1. What are the feline distance increasing postures? Describe defensive aggression and offensive aggression in dogs.
Interpersonal skills are important communication strategies for medical practitioners, predominantly to perform accurate assessments and provide quality treatment for patients. Such as the ability to use emotions to better communicate with others, or the ability to empathise with a patient to help establish engagement and feelings of empowerment, both fundamental attributes to effective practice (Sanson-Fisher & Maguire, 1980). Similarly the ability to listen effectively is also fundamental to practice, as it allows the practitioner to ‘get the full picture’ (Eunson 2012). Without interpersonal skills, practitioners such as radiographers are less likely to establish the trust needed to provide quality outcomes (Halpern, 2003). This
Freud introduced us to unconscious motivations and how they determine our behavior. The study of the unconscious mind became a base and paved the way for other therapists. Also, the psychosexual stages were introduced which explain the biological and instinctual drive of children. The structure of personality is the foundation of our impulses, behaviors, and our interactions in our mental life. These include the id, ego, and superego. The superego prevents actions the id wants to accomplish; which is important because we all have irrational impulses and the superego saves us from those. It is important to look at the weaknesses of psychoanalysis and Freud’s ideas. The psychosexual stages stop at the age of six when development happens throughout someone’s lifetime. These psychosexual stages are his main focus and there is not much of a focus on how important social factors are on our mental health and development. Psychoanalytical therapists can sometimes be seen as subjective. The therapist analyzes the dreams and that is subjective. There is no empirical research to support his psychodynamic model, although the theory does explain reasons for irregularities in development. A common criticism is he blamed for inadequate parenting on mothers while the father was not in the equation. The time
Psychology can be applied to everyday life in many ways. The three main ways Psychology applies to my life is through motivation and emotion, Stress and health and Psychological therapies. These topics of psychology are the ones that best describe my life. When most people think of psychology they think of therapists and psychological disorders. Psychology is much more than that and applies to everyone’s life in some form.
When I started this class this pass September I had a little knowledge of psychology. In my junior year of high school I took Psychology as an elective class. I really enjoy it alot, it amaze me how much there was to know about our brains. This September I came with the feeling that this psychology class was going to be way different from my psychology class from high school. And that my knowledge from my class before wasn’t going to be useful at all. But I was wrong, this class has actually been better than my other class. Because it has help dust off some of the concepted that I had learn before. But it has also made gain more knowledge about psychology that I didn’t knew before. For example the next concepts are the ones that had impacted me the most: critical thinking and the eight essential, implicit learning, short term and long term memories. I chose these concept because they have not only taught me more about psychology, but they have made a big impact on me.
Psychology is an extraordinarily diverse field with hundreds of career paths. Some specialties, like treating the mentally ill, are familiar to most. Others, like helping with the design of advanced computer systems or studying memory, are less well-known. What psychologists have in common is a shared interest in mind and behavior. In their work they draw on an ever-expanding body of scientific knowledge about how humans think, act, and feel, and apply the information to their special areas of expertise. The profession of clinical psychology encompasses both research and statistics, through which is learned fundamental data about behavior; and practice, through which that knowledge is applied in helping to solve
Abnormal and clinical psychology are two branches in the field of psychological studies. In simple words, abnormal psychology can be defined as the study of people who engage in unusual behavior and emotional thoughts. These actions and thoughts are considered abnormal compared to those of other members of society, and they significantly interfere with their functioning in life. Clinical psychology goes hand in hand with abnormal psychology because it is the study that deals with the assessment and treatment of those abnormal actions. Learning about these branches of psychology can help us understand and predict behaviors of people who that are affected by these disorders. It is also essential to advance our knowledge to help assess the people who suffer these illnesses to lead a life of better quality. In this paper, a case study that entails a brief vignette of a 35 year old paralegal named Greg will be analyzed. According to concepts of abnormal and clinical psychology, Greg will be diagnosed with the psychological disorder of obsessive-compulsive disorder (more formally known as OCD) that might have originated in the anal stage of the psychoanalytic theory, for which cognitive behavioral therapy will be used as a possible treatment.