
Clinical Type 2 Diabetes: A Case Study

Decent Essays

4.e. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG)—

The presence of clinical type 2 diabetes (fasting plasma glucose of ≥ 126 mg/dL or 2 hours postprandial plasma glucose of ≥ 200 mg/dL) is a major risk factor for CVD, and its presence alone places a patient in the category of very high absolute risk (see above). IFG (fasting plasma glucose 110 to 125 mg/dL) is considered by many authorities to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular (macrovascular) disease, justifying its inclusion among risk factors contributing to high absolute risk. Although including IFG as a separate risk factor for CVD departs from the ATP II and JNC VI reports, its inclusion in this list may be appropriate. IFG is well established as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

4.f. …show more content…

4.g. Age

4.g.1. Male ≥ 45 years

4.g.2. Female ≥ 55 years (or postmenopausal)

Methods for estimating absolute risk status for developing CVD based on these risk factors are described in detail in the ATP II and JNC VI reports. The intensity of intervention for high blood cholesterol or hypertension is adjusted depending on the absolute risk estimated by these factors. Approaches to therapy for cholesterol disorders and hypertension are described in the ATP II and JNC VI, respectively.

5. Other risk factors

Other risk factors deserve special consideration for their relation to obesity. When these factors are present, patients can be considered to have incremental absolute risk above that estimated from the preceding risk factors. Quantitative risk contributions are not available for these risk factors, but their presence heightens the need for weight reduction in obese persons.

5.a. Physical …show more content…

The relationship between high triglycerides and CHD is complex. Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins may be directly atherogenic. In addition, elevated serum triglycerides are the most common manifestation of the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype (high triglycerides, small LDL particles, and low HDL-cholesterol levels) [142, 549]. Moreover, in the presence of obesity, high serum triglycerides are commonly associated with a clustering of metabolic risk factors known as the metabolic syndrome (atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype, hypertension, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, and prothrombotic states). Thus, in obese patients, elevated serum triglycerides are a marker for increased cardiovascular risk. According to current guidelines (ATP II and JNC VI), the presence of high triglycerides does not modify the intensity of cholesterol or blood pressure-lowering therapy. Their presence in obese patients, however, calls for an intensified effort to achieve weight reduction and increase physical activity. Both will reduce the various risk factors characteristic of the metabolic syndrome, and thus should reduce overall cardiovascular risk as well as decrease the risk for type 2

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