Bill Jones, President Pamela Smith, Vice President Florida State College at Jacksonville Management Theory and Practices Abstract Jacksonville Consulting LLC is a small firm in Jacksonville Fl. In this paper we are using several techniques to do research on the Coca Cola bottling Company. The research is to be used to evaluate the environmental issues and work force diversity of Coca Cola, also strategies and recommendations on these issues will be explored. Introduction: Jacksonville Consulting LLC is a small firm located in Jacksonville Florida. The President of the firm is Bill Jones and the Vice President is Pamela Smith, At Jacksonville Consulting we specialize in helping companies with …show more content…
(Essentials, 193) Coca-Cola needs to look at their role in addressing global challenges, in this case the purification and replenishment of the ground water in India. The Coca-Cola Company can use their influence to play a part in solving their issues and rebuild their relationship with the people of India. The Coca-Cola Company has put goals into place: Goal Progress Assess the vulnerabilities of the quality and quantity of water sources for each of our bottling plants and implement a locally relevant water resource sustainability program by the end of 2012. By the end of 2011, 612 of the 863 bottling plants in our system had complete source vulnerability assessments. 582 had completed source water protection plans, and 251 plans were scheduled to begin source vulnerability assessments in 2012. By the end of 2010, return the environment – at a level that supports aquatic life-the water we use in our system operations through comprehensive wastewater treatment. We aspire to treat all wastewater from our manufacturing processes. As of the end of 2011, we had achieved 96 percent alignment with our wastewater standards. By 2020, safely return to communities and nature an amount of water equal to what we use in our finished beverages and their production. We estimate we have balanced 35 percent of the water used in our finished beverages As managers take a leading role in bettering the
The need for water in all of society is of the upmost importance in order for humankind to survive. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) states that the Earth’s surface is made up of about 70% water and only 3.5% of the water is fresh water suitable to consume (Perlman, 2013). In order to have the resource of water that society needs, companies such as the Trinity River Authority (TRA) are formed in different communities around the globe. Water supply and reclamation companies range in size and structure from public to privately owned and run.
The Earth is a huge planet this is covered by 70 percent water. Astonishingly from this 70 percent the human population can only use 1 percent of the world’s water the rest of it is salt water, frozen, or in some way unattainable (Santa Clara Valley Water District, 2016). Humans have found many different ways to obtain this 1 percent of fresh water they need, but the techniques vary depending on location. In San Jose, California we obtain our water from 3 major sources: groundwater, imported surface water, and local mountain surface water. These 3 sources contribute different amounts of water to the San Jose community. Imported surface water composes about 50 percent of our water supply, while ground water composes roughly 40 percent, and local mountain surface water composes approximately 10 percent (Santa Jose Water Company, 2016). However, these percentages can change due to factors such as weather and global warming.
Water contamination is vastly becoming an alarming issue across the world. We rely on clean water to survive, yet right now we are heading towards a water crisis. Changing climate patterns are threatening lakes and rivers, and key sources that we tap for drinking water are being overdrawn or tainted with pollution ( Clean and plentiful water is the cornerstone of prosperous communities. Yet as we enter the 21st century, swelling demand and changing climate patterns are
Water is all around us. This substance is of high importance to every living thing which is on planet earth. As much as we consider water to be life and the most important substance, still we don’t seem to appreciate it very much, as it is being wasted in such great amounts. Everyone believes that water will always be around but not taking into account that the majority of the water on planet earth are not for human consumption. Human beings can only survive on consuming fresh water. The percentage of
Companies in packaging and meat industry like Hormel Foods are in needs of great amounts of water. Therefore, they are exposed to intensive “regulatory, reputational, and financial risk” related to water usage and water pollution resulting directly or indirectly from their daily operations. These are both important issues that Hormel Foods are doing their best to address.
Water sustainability is an ever-growing problem because of the increase in population, and over consumption used by agriculture, industry, and domestic which are using more water than we are able to supply. According to CBS News, California’s water shortage has been a big issue since 2011. Climate change has a lot to do with the amount of water we have available to us because the amount we need does not cut out to the amount needed to satisfy the population. Therefore, conservation is key; we must take into consideration the amount we use in a daily basis. Both you and I can easily save water we have, directly and indirectly like what we consume with what we eat, buy and use, which would overall improve water sustainability.
In less than a year, California residents will not have enough water to drink, and their beautiful state will turn into a desert. This problem is not limited to California, the entire world is facing clean water shortage problems. If the human community doesn’t pay attention to this problem, in a few decades the number of people who die due to lack of water or hunger that is caused by water shortage will be over millions a year. Polluting the remaining sources of clean water is also another problem. Some factories and farms are releasing their chemical waste into the close by water sources which causes contamination of the water. Harvesting new sources of water is required in order to increase the remaining sources of clean water, and also preventing water contamination is necessary because the process of removing waste from the water is very expensive. In order to solve the
The Coca Cola Company is very cautious and responsive to change; they act with urgency and have the courage to discourse when needed to work more efficiently. Coke’s focus is to administer its system assets to build values and rewards for the people who take risks by finding better ways to solve problems. Coca Cola Company feels they are accountable for their actions and inactions and hence answerable to the people. They learn from their outcomes and understand what works or what doesn’t for them.
Coca Cola endeavors to refresh the world, the company and its local bottling partners strive at
[description]A recent study in @@NAME@@ has found that bottled water contained traces of hazardous substances, which immediately caused panic in the media. It is unknown whether this is caused by the plastic bottles or bad filtration. An organization known as STOPETE has called for you to address this problem, and you have convened in the largest @@DENONYMADJECTIVE@@ bottling plant with a few people to discuss the issue.
The crisis that happened at Coca Cola was a very crucial incident. It affected issues such as brand and reputation, and the company has to take action so as not to ruin its image. Coca Cola is a company with a very strong brand name all over the world. An attack like this of the NGO can lead any company to problems. Although the Center for Science and Environment attacked the safety of Coca Cola India 's products, Coke was well within the Indian government 's legal limits for pesticide residue in beverages. The fact is that the country 's standards are weak, so the problem of Sanjiv Gupta and his team is how to rebuild trust. Furtherore, Gupta tries to find ways on how he could contribute on the creation of higher standards for food and
Sustainable and Adaptable Operations: Employees working in the bottled water industry should know the consequences of their actions when operating a specific resource, and how they should work efficiently and engage in sustaining that improvement, which will increase return on investment on the long-run. Adaptability is another major key for sustainability in resources, in order to stay up to date with consumer demands and the market on a global scale, the company must install the latest technology for its plants and equipment, avoiding the risk of lagging behind and allowing entry of other competitors.
This chart shows that the use of water may be affecting the environment and creating manmade water shortages all over the United States. This could be happening all over the world where water extraction is being performed. The two main ways that water is used for bottling are by means of drilling an aquifer and draining the water with large pumps, while about 45 percent of it is just treated tap water.
It is also of common knowledge that our nation’s wastewater treatment infrastructure is widely recognized to be in serious overhaul, if not outright replacement. (Crawford 2011). Also it is known that wastewater management does not figure among the environmental legal and regulatory matters that command public attention, despite the direct human and environmental health impacts of wastewater infrastructure failures, to say nothing of the unsavory nature of ruptured sewage lines and massive sewage spills, with their attendant harms for both land and water pollution (Crawford 2011). This is due to a lack of knowledge and education to the public concerning this serious threat. A serious national wastewater treatment crisis is imminent. The need to address our wastewater infrastructure deficiencies is urgent and not only for the centralized
Have you ever wondered if our drinking water is actually safe to drink? The topic of safe drinking water according to my research isn’t a topic that it’s given that much attention even though there have been events and statistics that have impacted our drinking water. There have been important events such as the chemical spill in Charleston, West Virginia and the ash sludge in Kingston Tennessee in 2008, these kind of events even though they have happen a few years ago still have an impact on our drinking water today. Lauren Russell is an important person because she stated that climate change is another factor that can affect our drinking water because it can impact the quality of the water since climate change is a main world problem it affects everyone 's drinking water. Another big factor of drinking water is what kind of chemicals are in our water that makes it safe for us to drink? I feel like people and I should be informed of the risks that human and natural disasters can do to our sites that we get our drinking water from. And we should also be inform if the chemicals that they put in our drinking water are one hundred percent safe. The reason why I chose this topic is because water is a necessity for every human so if we all get informed about this topic we can enforce better laws that can ensure us the best water quality for us to drink.