On a beautiful sunny afternoon in the middle of July, a young man decides to take the Badger Ferry to Wisconsin. He loads up a car and collects his family on what should be a splendid trip. Upon arrival to the Badger the car drives into the stern parking compartment and from there the young family heads up to the main deck. Soon enough the Badger gets underway and clears sight of land in just a few hours. Suddenly, thick black fog covers the deck; the family disappears in the hazy twilight, each of them gasping for air. Fortunately the fog disappears as quickly as it appeared and the sunshine again shimmers on the deck. In just moments the passengers realize the fog comes from the spewing smoke stack of the Badger. A sudden wind shift forced …show more content…
The Coast Guard regulations outline equipment and procedures to reduce unnecessary bulk cargo from spilling (USCG). Though these regulations aim at preventing avoidable cargo spills; accidents out of a crew's control can happen. Sometimes a ship in rough water loses part of its cargo as a wave sweeps across an open cargo hold. Others times a ship offloading misses the dock machinery collecting the cargo and some of the cargo spills into the water. Vis versa a ship loading floats away from the dock (because a mooring line breaks) or rocks do to wave action, causing a fuel line to snap. On the other hand a majority of cargo and fuel dumping occurs on purpose. Ships on the Great Lakes cannot allow their dry cargos to mix so the Coast Guard created a policy where a ship's deck must be ‘broom clean’, meaning any cargo remaining on deck after an on/offload considered safe gets washed off the deck (USCG). The Coast Guard believes the practice meets all environmental standards and their intentions mean well, but to no avail. The let down on this practice lies with the shipping companies who take advantage of the Coast Guard. The companies dump toxic materials into the lakes including miscellaneous garbage thrown overboard by crew members and release dirty oil with little thought of consequence (USCG). The Coast Guard does not have the technology available to enforce the …show more content…
One resolution to the fuel pollution issue uses the idea of reinvention to curb the damage that smoke and fuel causes to the environment. A U.S. company, Sea Change LLC. paired with the Maine Maritime Academy to create a more friendly fuel (“1”). The engineering classes at the academy along with chemists created a fuel that burned cleaner and safer for the environment. The fuel used mirco-glycerol droplets mixed with ultra-low sulfur diesel to reduce harmful emissions and as a result found a reduction in smoke by 25 to 50 percent (“1”). In addition Nitrogen Oxide levels showed a reduction by 5 to 15 percent compared to regular low-sulfur diesel at equivalent horsepower (“1”). This hard work truly paid off big for these two entities and they showed that with some ingenuity safer ways of burning fuel just wait to be
With the supply of fossil fuels steadily declining, gas and oil is becoming harder to harvest which means it is getting more expensive. Fossil fuels take millions of years to be naturally produced, yet each person burns gallons of gas per day (Maehlum par. 5). Though fossil fuels are produced naturally, when burned they release nitrogen oxides gases into the atmosphere, which contributes to the formation of smog and acid rain. According to the EPA, major sources of these nitrogen oxide emissions come from cars and trucks, coal-fire powered plants, large industrial operations, and ships and airplanes (EPA par 3). By reducing the number of gas powered cars on the road, we can reduce the amount of harmful chemicals we are releasing into our atmosphere.
Hiss vehemently denied these claims,saying that he had “never been a communist”, but then was eventually found guilty. At this point, he had gone too long without being charged and could not be charged with espionage, his original charge, but he was found to be lying under oath. He was charged with perjury, and served 44 months in jail.
Whenever people think of diesel engines, they imagine black soot pouring out of a big rig on the interstate. While that has been correct in the past, the technology is arriving that changes people’s thoughts to that of a more ecologically friendly. Ever since Rudolf Diesel created the diesel engine, it has been written off as a smelly, inefficient, and dirty way of converting fossil fuels into power. Diesel noticed how the steam engines of the times were wasting 80-90% of the fuel they burn, making them very inefficient. After learning about how inefficient typical gas or steam engines were, he dedicated himself to create a clean burning engine. In the beginning, the stereotypes were completely accurate, but those same adjectives are simply incorrect in today’s times. These constant put downs by environmentalist are often uneducated and generalized by the small number of older, inefficient trucks that are still on the road. The modern diesel engine is an absolute marvel when it comes to the fuel efficiency, power output and societal benefits. While the light duty diesel pickup may be loud and intimidating, the benefits they provide society are vastly underappreciated and need to be more thoroughly recognized.
I believe that the United States Coast Guard consists of people who are the best of the best. Being in the Coast Guard means more than what most people may think. I know joining the armed forces means I have to be willing to serve my country and take any actions necessary to defend it, which may include giving my life to protect others. The Coast Guard’s three core values encompass the mental capacity needed in order to do so. The three values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty are vital to holding any position in the Coast Guard. Honor is more than just a word. It helps define who you are, what you believe in and is a statement of your character. Honor is not something a person can ask for, it must be earned. It is gained alongside with
The current Coast Guard Enlisted Employee Review (EER) and future Enlisted Evaluation System (EES) does not have accountability to members that use tobacco products. The Surgeon General of the United States has determined that tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness, disability, and death in the United States, ref (a). The Coast Guard Health Promotion Manual states, “Tobacco products generate physiological changes and cause significant health risks.” In 2015 about 15 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (15.1%) smoked cigarettes, according the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC). Consequently, 15 percent of our workforce is involved with a know substance that is detrimental to their health, yet the
1. Today when looking at members of the Coast Guard there is very little difference in uniform to distinguish the senior enlisted and Officer Corps from that of the Junior Enlisted Corps. The Coast Guard believes that there is a distinct difference between a First Class Petty Officer and a Chief but has gone away from making that difference easy to see from a distance. The Navy goes so far as to change the entire color and style of their uniform as well as the change of the combination cover when a member is advanced to the pay grade of E-7. This is due to the belief that the amount of responsibility one takes on with this advancement warrants the clear delineation, one that can be seen right away. Furthermore, even today when going through the Chiefs Call to Indoctrination process, all Navy and Coast Guard Chiefs build a hat box solely for the purpose of housing their new combination cover, a cover that in today’s Coast Guard members have been wearing since boot camp. The Coast Guard used to make the same uniform change as the Navy, and we have strayed from this tradition, strayed at the cost of a loss of respect in this advancement. The Coast Guard should visibly distinguish E-7 and above by making a change in the uniform regulations and making E-7 and above only authorized to wear the combination cover.
Since the very beginning it was first established, the Coast Guard was never seen as important to the people for about 200 years. Why is it that they’ve never had notice? How come they do all the dirty work in the ocean and no one seems to care? Well the Coast Guard is the reason why the United States has been protected, so that we can go to bed at night knowing that nothing’s going to happen to us. There are many reasons to why the Coast Guard is so important to society. The U.S. Coast is a huge part of our military and follows certain goals on the ocean to protect us from harm. There are also individuals who are aware of the situations that the Coast Guards are going through and by helping they get involved with some of the minor
The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has been protecting the national sovereignty of the United States for 211 years. Even though the events of September 11, 2001 happened the USCG has not let up their vigilance and heightened state of alert to more than 361 ports and 95,000 miles of shoreline. This happens to be the largest border for the United States. As part of Operation Noble Eagle the USCG plays an important role with upholding operations of ports and waterways. They ensure a safe atmosphere for the American people and mariners to conduct business and living freely across the waterways. The USCG roles and responsibilities for securing the waterways includes protection of ports, flow of commerce, and marine transportation system from
Although many countries have developed technological solutions, such as low-sulphur fuels, three-way catalytic converters, and unleaded petroleum, Moriarty and Honnery argue otherwise. Moriarty and Honnery claim that finding a technological solution for automobile pollution is not possible. Instead, the human population will have to find alternative transportation solutions. They state that the public will have to make sociological alterations, such as walking or cycling to places, or in some cases, using more energy-efficient public transportation modes, as they will benefit the atmosphere more than technological fixes
Repercussions of burning oil have arisen more progressively. The debatable topic of global warming holds burning fossil fuels responsible for higher temperatures in colder climates. An article by World Book explains why oil is so harmful towards the environment. As more cars are produced more pollutants are released into the atmosphere, those pollutants cause smog in larger manufacturing oriented cities as well as, acid rain. Factories, burning oil, dispose of the remaining chemicals into bodies of water rendering them unsafe to drink for both humans and animals alike (Hunt par. 1). Another article produced through World Book describes the
There is one comment which you made within question three. Question three pertains to the DoD's role in border and coastal security. Within question three, you made the statement " The DOD plays a big role in border and coastal security. The U.S. Coast Guard, who protects this nation out at sea through drug interdiction, pirating operations, and other proactive and reactive security measures."
Some nitrous oxides sulfur oxides lead to acid rain. It can have harmful effects on plants, animals and buildings. Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico this year caused ecological disaster. “An explosion occurred on the semi-submersible offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 rig workers and injuring 17 others. On April 24, it was found that the wellhead was damaged and was leaking oil into the Gulf. This significant spill poses a serious threat to wildlife, affecting as many as 400 species along the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.” (Curry L. Hagerty, 2010) The number of fossil fuels is limited. Even they are enough now. Are they still enough in 50 years? So it is a time for our human beings to decide how to deal with the relationship with fossil fuels.
1. The competent authority should, on the basis of an assessment of safety and Health hazards and in consultation with ship owners’ and seafarers' organizations, adopt National laws or regulations to ensure the safety and health of seafarers working on Ships. 2. A practical application of these national laws or regulations should be provided through technical standards or codes of practice, or by other appropriate methods. 3. in giving effect to 1 and 2 above, the competent authority should have due regard to the relevant standards adopted by recognized international organizations in the field of maritime safety. 4. The competent authority should
Aircraft Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions – accounting for 12 percent of all US transportation GHGs emissions and 3 percent of total US GHG emissions– endangers public health and welfare (EPA rule and regulation, 40 CFR Parts 87 and 1068). Federal Aviation Administration estimates that nearly 30% of GHGs reduction in aviation sector can be achived with the biojet fuel adoption (FAA, 2012). With the growing concern on the environment, much efforts including reduction plans have been put by governing bodies to limit emission from aviation fuel consumption.
For the past century many companies have developed methods to utilize fuel in a more efficient way, but with