
Clive Barker's 'The Thief Of Always'

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Clive barker’s the Thief of Always is a fable that takes you on an adventure with the main character Harvey Swick. Harvey is a very bored kid, then this dude rictus shows up and takes Harvey to the holiday house. The holiday house, the Holiday House is a paradise with delicious food and every season in one day. After being there for a month Harvey realizes that the holiday house is a trap. He escapes it but then returns to free the rest of the kids and to kill hood, the owner of the house. He succeeds and then returns home. In my essay, I will tell you about the four parts of darkness AKA the quartet. The quartet is made up of a bunch of monstrous servants of hood.Here we go.The quartet is a very important part of the story it helps it by …show more content…

Jive brings out Harvey’s character. Wendell, his friend scared Harvey one halloween, and Harvey vowed revenge. Then a few weeks later Jive shows up claiming he’s rictuses brother. He tells Harvey he can help Harvey in his plot to take revenge on Wendell. He takes Harvey to Marr, who change Harvey into a vampire, but we’ll get to that later. Anyways, Harvey is closing in on Wendell and scaring him to death, while Harvey is looming over him, Jive edges Harvey on, and tries to convince Harvey to actually eat wendell, and Harvey is close to doing so, but does not. "Bite him," said Jive. "Go on. Drink a little of his blood. Why not? The fat's no good, but the blood's hot, the blood's tasty.”( 47 ). And also Wendell whined, all snot and tears. "You don't want me. Find Harvey! Find Harvey!" ( 47 ) As you can see, Jive definitely is trying to make Harvey, a nice innocent child, murder and eat his best friend. There is definitely something strange going on. Also, as you can see how Wendell is offering Harvey to eat instead of himself that scene is important as it shows wendells weakness and unloyalty. Jive reveals the magic of the Holiday house. Much later on in the book, after Harvey realizes the holiday house is a trap. He escapes it, but then returns after realizing 31 years have past in the real world when only 31 days have past in the holiday house. He also wishes to kill the quartet and Mr. hood and free all the children. While there, Harvey meats Jive again, and this …show more content…

Carna Reveals magic of holiday house. Harvey has just realized that the holiday house is a trap and is on his way of escaping out when he is attacked by Carna, a vicious beast with hundreds of teeth and large wings. A veil of mist swirled in front of him, but he glimpsed Carna's form as the beast descended. It was the most monstrous of the brood: its skin rotted and stretched over barbed and polished bone, its throat a nest of snaky tongues, its jaws set with hundreds of teeth. (62). Finally, they escape the mist wall that surrounds the holiday house area, but then they are still pursued by Carna, ut as canna comes out of the mist, Holes start appearing in her wings and she gets weekend and burned but crawls back to the holiday house and survives. "We did it!" Wendell yelled. "We did it!"

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