| Coca-Cola |
Background Dr. John S. Pemberton invented Coca Cola in Atlanta, Georgia in May 1886. Coca-Cola first began selling their product at a soda fountain in Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta. The name came about when Dr. Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson suggested it. He even wrote out the script as seen today on the Coke bottles. Initially, Coca- Cola averaged nine drinks a day in the first year of their sales, adding up to $50 annual revenue. Today products of The Coca-Cola Company are consumed at the rate of 1.6 billion drinks per day and more. The Coca-Cola Company itself not only is a beverage company for one drink but also engages in the manufacturing, marketing and sales of nonalcoholic beverages
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Quality assurance is how Coca Cola guarantees that it will keep its’ customer base.
Coca Cola assures quality by making sure to focus on the four key consumer related components of their product; coca cola’s Ingredients, materials, the bottling process, and the manufacturing process. This way they can regulate every step of the process to keep the people, materials, machines, and ingredients safe while meeting their level of required quality.
Coca Cola is a global brand and as such, needs to meet the same standards throughout every manufacturer and supplier. Consistency is one of the brands key strengths and that means Coca Cola needs to be the same product in every bottle, no matter where it’s from. To manage their quality Coca Cola put the KORE system into place. This system holds all operations to the same quality standards and protocols. Coca Cola also installed new managers in three of their divisions to ensure successful direction of the company.
The company’s main strategy is expansion of geography. They plan on acquiring through strategic acquisitions including bottled water companies and springs. In addition they will expand their presence by broadening their geographic footprint through strategic acquisitions. They are dedicated to creating a multi-cultural team. Coca Cola is also dedicated to increasing their demand by updating packaging
A character that can be seen as a Christ Figure is Simon, in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Simon has many of the qualities listed as Christlike. He can be described as good with children because at one point in the book, he helped pick fruit for the littluns after helping Ralph build huts. Simon also spent time alone in the wilderness when he would walk to his special place in the forest, away from all of the other boys. And speaking of walking, that was his humble mode of transportation because he had no other way to get around the island.
The first company that conducted its operation in the soft drink industry was Coca-Cola. They brought a new revolution in the history of the world. Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as the best-known product in the world. Coca-Cola invented in May 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia. The name 'Coca-Cola ' was suggested by Dr. Pemberton 's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson. He kept the name Coca-Cola in the flowing script that is famous today. Coca-Cola was first sold at a soda fountain by mixing Coca-Cola syrup with carbonated soda in Jacob 's Pharmacy in Atlanta by Willis Venable. During the first year, sales of Coca-Cola averaged nine drinks a day, adding up to total
The Coca-Cola Company is America’s number one soda brand and has been consumer’s drink of choice for decades. Coca-Cola does not sell just for its great taste, but also for its effective marketing strategies and sustainability. According
Among the biggest challenges for Coca-Cola has been the bottling of its product (Coca Cola Company, 2013). The bottlers agreed
The Coca Cola Company is very cautious and responsive to change; they act with urgency and have the courage to discourse when needed to work more efficiently. Coke’s focus is to administer its system assets to build values and rewards for the people who take risks by finding better ways to solve problems. Coca Cola Company feels they are accountable for their actions and inactions and hence answerable to the people. They learn from their outcomes and understand what works or what doesn’t for them.
Coca-Cola products are available via the world’s largest distribution network. The company capitalizes on a global network of owned or controlled distributors, independent bottlers, wholesalers, and retailers. This enables Coca-Cola to closely manage costs and rapidly introduce new items into the marketplace. These activities have facilitated market presence, high volume deliveries, and product saturation during in recent years.
To achieve consistent quality and safety, the Coca-Cola Company have several benchmarks including strong governance practices, working rigorously in ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and standards. Coca Cola’s strict production and manufacturing policies, requirements, as well as specifications, are managed via the company’s integrated quality management program known as Coca-Cola Operating Requirements (KORE) (Albert et.al, 2014). The safety and quality of all operations in the system are measured and monitored against the same rigorous standards.
Coca Cola has differentiated its product and services that are valued by its customer. Its product are based on customer’s preferences, with affordable price and made easily accessible.
Coca-Cola is the result of a patent medicine formulated in a small southern pharmacy over a hundred years ago. It has grown into a multibillion dollar international company. It also owns one of the most valuable brands in the world. Their Coca-Cola banner has won the world’s top brand 13 times on brand c-consulting firm Interbrand’s annual list (Fraser, 2012). In addition to its main product, Coke, the company owns over 3500 beverages. One of its core competencies is brand building. They have built their brand to have respectability and dependability. Their brand and logo are recognized all around the globe. It has actually become a new known on almost all households worldwide (RNWILKIN, 2009).
The Coca Cola Company is a multinational company with more than 140,000 employees, the company is in beverage business and its flagship product Coca Cola is considered one of the best soft drink. Coca Cola soft drink is the real revenue generator of the Coca Cola Company. The company was found in 1892 and by 2010 it was reported that the company has the serving of 1.7 billion per day so the company has only grown since its inception. The company is serving its product in more than 200 countries, and the Coca Cola Company owns more than 500 brands, this shows that the graphs of the company is moving upwards and the Coca Cola Company is growing at an immense rate.
The Coca-Cola Company is a strong multinational company with a well-established trademark that has done well since 1886. The company has improved its marketing strategies to satisfy customers in a better way. Since its establishment, it has effectively differentiated itself by being considered as the largest manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of non-alcoholic syrups
Coca Cola was created by Dr. John S. Pemberton who wanted to create a soft drinks that could be sold in
Coca Cola’s first main weakness is that it is highly susceptible to any kind of negative publicity. Every kind of negative publicity can hurt the brand badly. Some years ago after traces of pesticides were found in the products of Coca Cola, it had hurt the brand really hard. Sales had dipped in various corners of the world apart from the criticism that flowed. Any such thing can hurt the popularity and sales of coca cola. However, Coca cola can overcome this weakness by being more transparent regarding the ingredients it uses in the production of its brands.
Their process is considered to be transparent. This means that is it not meant to be visible to their consumers. There are several processes that are implemented by the Coca-Cola Company. Two of the processes involve bottling and labeling solutions. One of the most important stages that Coca- Cola has to consider is the control of the company in order to get products at the agreed time with good quality. The last step the company considers is the selling of beverage for those customers of distributors that are targeted (“Marketing Mixes for Coca-Cola Marketing Essay”, 2013). Coca-Cola’s distribution process is a key element of their offering. The products are available in both cans and bottles. The products can be found in many different locations. These locations include supermarkets, retail stores, pop vending machines, businesses, and other public venues. Coca-Cola provides availability to their customers. This results in customer loyalty for Coca-Cola (Kokemuller, n.d.).
The Coca-Cola Company traces it's beginning to 1886, when Dr John Pemberton, began to produce Coca-Cola syrup for sale in fountain drinks. However the business of bottling began in 1899 when Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead, secured the elegant rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola in United States from the Coca-Cola Company.