A comparison of methods is done in order to determine whether microscopy (the gold standard) or Qiagen Artus® Real Art would be better suited for a larger laboratory that handles both travelers and patients of endemic areas. The methods must be compared to determine which method would have a higher clinical specificity and sensitivity as well as other factors that would make one method better than the other. Clinical Sensitivity Clinical sensitivity of a method is how well a method will positively identify patients with a disease. A high sensitivity is essential in determining if a patient has a disease (Lalkhen & McCluskey, 2008, p.221). The clinical sensitivity of the microscopy method is 91% (Ohrt, Purnomo, Sutamihardja, Tang, & Kain, 2002, p. 540). However, the clinical sensitivity of the Qiagen artus® Real Art PCR is 99.5% (Farcas, Zhong, Mazzulli, & Kain, 2004, p.636). In conclusion of the two clinical sensitivities, the Qiagen artus® Real Art PCR method has a higher sensitivity in identifying patients with malaria. The lower limit of detection by a microscopy expert technician is 5 parasites/µl while an average technician is 50-100 …show more content…
The test limitations of microscopy include the quality of the smear, a low number of parasites, artifacts that resemble parasites and slide quality diminishes with time (Ohrt, Purnomo, Sutamihardja, Tang, & Kain, 2002, p.540). Test limitation for the Qiagen artus® Real Art PCR include possible contaminations or inhibition of PCR as well as the requirement for quality control reagents make it more expensive and difficult for rural areas to maintain also having the proper equipment (Tangpukdee, Duangdee, Wilairatana, & Krudsood, 2009, p.97). In conclusion, the microscopy method requires less reagents and equipment however, the quality of the slides can vary in addition to clarity of artifact versus
What is the basic function of a sensory receptor? What are the different types of receptors and what are their functions?
First, the biologists studied the symptoms of the patient. According to the file, there was a 26 year old female who just spend 15 months in India. She had originally been taking mefloquine, but had stopped several weeks prior to the case. For six days, she had been experiencing a fever of 104°F along with vomiting, nausea, arthralgias (joint pain), and myalgias (muscle pain). While in the ER, doctors had collected 800ccs of amber-colored urine from her.
There were several steps used to acquire the colony necessary for the PCR. First a student forearm was swabbed using a cotton swab, the cells were then placed in an agar plate. DNA was then extracted from the cultured bacteria by using a technique to lyse the cells and solubilize the DNA, then enzymes were used to remove contaminating proteins. The DNA extraction consisted of a lysis buffer that contained high concentrations of salt for denaturing. Binding with the use of ethanol and a washing step to purify the DNA. The final step for the DNA extraction was elution where the pure DNA was release. Proceeding the extraction of DNA the results of the 16s gene amplification were examined through gel electrophoresis it was analyzed by estimating the size of the PCR bands with marker bands. After measuring the success of the extraction, a technique called TA cloning was started. Cloning of PCR products was done by using partially purified amplified products with
How does temperature affect reaction time? As the temperature of a substance is heated, the substance gains more energy and the particles of that substance move faster. When an Alka-Seltzer tablet is dropped into the water, the particles of the water collide with the particles of the tablet more often with more energy than water of a lower temperature, which contains less energy (Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate). Reaction rate can be changed/controlled by the amount of energy in the substance and how often the molecules collide (Factors Affecting the Speed-Rates of Chemical Reactions). When temperature is increased, the activation energy is increased, which is the cause of the chemical reaction.
Mutagenizing C. elegans- place agar plate containing C. elegans 50 cm way from 40 W UV lamp. Remove the lid and turn on the lamp for 15 minutes.
A colourmeteric assay was carried out to enquire into the extent of hydrolysis of substrates alone and in the presence of inhibitors. The aim of the experiment was to determine the substrate specificity of the enzymes AChE and BChE, in addition to their sensitivity to several cholinesterase inhibitors.
Also (5μl) of DNA template that extracted from stool samles was added then 1.5 μl of each type of Primers(forward and reverse)added to the master mix and then blend well using Exispin vortex centrifuge ,then this tubes would transferred to the Thermocycler machine, which has been programmed by the previous program for amplified of ITS1 region.The PCR products were electrophoresed in agarose gel and visualized on UV trans illuminator and then photographed using photo documentation .
They were run at 1X 94ºC for 3 minutes, 30X at 94ºC for 30 seconds; 50ºC for 30 seconds; 72ºC for 45 second and 1X at 72ºC for 5 minutes. The PCR reactions took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete. The PCR products, were then purified by removing the leftover primers, nucleotides and salts. 250 µl of Buffer BB were added to Tube B and the mixture was pipetted into a spin column. The mixture was centrifuged for 30 seconds at room temperature. Then 2 cycles were completed at 30 seconds each with 200 µl of Buffer WB to remove any impurities. Then 25µl of Buffer EB were added to the tube to release the pure DNA and the mixture was centrifuged for 30 seconds. As the PCR reaction was running, a microscope slide was prepared from the live bacterial culture to observe the individual cells of the unknown bacteria and determine its
The reaction time (RT) of students was measured in the experiment to determine whether light or sound stimulus initiates a quicker response time. The question of whether or not RT was related to movement time (MT) was also challenged. Each student performed two test in random order; one testing the reaction time of a red light stimulus, or visual reaction time (VRT); and the other testing the reaction time of a “beeping” sound stimulus, or auditory reaction time (ART). The student completed the VRT trial by simply receiving the stimulus and pressing a button. The student placing and holding their hand on a button starts the ART trial. Once the student receives the stimulus (beep) they press the adjacent button as fast as they can. The ART trial does not only include the data of the RT, but also the data from the MT. Having previous knowledge that light travels faster than sound; one can predict that VRT is faster than ART. The prediction that MT is independent upon RT can be made with the thought that there are so many opposing variables that could affect the MT of an individual unrelated RT such as old age
This experiment involves many qualitative tests to determine a mixed double unknown bacteria that contains two bacteria species; one gram-positive and one gram-negative. A dichotomous key was used in order to determine what tests needed to be conducted to define the particular bacteria. It is highly important for the tests to be followed as specified in the manual; otherwise, the bacteria could be falsely identified. Controls must be included in the testing to make sure there is something to compare the unknown results to. The tests conducted in this experiment included, gram stain, SIM, citrate, nitrate, oxidase, DNase, catalase, hemolysis, and novobiocin sensitivity. Through these tests one can conclude that the bacteria species present in the mixed unknown are Shigella
The neuropathological hallmarks of AD are the presence of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. (18 -20)
The color of food is an integral part of our culture and enjoyment of life. Who would deny the mouth-watering appeal of a deep-pink strawberry ice cream on a hot summer's day or a golden Thanksgiving turkey garnished with fresh green parsley?
This essay based on the principle of real time PCR which uses CYBR green dye that combines to any double stand DNA. This process included two maim steps. The first step was designing of HSV-1 primer and /or HSV-2 primer (we have chosen only HSV-1). BioEdit software has been used to edit the nuclide sequences where necessary. After that the primer has been ordered. The second step was in the laboratory which included applying the HSV-1 primers to real time PCR protocol. The final results of this protocols aim to demonstrate the quality of HSV-1 primer that we have designed by interpretation three criteria. These are specificity, efficiency and
Thick smears can lead to trapping the Gram Stain and lead to it being positive when it should be negative. Smears cannot be removed during decolonization.
In order for the classroom to be a successful learning environment we have to follow three major keys. Those three major keys are listening,participate, and attend class everyday. Those major keys are the top three rules that you will need to succeed in this class.