
Coca Cola

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Bill Jones, President Pamela Smith, Vice President Florida State College at Jacksonville Management Theory and Practices Abstract Jacksonville Consulting LLC is a small firm in Jacksonville Fl. In this paper we are using several techniques to do research on the Coca Cola bottling Company. The research is to be used to evaluate the environmental issues and work force diversity of Coca Cola, also strategies and recommendations on these issues will be explored. Introduction: Jacksonville Consulting LLC is a small firm located in Jacksonville Florida. The President of the firm is Bill Jones and the Vice President is Pamela Smith, At Jacksonville Consulting we specialize in helping companies with …show more content…

(Essentials, 193) Coca-Cola needs to look at their role in addressing global challenges, in this case the purification and replenishment of the ground water in India. The Coca-Cola Company can use their influence to play a part in solving their issues and rebuild their relationship with the people of India. The Coca-Cola Company has put goals into place: Goal Progress Assess the vulnerabilities of the quality and quantity of water sources for each of our bottling plants and implement a locally relevant water resource sustainability program by the end of 2012. By the end of 2011, 612 of the 863 bottling plants in our system had complete source vulnerability assessments. 582 had completed source water protection plans, and 251 plans were scheduled to begin source vulnerability assessments in 2012. By the end of 2010, return the environment – at a level that supports aquatic life-the water we use in our system operations through comprehensive wastewater treatment. We aspire to treat all wastewater from our manufacturing processes. As of the end of 2011, we had achieved 96 percent alignment with our wastewater standards. By 2020, safely return to communities and nature an amount of water equal to what we use in our finished beverages and their production. We estimate we have balanced 35 percent of the water used in our finished beverages As managers take a leading role in bettering the

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