
Clutter Case Summary

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The first article is titled “Wealthy Farmer, 3 of Family Slain.” It was posted by the “New York Times” and the author is not specified. The article was published on November 16, 1959. This was the article that inspired Truman Capote to investigate the murders. The article is a first glance of the Cluster murders the following day. It states that Hebert W. Clutter, his wife, and two young children were shot in their home. There was no sign of struggle and nothing had been stolen. To add on to this mystery, the telephone line had been cut. One of the police officers said that the killings were likely done by a psychopath. Furthermore, the bodies were first discovered by two girls who were friends with one of the children. The last communication that occurred was by Mr. Clutter and his business partner, Mr. Van Vleet. Van Vleet …show more content…

They were buried at Valley View cemetery. The article emphasizes on the cord that was used to bind the Clutter family. The authorities believe that finding the source of the cord will be crucial in solving the case. However, the cord is easily accessible and can be bought in retail stores. The authorities are already suspecting one man, Tord Ove Zeppen-Field, for the murder. Zeppen-Field is the son of a rich hotel owner and a suspect for the murder of his ex-wife. Her body was found to beaten with a shotgun and others had claimed that Zeppen-Field always had a “cowboy fixation.” The authorities say that there is no indication that he is involved with the Clutter family murder case, but they still want to question him when he is arrested. They claim that Zeppen-Field would know how to tie the knot used in the binding of the Clutter family. The third article is titled “Clutter murders sentenced to hang.” It was posted by the “The Associated Press” and the author is not specified. The article was published on March 30,

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