
Coca-Cola Advertising

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ALEKSANDRA KULAWIK The Development of Coca-Cola Advertising Campaigns (1886 - 2007) The Development of Coca-Cola Advertising Campaigns (1886 -2007) | 3 © Copyright by Aleksandra Kulawik & e-bookowo 2009 ISBN 978-83-61184-69-0 Wydawca: Wydawnictwo internetowe e-bookowo Kontakt: Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie, rozpowszechnianie części lub całości bez zgody wydawcy zabronione Wydanie I 2009 The Development of Coca-Cola Advertising Campaigns (1886 -2007) | 4 INTRODUCTION 5 CONTENTS Chapter I: The Basic Concepts of Advertising 7 1. Brief History of Advertising 7 1.1. Preliminary forms 8 1.2. Result of urban growth 8 1.3. Advertising in …show more content…

We discuss the reliability and validity issues, advantages and disadvantages of DA, a short description of the language of advertising and language analysis in Coca-Cola slogans from 1886 to 2007. Early advertisements were not very attractive because of their colours (black and white). They were also not very convincing because they were addressed to receiver that was unknown. Now, there is a wide spectrum of numerous attractive advertisements that were created for the purpose of the new advertising campaigns. They are being changed and matched to the tastes and needs of consumers all the time. Coca-Cola has become an international company that has flooded many markets with its products. Both advertising theory and practice were included in Coke advertising campaigns. New ideas and new attempts to reach some interest of the audience are aimed to evoke the desire in the mind of consumer and to leave something in a memory- something that will be remembered by the next generations. The success of Coca-Cola campaigns, its slogans, songs, products etc. is a cultural phenomenon and tradition. The Development of Coca-Cola Advertising Campaigns (1886 -2007) | 7 Chapter I: The Basic Concepts of Advertising „Advertising is the principal reason why the business person has come to inherit the earth.” James R. Adams 1 1. Brief History of Advertising Advertising is more than just giving publicity

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