Coding Sheets COM 401 During the semester, you will complete four Coding Sheets based on four research articles. Coding sheets outline key aspects of a research study. The articles and the coding sheets should help you write your Literature Review. Thus, you should choose articles for your Coding Sheets that relate to the research question or theory you will be writing about later in the semester. Specifically, each coding sheet should include the following information: APA citation (using correct form, see example below) Mongeau, P. A., Serewicz, M. C. M., & Therrien, L. F. (2004). Goals for cross-sex first dates: Identification, measurement, and the influence of contextual factors. Communication Monographs, 71, 121-147. …show more content…
(Meta-analyses or theoretical pieces do NOT meet assignment requirements.) ____ TOTAL POINTS (out of a maximum of 50 points/each) PLEASE STAPLE A COPY OF THIS FORM TO EACH CODING SHEET THAT YOU TURN IN (HARD COPIES ONLY). Coding Sheet |APA Citation: |
Driving down the road, Michael and Serina hadn’t a clue about what their day would entail. On a sunny evening during August 2017 in Florida, they were sitting in the bus on the way back from class. Serina and Michael always thought of the amazing technology that enabled them to get from one place to another. There are many means of transportation that they were fascinated with: cars, buses, trains, and planes. Planes were the most fascinating to them because of the way that they could get back to their hometown of Holland during school breaks, Because of their interest in planes, they had a project called, “Code 9,” which they had been working on for many years, Code 9’s name was special for a reason. The plane that they were building had special coding that powered the plane’s 9 engines. The special coding and the fast speeds of the plane enabled Michael and Serina to travel into the future. This project had been in the works ever since Michael and Serina started their college education in Florida. All that they wanted was to be able to get from Holland to Florida in less than an hour, but the special coding of the airplane enabled them to fly off into the future.
From the Topic 1 Brainstorming and Beginning Research worksheet choose three of the five peer-reviewed articles that you think will best support the sub-topic points you want to cover in your Expository Essay.
The audience plays a pivotal role in Modern Romance because the fundamental goal of the book is for Ansari to educate people on social and dating norms. His book is primarily directed towards teenagers and young adults who actively participate in the dating scene. While Ansari tried to cover the entirety of the “modern romance” conversation, he fails to do so. In an attempt to not lose reliability, he strengthens his argument by using ethos to acknowledge that “this book is primarily about heterosexual relationships,” (Ansari 8) along with pertaining to the “middle-class people, folks who had gone to college and put off having kids until their late twenties or thirties” (Ansari 9). By stating this, it saves readers the time of pondering what the dating culture is like for LGBTQ members and other people that don’t fit those catagories. Ansari wants this book to be a guide for people struggling in the dating world, so they can be more effective and have a higher chance of finding a soulmate or partner.
The article written by Belinda Robnett and Cynthia Feliciano “Patterns of Racial-Ethnic Exclusion by Internet Daters” is an analysis article that was published in March 2011, and it is property of the University of North Carolina Press. Robnett and Feliciano’s article is intended to inform and explore the ways people who decide to online date react to other online daters based on their race and gender. It clearly states that these two concepts significantly influence the choices that online daters are given, because based on the authors’ research an example given was that “Few studies have comparatively assessed the Latino, Asian and black acceptance rates of minority groups. While Latinos and Asians out-marry with whites, or inter-ethnically,
This is an article with a few research paper outline examples. Creating an outline is the first thing you should do before you start working on your research paper.
Allison, Rachel, and Barbara J. Risman. "A Double Standard For “Hooking Up”: How Far Have We Come Toward Gender Equality?." Social Science Research 42.(2013): 1191-1206. ScienceDirect. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
The definition for Medical Billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a health provider. The definition for Medical coding, is the process of converting diagnosis codes to ICD-9/10 codes and procedure codes into CPT codes. A Medical Biller and Coder may specialize in different areas. One area is in-patient facilities, and another area is in and out-patient facilities. An In-patient Coder works in an in-patient facility such as a nursing home, a rehabilitation centers or a hospital. Coders who work in hospital facility may utilize a different skill set, than those who work in a different kind of a health facility. A Coder needs to be
England, P., Shafer, E. F., & Fogerty, A. C. K. (2008). Hooking up and forming relationships on today’s college campuses. In M. Kimmel (Ed.), The gendered society reader (3rd ed., pp. 531– 593). New York: Oxford University Press.
These theories will guide the research questions and hypothesis of this study. Political conservatism and racial identity influence my viewpoint on racial identity and interracial dating. I believe that political conservatism plays a very large part in the idea of interracial dating. Political conservatism states that individuals stay true to the traditions of their cultures, beliefs, and religion. Separating races in the arena of relationships is a tradition that form early in society’s history. Examples of this include: anti-miscegenation, slavery, and black and white segregation. I also believe that racial identity plays a large part in interracial dating for cliché reasons such as: if you do not know or understand who you are as an individual how can you get to know someone else as an individual. Also racial identity encompasses how an individual feels towards his or her own race as a whole. How an individual feels about his or her own race affects their choices when it comes to interacting with individuals of another
America’s population has become more diverse within the years ethnically and culturally, which created opportunities for individuals from different backgrounds to engage in more romantic relationships. In the past society followed the social norms, with accepting the racial boundaries in dating and marriage. Interracial dating has had consequences that included family rejecting and social ridicule, which is still prevalent today, just not as much.
Codes are generally affixed to ‘chunks’ of different categories; words, sentences, phrases, or whole paragraphs linked or unlinked to a specific setting for instance. These chunks are retrieved and organized through the use of codes. The organizing section will necessitate some system for categorizing numerous chunks, in the goal that the researcher can easily find, take out, and assemble the segments connecting to a specific theme, research question, hypothesis, or construct (Miles and Huberman, 1994, pp. 56-57). They highlighted that it is preferable to deal with creating codes by designing a temporary ‘start list’ of codes related to fieldwork. That
At some point in our lives where we are searching for that special someone. The methods of going about dating have changed quite dramatically over the years. Going out has grown from traditional dating, to internet 'dating', to group dating.
Online dating has altered the process used for obtaining a romantic partner as well as has altered the process of compatibility matching. Online dating has created a new platform for meeting potential partners. Romantic relationships contribute to emotional well-being and individuals crave the intimate connections that are formed through their romantic partnerships; it is a fundamental part of human motivation. These dating sites have created a medium for potential partners to meet by alleviating the daunting task of conventional dating by solving the problems such as lack of access to potential partners, confronting potential partners regarding their romantic availability, and gathering the courage to approach strangers face to face (Finkel, Eastwick, Karney, Reis, & Sprecher, 2012).
Homnack (2015) suggests that “online dating has changed the ways in which interpersonal relationships are developed and maintained” (p. 2); Online daters are granted access to use various platforms through which they can easily meet other singles alike to them. Holloway and Valentine (2003) highlight that “for marginalized people, the internet allows them to meet other people alike to themselves who may not be immediately available in their local social circles” (Pascoe, 2011, p. 9). According to Pascoe (2009a) “young adults especially are at the forefront of developing, using, reworking, and incorporating new media into their dating practices in ways that might be unknown, unfamiliar and sometimes scary to adults” (p. 117). Today, the main
In response to what we have discussed thus far in Interpersonal Communication, I would like to further explore the idea of gender in the interpersonal communication arena. As was said in class, ”gender influences cultural perspectives.” Gender also influences how we view ourselves in society. On the flip side, I’ve seen how society can mold the way we label ourselves in terms of gender.