As for the requirement of the course, I would like to request for the permission to write the course report on “Cloud computing, virtualization and virtual machine”. The report will intend to provide readers the basic knowledge of how the cloud service work, what virtualization is and how various institution is using the technology. I have done the basic research for the topic and have come to the conclusion that I will be able to write an acceptable report on the topic. My experience at work has also provided me with practical experience related to the topic.
Cloud and Virtualization
Cloud computing and virtualization allows versatility regarding accessibility of service from remote location.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the idea where application runs on a remote server that is provided as a commercial service by a company rather than an institution or individual’s local machine. Cloud computing has made possible to provided Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service (Beaty, 2013,p. 88-93)
Virtualization allows one or more physical servers to be connected and configured in a way that it presents itself as a single physical machine with large resource. The user can then divide the resource based on the need of the application and service. The most recent use of this service today in enterprise and institution is creating virtual machine for virtual desktops and virtual servers. Virtualization also reduces the need to
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing segment of Information technology today. In simple words cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead on the computer's hard drive which can be accessed from any part of the world if the individual are connected to the internet or a network connection is available 24/7. A simple example of cloud computing is g-mail. With the connection of internet through any medium we can send and receive emails.
Significance: This topic is important to my audience because of the increasing number of people accessing the internet. Implementing virtualization
Virtualization is a proven software technology that is rapidly transforming the IT landscape and fundamentally changing the way that people compute. Today’s powerful x86 computer hardware was designed to run a single operating system and a single application. This leaves most machines vastly underutilized. Virtualization lets you run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine, sharing the resources of that single computer across multiple environments. Different virtual machines can run different operating systems and multiple applications on the same physical computer. (Virtualization Basics)
Cloud Computing is the use of common software, functionality or business applications from a remote server that is accessed via the Internet. Basically, the Internet is the "cloud" of applications and services that are available for access by subscribers utilizing a modem from their computer. With Cloud Computing, one simply logs into desired computer applications - such as sales force or office automation programs, web services, data storage services, spam filtering, or even blog sites. Generally, access to such programs is by monthly or annual paid subscription. Through Cloud Computing, businesses may prevent financial waste, better track
Cloud computing is an internet based computing which provides various applications and services like storage, servers, infrastructure, networking with low cost, on-demand self service, pay as you go model, location independent resource pooling, reasonable price , rapid elasticity etc. Cloud computing is one way to increase the capacity add capabilities without investing in new infrastructures like computer hardware involves storage memory, licensing for new software, training for a person and in a dynamic way.
During the course of this class, I believe that my positive attitude towards difficult situations has helped me overcome many problems. When I started my individual topics, I reviewed several similar projects from last year. After reading their reports, I gained deep understanding about the Cloud computing, but I was getting worried about what are some new materials I should include in my slices and my final report. I didn’t give up or get frustrated. Instead, I start doing research step by step.
During past thirty years, the term concept of server virtualization has invoked in order to allow the large expensive main frame servers to be used and shared among the different application layered environments from various geographical locations. “Server Virtualization is a process of portioning the single main server into several server partitions”. In clear terms to state, main server is being used as many number of cloned severs where maximum programmers/users can access that cloned server in their work area location locally satisfying the user requirements reducing the cost effectiveness. Availability of hardware in market made virtualization concept to fade away. In modern era, virtualization at the different levels alike network, storage and system has gained much more importance in terms of improving the system security, reliability and availability. Server Virtualization is a gate way for the organization in order to reduce their cost efficiency compared to any other modern technologies.
to note here is the fact that these services are provided over a network. Hence, typical
Working mechanism-Virtualization software tackles the issue by empowering many operating systems and applications to run on one physical server or “host.” Each independent “virtual machine” is secluded from the others, and uses as a great part the host’s computing resources.
Virtualization is a technique that abstracts computing resource. It enables the users to create a simulated environment and use the resources effectively. Virtualization is divided into several categories as purpose such as server virtualization, network virtualization, desktop virtualization, application virtualization and so on [15]. In this paper, we use desktop virtualization technique to perform software performance test. There are a lot of desktop virtualization products such as VMWARE [16], Virtual PC [17], Parallels [18], Virtual Box [19] and so on. We selected VMWARE because it is the most frequently used product and it uses computing resource efficiently. It enables the users to use all the CPU cores effectively. It also has high compatibility with various
Explain what virtualisation is in the context of operating systems, and the role of a virtual machine monitor (VMM).
This efficiency can be achieved by Virtualization. [1][2][3] By virtualize, we mean that a single physical resource can be exposed as multiple virtual resources or multiple physical resources can be exposed as a single virtual resource. Resource can be anything like server, an OS, an application, or a storage device. The main aim of virtualization is to efficiently utilize the limited IT resources by making use of many idle resources. [4]
Cloud computing services have been widely accepted by many business ventures mainly because of its positive benefits. It enables economics of scale by enabling allocation of data on demand when necessary unlike in the traditional model, this reduces cost of operation. Virtualization fits as the backbone of cloud computing. It involves creation of external version/ platform similar to original where one can carry out tasks similar to those of an original platform on the host computer. The host computer is one on which virtualization takes place (Rountree & Castrillo, 2014).
This work is a study more particular to the diverse security issues and the related difficulties that has exuded in the distributed computing framework. The accompanying area highlights a concise survey of writing on security issues in cloud computing and the remaining areas are composed as takes after.
Virtualization could be a sort of code that is that the illusion of a regular machine. That is termed as Virtual machine (VM). During this virtual machine we will install totally different operative systems like UNIX, windows, Ubuntu. This machine have well-supported while not hardware during this machine. Virtualization is worked by virtual machine (VM). Virtual machine works severally. It even have nice profit that it may be rapt from one physical server to a different physical server whereas operative through the method “live migration”. It additionally runs several times in one server. The host software package runs the virtualization code through Oracle’s virtual box on windows. initial and first put in software package is Host software package. The host software package is counting on a virtualization’s platforms, like Hyper-v or ESX, VMware server or Virtual severe.