Cloning: The Synthetic Way of Life Cloning is an acceptable option for most people, but in all reality, it is just a synthetic way of life. If we accept cloning as an acceptable option, an example would be human cloning; it will devalue our human lives, lessen our way of adapting, and cause undesirable traits from the clone. Life is a wonderful gift that is given to us. We live life to the fullest to experience the natural way of life. Creating human clones will devalue our lives in different ways. If you are a clone, then it is likely that you will be held in captivity for controlled examinations. Not only will you be held in captivity, but you will be monitored at all times to see what you might say, and what you will do. Being held in captivity and being monitored is not the way of life, yet that is the life of a clone. It is taking away our god given rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This will devalue our way of life because it is not the life that we are meant to live; it is a life that has been planned and controlled since the very beginning. We, as human beings, have a way to adapting to where we are, the things we see, and the people we meet. But a human clone will not be able to adapt to a regular human life. After the clone has spent time being monitored and controlled, it does not know how to handle different responsibilities of life, how to correctly communicate with people, and most importantly, does not know how to control its
In the article “Human Cloning Just Because We Haven't Doesn't Mean We Can't” by Dana Dovey, Explains about what cloning is and what it does.To start out with Cloning a human is dangerous beacuse we dont know how long it will live,And In the article it states “Most things on earth have half there DNA from half there father and the other half from the mother” If you clone someone it only comes from one paret so it will be the same as the person that gave the DNA.Therefor the closest thing to us that they have cloned is a monkey.
A clone could be used as a perfect donor for a sick person. If this ever happened the clone would be subjected to painful procedures and forced to live his/her life completely for the purpose of another. “Allowing cloning would be taking a significant step toward a society in which human beings are grown for spare body parts, and children are engineered to custom specifications; and that’s not acceptable” (Bush).
Now that we are advancing in technology very rapidly, people are starting to wonder if it would be beneficial to clone humans. Some people say that you can literally save a person's life and create an exact replica of person by cloning. But some people say it’s not humane and it would be weird if there is 2 of the exact same person in the world. People are also concerned because nobody knows how these clones will act. We don’t know if the host will be harmed and we also don’t know if the clones will become evil and destroy the world. I believe that we shouldn’t clone humans simply because we don’t have enough information on cloning.
Cloning kills individuality. What if human cloning was allowed? Would you still feel special and unique? I certainly wouldn’t but many people believe human cloning will not compromise human individuality. Those people would accept them as another part of human society according to the article, “Arguments for and Against Creating Human Clones”. Even if people did
There is plainly a huge measure of moral and good stresses as for human cloning. Human life is acknowledged to be important and blessed. Cloning certainly is now and again successful the principal gone through, which infers that human creating leaves will fail miserably. Most would concur that cloning is like murder or manslaughter in any occasion. For the people who don't assume that life is holy, it is basically tissue being disposed of. Cloning is hostile. The most vital piece of a man is their soul, soul or psyche and cloning does not enable one to accomplish this, it rather enables one to endeavor to accomplish some hereditary standard. There is no hobby for cloning, it is inhumane to the point that there are people on this planet with to a great degree cruel desires and human cloning would take into account military utilize. For instance, a country that could clone people could make a massive outfitted power that could attempt to expect control distinctive countries and provoke boundless wars of emotionless men. Individuals should be made through an exhibition of love and not a show of science. One that is cloned can never again be seen as a man, as your identity isn't generally essentially yours; you are giving it to someone else. Another case for instance, if mental oppressor seats had the ability to clone then the world would be an extensively all the more startling spot reliably in fear of being ambushed at any dark time. This, and in addition human cloning could
Clones will not be treated like real humans or get the same respect like most people do. It is stated in “Ethical Issues of Clothing” that a man, along with his clone can never be dignified as a single identity. The clone is basically a man-made product in which they will be strip from their individuality even though they should be have rights because they're living human beings. They will be just a object just like Frankenstein’s creature. The creature was not treated like a human, he was treated like a monster who deserve no rights to be in this world.
According to Qualter, “propaganda is thus defined as the deliberate attempt by some individual or group to form, control, or alter the attitudes of other groups by the use of the instruments of communication, with the intention that in any given situation the reaction of those so influenced will be that desired by the propagandist.” The existence of a clear purpose of propaganda is the key to understanding what propaganda is; Qualter’s definition is compelling because he specifically identified the reason why propagandists want to shape public opinions and he points out the means of how do propagandists form, control and alter public attitudes. Propagandists try to make the public think and feel in certain ways because the mood of the public
In this day and age, many technology that were a fantasy for our grandparents and great-grandparents are becoming legitimately plausible advancements. One such fantasy that has become a reality is cloning. Cloning is defined as the asexual creation of a genetic duplicate of whatever organism it is derived. Scientists are not far away from being able to do this, and this frightens many people. The possibility of humans created in a lab is a frightening thought, so many people have fought against the progression of research, arguing that these clones do not have the ability to truly be individuals. In our world and technology, cloning is scientifically plausible, but in a world that emphasizes individuality, this technology is not as welcomed
Prejudice causes a permanent scar on the people targeted. For centuries it has resulted in foolishness in the minds of people that has destroyed lives. When the seeds of prejudice grows to exponential amounts in someone’s mind it can transform into a vicious hatred. This disdain can affect everyone in a society like weeds in a garden. Prejudice because of race, religion, and socially can destroy and alter people’s lives detrimentally.
Cloning is bad because the clone will carry on abnormalities and desisses from the first person, effecting the future generations. Another reason its bad is because no one knows what could go. The possibilities of what could go wrong are endless. Clones lives are majorly impacted due to the fact that they are clones. Overall cloning has negitive impact in this world. The world will be a better place if you agree with me and put an end to the unnsesasary idea of
Cloning is very unethical. It would be violating the human rights in many ways. It would be violating of the freedom of beliefs and thoughts (Peter Flaherty, and D. Lynn Moore. Civics. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2000) Cloning also reduces human dignity. Humans can be sold as manufactured products. If we allow
As Kant said, will cloning interfere with one’s individual duty and discriminate between humans and clones? Some potential harms and disadvantages would be the possibility of compromising individualities, loss of generic variation, clones may be treated as second-class citizens and most of all technology is not well developed to clone humans. As well as extremely high rate of death and risk of development abnormalities from cloning like mentioned before. This brings up some ethical issues. A human clone is not just a delayed twin. It is far more than that. Human twin studies and the quantum physics of mind and consciousness suggests that as a cloned person matures in development, they and their genomic donor will become one and the same person;
While some believe cloning to be acceptable others feel equally strongly that human cloning is completely wrong. With the state of the science as it is at the moment it would involve hundreds of damaged pregnancies to achieve one single live cloned baby. What is more, all the evidence suggests that clones are unhealthy and often have a number of built-in genetic defects, which lead to premature ageing and death. It would be completely wrong to bring a child into the world knowing that it was extremely likely to be affected by problems like these. The dignity of human life and the genetic uniqueness we all have would be attacked if cloning became commonplace. People might be
If you would like to have your own identity, your own physical features, even your own DNA, then cloning is not for you. Cloning is a horrific idea due to security issues alone. For instance, no one’s fingerprints or DNA are the same it does not matter if it is your mother/father or even your brother/sister; the genetic makeup may be the same, but it is not one hundred percent not even for identical twins. On the other hand, if an individual has been or choses to be cloned they would no longer have that little form of self-identity.
Cloning is an issue now and will be in the in the future,animals are cloned all the time.Does the human race want to have a copy of itself. We need to understand what is happening to the cloned animals and what could possibly happen to us if we were to be cloned.