
Coastal Erosion Essays

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Costal erosion, especially on barrier islands, is a major concern throughout the world. The issue represents a serious concern for many vulnerable coastlines throughout the coastal regions of the world. This issue must be studied for root causes so it can, if at all possible, be brought under some semblance of control before it is too late. The cost of ignoring this issue would be catastrophic to both communities on the beach and the marine life that depend on the coastal areas for their very survival.
Coastal erosion is a diverse issue with many different causes. However, it is basically defined as a situation that for some reason or another causes the amount of coastline in a given area to decrease. The causes behind coastal …show more content…

It is clear that erosion can happen in a variety of places for an assortment of reasons. Some of the hallmarks of an eroding coastline are obviously loss of coastal land and a decrease of offshore features, such as sandbars. One good example of this is the situation that is happening in the Louisiana delta region. In the area where the Mississippi river empties into the Gulf of Mexico, there is both erosion and deposition of sediment. However, certain areas are losing around one hundred square kilometers a year to erosion (Stewart). In this case, entire basins of what were once wetlands have simply disappeared from the map. The causes are variable, since the coastline is particularly vulnerable to weather and human interaction, but the large amount of land that has been lost is cause for concern. The image above shows the amount of land area lost and/or gained by erosion and sediment deposition in the last 5000 years. The lines mark the area of original land masses. Source:

While erosion is a serious concern for many coastal areas, there are many locations where the coastline is not eroding, and in fact my even be growing. Sediment taken from specific locations can be transferred to other coastal areas by means of waves and tides. The way in which this sediment is

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