
Co-Workers Compensation Benefits

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever been injured on the job? I can’t imagine this happening to me, but I do have co-workers who have had this unfortunate experience. As a new hire, you want to feel like the organization that you choose to work for will benefit you just as much as you will benefit them. I started my job at Savanah Chatham Metropolitan Police Department in 2004 when I was just 21 years old, and my priorities are far more different than when I began. At that time, I can simply say that I was just happy for the job and the money I was making. I never paid attention to the benefits that were given to me. In 2011, I started raising my nephews, and I realized all of the benefited plans that my now ready made family could use. I am their legal guardian, so if I was to expire at the fault of my job I know they will, at least, receive some assistance. …show more content…

The most important of those things would be for them to come up with a plan that first of all attracts and motivates current and potential employees, governs compensation costs, and ensures equity. Amongst the compensation plans that are offered is Workers Compensation, which is established under various federal laws (Workers’ Compensation Act 1987) meaning it’s not an option for a job to offer the benefits. There is an exchange given for this law because having the right to use it means that you forfeit the right to sue the employer for

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