In this course we also discuss Transformational leadership. One of the factors of transformational leadership is Inspirational Motivation. The textbook states that this factor is descriptive of leaders who communicate high expectations to followers inspiring them through motivation. In the fil Coach Carter, Timo Cruz quit the basketball team shortly after getting into a slight altercation with his new head coach Ken Carter. Weeks later Cruz returned back to the gym and expressed his interest in wanted to play basketball again. Coach Carter instructed Cruz to complete 1,000 suicides and 2,500 push up by Friday before he could start practicing with the team. Once Friday came Coach Carter informed Cruz that he had come up short and asked him to
One of the present and most widespread approaches to leadership that has been the focus of much research since the early 1980s is the transformational approach (Northouse, 20150211, p. 161). As its name infers, transformational leadership is a process that changes and transforms people. It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals. It includes assessing followers’ motives, satisfying their needs, and treating them as full human beings. Transformational leadership involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more than what is usually expected of them;
Lawn signs, television advertisements, billboards, and political rallies are some of the key components of a successful political campaign. A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the democratic public that is voting for its elected officials. These seemingly trifling parts of a campaign cost money. Money equals power, is the political mantra in today’s society. Campaigning can cost millions of dollars, and it is logical to believe that only those with the means have the ability to participate in the race for leadership. In a democratic society such as ours, every person has the right to vote and stand up for what they believe is right. Every person, from Donald Trump to the regular middle class citizen,
“..the transformational leader articulates the vision in a clear and appealing manner, explains how to attain the vision, acts confidently and optimistically, expresses confidence in the followers, emphasizes values with symbolic actions, leads by example, and empowers followers to achieve the vision (Yukl, 2002)
There are many components to being a leader; a strong leader has to be able to clearly communicate, to intensely inspire others to collaborate in bringing the vision to fruition. James MacGregor Burns a leadership expert introduced the transformational leadership concept he suggested that “the transforming leader as one with the ability to create visions and employ charismatic behaviors, they are purposeful and seek to understand the motivation and needs of their followers (Crowell, 2016). Not only does a transformational leader have the ability to empower and motivate others “transformational leadership emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships, and the goal is to generate employee’s commitment to the vision or ideal rather than to themselves” (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). According to Smith, (2011) the ultimate goal of transformational leadership is the leader and the follower to discover meaning and purpose in relation to their work, in addition to growth and maturity. There are four I's of transformational leadership " individualized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation" (Riggio, 2014). The transformational leader causes changes in both the system and the individual. Creating positive and valuable changes in the followers with the result creating followers who will
Bang Gang is the movie released on 11 Sep, 2015. Directed by Eva Husson and produced by Didar, Laurent and Gael Nouaille. The script is written by Eva Husson and its French version is about to release in January 2016. The lead star of the movie is Finnegan Oldfield and time duration is 98 minutes. The movie was selected to be shown in 2015 TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). The movie is about the sexual exploits done by teenagers in the bed and on the beaches of Biarritz.
Those that follow a transformational leadership framework believe that leaders possess many of the aforementioned qualities, but the focus is on one’s ability to inspire and empower others (Ross, Fitzpatrick, Click, Krouse, & Clavelle, 2014). These leaders literally ‘transform’ their followers by inspiring enthusiasm and performance towards a
The transformational leader needs to direct people towards where they want to go and where they need to be in order to achieve the vision (Luzinski, 2011, p. 501). According to Luzinski (2011), success occurs when followers and leaders learn from each other, coming to a common understanding and establishing shared values, not because followers dutifully agree to listen (p. 502). Successful transformational leadership has four components: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.
Transformational leadership has four main components that are used interchangeably. These four components are: (1) idealized influence, (2) inspirational motivation, (3) intellectual stimulation, and (4) individualized consideration (Northouse, 2016). To describe in more detail, idealized influence is the emotional component that the leader gives to the follower to gain a sense of purpose and a vision (Northouse, 2016). Inspirational motivation allows the leaders to inspire and communicate their expectations to the follower based on the shared visions (Northouse, 2016). Intellectual stimulation lets the leader be open to give the follower a chance to challenge themselves, as well as the leader and their shared values. Lastly, individualized consideration allows the leader to be supportive of the followers needs. These components allow for an effective leader to inspire and motivate the follower toward shared visions and
Transformational leaders would go through different stages of psychological testing how they behave and act. The testing has shown the improvement and change reactions of those who have been through testing. Despite the changes of some leaders, there were those whose leadership behaviors were not changed. The purpose was to see if their behaviors could and would help motivate their subordinates. Transformational leaderships have shown that they could motivate their followers to surpass their own self-interests to a much high level than the leaders. The behaviors of the transformational leadership will continue to have major changes on the performance of the followers. Transformational leaders have responsibilities and will continue to have positive impact to organizational culture, subordinate performance and
Transformational leadership has been presented in the literature as different from transactional leadership. While transactional leadership was defined on the basis of the influence process underlying it, as an exchange of rewards for compliance, transformational leadership was defined on the basis of its effects, as transforming the values and priorities of followers and motivating them to perform beyond their expectations (Yukl, 1998). Bass and Avolio (1994) proposed that the behaviors transformational leaders’ exhibit include four components: individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, idealized influence and intellectual stimulation.
Transformational Leadership transcends multiple situations. Leaders utilize the four components of Transformational leadership which include idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (McCleskey, 2014; Robbins & Judge, 2016; Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2004). Leaders that employ Transformational Leadership often have highly desirable personality traits that are modeled, and then emulated by followers as a method of idealized influence (Marques, 2015). The transformational leader is able to generate inspirational motivation within an individual by empowerment of the follower through communication of shared goals and sense (Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2004). Intellectual stimulation is achieved thorough the leader engaging the follower in problem solving and innovation for solutions (Robbins & Judge, 2016; Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2004). Furthermore, the transformational leader connects with the follower through mentorship and acknowledgement of the individual versus the team (Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2004). To conclude, Transformational Leadership is a successful tool for managing change, as the transformational leader is able to create a shared vision, generate support for change, and successfully implement and maintain the change (Marques, 2015). Relative to the scenario, Transformational Leadership is paramount for successful change due to the engagement of the followers with the shared vision of the
Goals and incentives arestructured to drive high performance, while providing opportunity for employee’s personal and professional growth. There are four key elements/characteristics a transformational leader should possess:1) Charisma /Influence: This element provides purpose and vision for the followers; it also serves as a mode for high ethical behavior to instill pride, respect, and trust.2) Individualized consideration – This emphasize on the degree to which the leader attends to each follower's needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the followers and listens to the follower's concerns and needs. The leader gives the support, keeps communication open and places challenges before the followers. It helps maintain the follower’s will and aspirations for self-development and intrinsic motivation for completion of assigned tasks.3) Intellectual stimulation – This enhances rational thinking, the degree to which the leader challenges assumptions take risks and solicits followers' ideas. This leadership style stimulates and encourages creativity among followers. It places emphasis on learning and sees unexpected situations as opportunities to learn. Therefore, followers think deeply about things, ask critical questions, and figure out better ways to execute their tasks. 4) Inspirational motivation – This is the degree to which the leader articulates a vision that is appealing and inspiring to followers. It explains how: purpose, expectations, and goals are communicated. Leaders with inspirational motivation challenge followers with high standards, future goals, and provide meaning for the task at hand. Followers must have a strong sense
Transformational leadership is a process that motivates individuals by appealing to their moral value, instead of their own personal interests (Doody & Doody, 2012). This theory is credited to Burns, but continues to evolve and expand by others throughout the years. There are four main components when describing transformational leadership:
These types of leaders, according to Avolio (1991) possess the characteristics of individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence. This paper will examine the outcomes that are a direct result of transformational leaders who exhibit these types of traits such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment, job stress, safety, supervisor satisfaction, team, performance, and general.
“Management Accounting is the utilization of proper strategies and ideas in preparing chronicled and anticipated financial information of a substance to help administration in setting up arrangements for sensible monetary goals really taking shape of judicious choices with a view towards these destinations."