
Clothing In The 1920s Essay

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During the 1920’s the clothing began to become more modernized and moved away from the fashion of the later decades. The 1920’s had various clothing styles that would depend on many aspects. Depending on the time of day, who was there, the type of outing, and the type of party there would be many different looks that could be presented. Men and Women could change into multiple outfits a day to fit the occasion. The clothing worn also depended on the persons age, occupation, and social class. There were many guidelines for clothing in the 1920’s.
Woman in particular began to abandon the more restricting clothing and started to dress in more comfortable clothing. Iconic fashion staples for the 1920’s would be the Cloche hat and the Flapper dress. …show more content…

After woman were done with the chores around the house such as vacuuming, laundry, and dishes, they would go run arrans while their husbands were at work. Before going out to do the arrans they had for the day they would change into a walking suit. A walking suit would be higher quality than than the casual clothes paired with surdy low heels. For a walking suit it was also appropriate/ accable to wear a tailored dress. In the afternoon the most common thing women would do is have tea with their friends, and would be semi-formal or formal. Women would wear lighter or bright colored clothing with more trim. The shoes and accessories for tea parties were more elegant as well compared to casual clothing. Shoe lengths would be medium to high, with sheer tights to match the color of the women’s dress, and gloves to match the color of the dress or white. Their hats would be anything to assinchuate the dress such as feathers or a sun hat. The host of the party would be required to wear a long more elegant dress than her guests and is to wear no hat. Working women who had jobs suited for women such as teachers or secretaries wore day dress or skirt and blouse set for their work attire. For the lower class the cotton dress that would be considered a simple dress that was only appropriate for at home with just their family might be there only dress that they wore the whole

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