
Coffee and Starbucks Marketing Strategy

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Group Assignment
Modern Business and Management

Business analysis of a public limited company:

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Brief description of the company, its products and operations- p.3 2. Starbucks’ mission statement, its goals and an evaluation of its achievements in view of our knowledge- p.4 3. The company’s approach to social responsibility and its code of ethics- p.5 4. The degree of competition in the market it operates in, Starbucks’ marketing strategy, its target markets and competitors- p.6 5. Porter’s Five Forces analysis- p.7 6. Starbucks’ degree of involvement in the foreign markets- p.8 7. PESTEL analysis- P.9/10 8. Porter’s generic …show more content…

They ensure that every farmer, who is producing coffee or cacao beans which are going to be used at Starbucks, gets a fair loan, has fair and human working conditions and that they protect the right of the workers and want to provide them adequate living conditions. Another thing is that they try to aware the rain forest. So Starbucks tries to fight against the global climate change. They also try to avoid waste and to protect the water quality in the countries where their coffee is produced.

4. The degree of competition in the market it operates in, Starbucks’ marketing strategy, its target markets and competitors In the last few year the degree of competition in the coffee shop market increased a lot, while in the 1990s Starbucks had kind of a monopole as the only coffee shop chain, while nowadays there are more and more competitors. Like Tim Hortons a Canadian chain providing coffee and cakes with more of 3000 locations worldwide or McCafé. Also if Starbucks is until today the worldwide leading brand in this kind of segment, it is not that easier anymore. For example McCafe: McCafes are coffee shops included into McDonalds restaurant or also alone standing. They provide as same as the Starbucks coffee shops a wide range of bakery, hot and cold beverages and snacks. The only difference between them is the price, McCafe is focused like McDonalds on cost leadership, so they try that the prices are as small as possible, while

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