
Clinical Supervision

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Clinical supervision sits at the heart of the UK Government 's agenda for improving the quality of service delivery (Department of Health, 1997, 1998, 1999). The practice in the workplace was introduced as a way of using reflective practice and shared experiences as a part of continuing professional development. Clinical supervision has ensured that standards of clinical care remain a key mechanism for monitoring the performance of Trusts, with clinical performance measures being given equal weight to financial and accounting measures. Each Trust is required to have a clinical supervision lead and a clinical supervision committee. The clinical supervision process within Trusts is performance managed through annual reports scrutinised by …show more content…

evidence-based practice; 5. projects and activities; 6. user and carer projects; 7. compliments, complaints and incidents; 8. training; 9. away days; and 10. clinical supervision information, policies, guidelines. The portfolio was designed to record all the clinical supervision activity done by the team and had the following aims: * to increase awareness of clinical supervision; * to ensure clinical supervision was central to team activity; * to encourage clinical supervision activity; and * to monitor clinical supervision activity. One member of the team was asked to act as the portfolio co-ordinator. A job description for the Clinical Supervision Portfolio Co-ordinator is shown below: It is the whole team 's responsibility to participate in clinical supervision and clinical audit and to keep the portfolio up to date. The key roles of the portfolio co-ordinator are to act as a Clinical Supervision Champion and ensure that clinical supervision is discussed regularly by the team to hold the Clinical Supervision Portfolio for the team to maintain the portfolio so it is up to date and make sure that team members provide and file documentation/evidence in the portfolios to monitor the team 's clinical supervision programme to understand the objectives of the portfolio and to facilitate the team to also understand the objectives of the portfolio to understand what has to be achieved by the team for the year to meet with their

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