
Coachella Valley Drought

Decent Essays

Water On Mars, But Not In California
The Coachella Valley is a civilization built by water, sustained by water, and requires an awful lot of this rapidly diminishing resource. As a hub for tourist activities such as golfing which use copious amounts of water just to stay operational, the Valley must address California’s growing drought. One would think that California should be the last state experiencing a water shortage because it is bordered by the largest body of water in the world, the Pacific Ocean, however this is not the case at all. Because the Pacific is an ocean, its water must be purified which is a long and expensive process, and because of the hot and dry natural climate, California is especially prone to drought, no matter how …show more content…

This drinkable water is being used by golf courses and resorts in the Coachella Valley in excess to maintain courses and grass when it should be going to actual residents who need this water to drink and bathe; this is the greatest problem we face in the Valley. Water usage statistics are skewed because tourist attractions are exempt from state restrictions even though they make up seventeen percent of water use in the valley. In order to eradicate this issue, resorts like Palm Desert Country Club should switch to using reclaimed and canal water to reduce water use. The superintendent of Palm Desert Country Club, Ted Jenereaux stated that the club has reduced 227 acres of water use; this should be used as an excellent example of responsible water …show more content…

The response to this statewide disaster requires the combined efforts of all state agencies and the state's model mutual aid system to address. In support of this unified effort, all state agencies with a role in supporting drought mitigation and relief efforts are organized under the Incident Command System and will continue provide emergency planning, response, and mitigation support as long as needs exist and hopefully this need will not be a need for very much longer. The Task Force is currently coordinating with other relevant national and international efforts including the emerging National Multi-Model Ensemble and the international effort to develop a Global Drought Information System and a subgroup of the NOAA Drought Task Force recently released a science assessment looking at the relationship between El Niño and the California drought which states that the impacts of El Niño on California winter precipitation are likely to be greater in late winter than in early winter; southern California has a stronger chance of wet conditions than northern California; and, in case of a very strong El Niño, heavy precipitation is more likely across the entire state. This is a positive sign for Californians everywhere, especially in the Valley as we rely heavily on rain and snow for our

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