
Coding Sheet for Research Article

Decent Essays

Coding Sheets COM 401 During the semester, you will complete four Coding Sheets based on four research articles. Coding sheets outline key aspects of a research study. The articles and the coding sheets should help you write your Literature Review. Thus, you should choose articles for your Coding Sheets that relate to the research question or theory you will be writing about later in the semester. Specifically, each coding sheet should include the following information: APA citation (using correct form, see example below) Mongeau, P. A., Serewicz, M. C. M., & Therrien, L. F. (2004). Goals for cross-sex first dates: Identification, measurement, and the influence of contextual factors. Communication Monographs, 71, 121-147. …show more content…

(Meta-analyses or theoretical pieces do NOT meet assignment requirements.) ____ TOTAL POINTS (out of a maximum of 50 points/each) PLEASE STAPLE A COPY OF THIS FORM TO EACH CODING SHEET THAT YOU TURN IN (HARD COPIES ONLY). Coding Sheet |APA Citation: |

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